Speaking Sharon Jaynes


Speaking Sharon Jaynes

Sharon’s in-depth knowledge of Scripture, combined with an engaging story telling style, keeps listeners on the edge of their seats.

Sharon’s presentations are excellent for a variety of women’s events such as banquets, conferences, and retreats. Each topic is approximately 50-60 minutes and several can be woven together for conferences and weekend retreats.

Why Book Sharon

Whether it is a weekend retreat or conference keynote, Sharon’s in-depth knowledge of Scripture and storytelling style keeps listeners on the edge of their seats. Peppered with laughter and salted with tears, Sharon shares how God miraculously transformed her family riddled with alcohol and abuse. God took a little girl bound by feelings of inferiority, insecurity and inadequacy and transformed her into a woman of courage and confidence. Her desire is to encourage, equip and empower women to discover their position and purpose as a child of God and a co-heir with Jesus Christ.


"Sharon Jaynes brought a timely word to our community at our Inspire Ladies Conference!  It was presented in such a way that every woman was able to comprehend, receive and apply it to their everyday lives! The anointing of God was upon her to break off chains that had  held woman down for years  and allowed them to be set free and to be launched  into their destiny!"
Kathy Fox
Victory Church
Madisonville, KY
"Sharon ministered to the hearts of our ladies in a way that made everyone feel safe and able to be vulnerable before the Lord. From that honest place, many received encouragement from the Lord through the wisdom of the Word to press on in their faith journey--and for some, that meant beginning a new relationship with Jesus as their Savior. We are grateful for Sharon using her God-given gift of communicating the Gospel at Kingdom Hearts."
Lisa Pulliam
Kingdom Heart, Long Island, NY
"When Sharon spoke at our women's event, ladies came from eleven states and Canada to hear her. One hundred twenty-four churches in attendance! Over forty women accepted Christ for the first time. Sharon is funny, transparent, and engaging. We are still hearing how the women were impacted two years later!"
Leslie Wall
Barre, Vermont
"Sharon Jaynes is an absolute delight and true blessing to have for any ladies conference. Her message is easy to relate to, captivating, humorous, and spot on in all ways! She is truly beautiful inside and out. What a joy to work with - so down to earth and easy to talk to. Guests and event planners alike will walk away uplifted and encouraged after spending time with Sharon. Her straight-to-the-point message will renew listeners' faith and love for God no matter where they are on their faith journey. Don't hesitate! Book Sharon now! You won't regret it!"
Gretchen Cochran
Knox Ladies Seminar
Knox, PA
"As director of the Women's Ministries of the Sacramento District Church of the Nazarene I had a lot of contact with Sharon in preparation for our conference. Our ladies were truly ministered to with Biblical truth, humor and a great dose of God's anointing."
Patty Powers
Sacramento District Church of the Nazarene
"Sharon is a woman of great integrity and a tremendously gifted speaker with a heart after God and the women He loves!  In over 20 years of teaming up with speakers to offer an annual women's conference in New England, Sharon is clearly one of our very favorites.  She knows how to feed the hungry soul with life-changing and relevant Truth for both seekers and seasoned believers, and when we have been blessed by the transparent way she offers herself and her gifts, everyone can agree that the Holy Spirit has worked through her and in us! Follow-up for many women who come to us from a distance is always a concern, so we are thrilled to offer women an opportunity to continue to find encouragement through her excellent books and on-line devotions. Sharon is a joy to work with as she approaches her ministry with wisdom, humility, and a desire to come alongside. From the beginning she has responded in sweet friendship, and it is no wonder that women ask for her again and again!"
Sylvia Wallis
Bloom Women's Conference
Westfield Evangelical Free Church
Westfield, MA
"We have had several nationally recognized speakers for our City Wide Women's conferences over the past years, and it's been repeatedly stated that Sharon Jaynes was our all time favorite. She is a solidly Bible based teacher, and both genuine and transparent in her delivery of the message she brings. Her message to us was one of life transformation and HOPE, amidst this sometimes crazy and chaotic world. Our Ladies are STILL quoting her, referencing her books, and following her through her Girlfriends in God website and personal blog. Sharon Jaynes is not only a wonderful speaker, but  has become a friend forever!"
Sharon Greene
Redding Christian Fellowship
Redding, CA
"Ottawa was thrilled to have Sharon Jaynes join our women's  conference as a feature speaker and share her heart from her life experiences and her spiritual journey through Biblical insights. Sharon is gifted with words that capture the audience's attention as she paints  verbal pictures. Sharon becomes everyone's friend and takes time to interact with women in person. One of the highlight "moments" of our conference was when Sharon challenged the women to write their needs on paper and do a commitment walk to the front of the sanctuary. It was a visual picture that none of us will ever forget. Her freshness and honesty make Sharon "real."
Mary Ferguson
Metropolitan Bible Church
Ottawa, Canada
"Sharon Jaynes is an extraordinary communicator with a wonderful balance of humor, scripture, stories and solid teaching done in an extremely winsome way! Her explanation of the Gospel was crystal clear and I loved the way she invited women to come to Jesus for salvation. Many responded! She seemed to be able to relate to everyone and the evaluation scores were sky high! One of the attendees wrote: "I heard the Lord speaking to me through Sharon Jaynes. It felt as if she could see into my soul!"
Candy Davison
Sandy Cove Ministries
Sandy Cove, MD
    She leads audiences on a spiritual treasure hunt to discover their true identity and see themselves as God sees them. Her messages inspire women to grasp the truth that can set them free, transform pain into purpose and become the magnificent creatures that God planned all along. No matter where a woman is on her journey toward the heart of God, Sharon helps them take the next step closer.


