Sharon JaynesChristmas Inspiration 29 Comments

Mary’s Take on Today’s Christmas

Several years ago, I came across the following. It was a letter that could have been written by Mary, the mother of Jesus. At the beginning of each holiday season, I pull it out and read it again to help me keep Jesus the focus of this grand celebration we call Christmas. I want to share this… Read more

Sharon JaynesA Sudden Glory, General Inspiration, God's love, Renewing your mind with the Truth 7 Comments

He Loves Me!

I stood in a circle with a group of ladies to pray before heading to the podium to speak. They had been planning and preparing for about a year, and now the Christmas event was finally here. As we held hands in a circle of intercession, one of the women said, “This morning as I was sitting in the church praying for the event, God showed me that Sharon is very valuable to Him.” At that moment I began to weep…Read more

Sharon JaynesGeneral Inspiration, God's love, Relationships, Trusting God 46 Comments


One of the new features of my Blog is that I will have Guest Bloggers post from time to time. This will usually be when I’ve read something that stirs my heart, and want to share it with you. That’s what I’m doing today.

My brother left his wife and three teenage kids several years ago. (See, I told you I was just like you with messy families and the whole bit.) My sister-in-law has remained one of my best friends and his children are like my own.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesLiving Free, Living Fully, Trusting God 98 Comments

The Beauty of Boundaries

Talk to any mom and ask what a two-year-old’s favorite word is and most will agree. It’s “no.”

When my son was two years old, it certainly was his.

“Steven, put up your toys,” was met by, “No.”

“Steven, time for a nap,” was countered with, “No.”

“Steven, eat your green beans,” was resisted with,  Read more…

Sharon JaynesIdentity in Christ, Living Fully 64 Comments

The Horsehead Wallet

When my husband, Steve, was in high school, he worked various jobs and was notoriously frugal. His twin brother, Dan, and their best friend, Mike, were not quite so thrifty.

Dan and Mike did have odd jobs from time to time, but their funds disappeared as quickly as they got them. Steve was a saver, and they knew it.  Read more…