    Below you will see some typical topics and suggested event themes. However Sharon loves working with ministry coordinators to tailor each event to the unique needs and requests of the women. She loves brain- storming with leaders to make each event fresh, creative, impactful, and meaningful.


    Most women long to experience the abundant, thriving faith that Jesus came to give. However, many get stuck in the mediocre mundane faith that is less than what they'd hoped for. Sharon compares our faith to a trapeze artist who swings out, swings back, and then on the third swing takes hold of another bar to per- form flips, twists, and summersaults. But what if he refused to let go of the first bar. He would be stuck hanging in the middle...which is where many of us are today. Paul wrote in Philippians 3:12, "I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me." In order to "take hold" of what Jesus has already taken hold of for us and placed in us, we have to "let go" of everything that holds us hostage and hinders us from doing so. We'll learn how to let go of insecurity and take hold of our true identity; let go of inadequacy and take hold of God's sufficiency; let go of the tendency to compare and take hold of our uniqueness; let go of a painful past and take hold of a purposeful future. Sharon camps out fireside with Moses at the burn- ing bush to answer four questions that we all must answer to experience life to the full. She'll show you how to turn stumbling blocks from the past into stepping stone in the present. Women leave ready to let go of all that hinders them from living life to the full, move forward to do all that God has fashioned them to do, and live bold in the adventurous faith.

    Girl, You’re More Than Enough

    I haven't met a woman yet who doesn't feel like she's not enough in some area of her life. The voices in our head sometimes say, I'm not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough...or just not enough period. And it's not true. In this session, or multiple sessions, Sharon gives a four-step process to stopping the lies of the enemy that tell women they're not enough: Realize the Enemy's True Identity, Recognize the Lies, Reject the Lies, and Replace the Lies with Truth. Through humor and biblical teaching, Sharon shows women how to stop listening to the lies that sabotage their confidence and embrace the truth of who God's says they are: holy, chosen, dearly loved children of God who are empowered by God, equipped by the Holy Spirit and enveloped by Jesus Christ...just for starters. They will learn how to silence the voices inside that whisper you're not good enough, accept God's grace to move past failures that have defined and confined them, and preload their heart with truth to fight their deepest insecurities. They will leave knowing that because of the finished work of Jesus on the cross, and His spirit in them, they are enough! This session is based on Sharon's book, Enough: Silencing the Lies that Steal Your Confidence

    The Power of a Woman’s Words: How the Words You Speak Shape the Lives of Others

    "I can't believe I just said that!" How many times have we felt that way? It's time to tame the tongue and get our words under control! Did you know that your words are shaping other's lives? That they are the mirrors in which others see themselves? Every day we have a choice to speak life into those around us or suck the life right out of them. In this session, or multiple sessions, Sharon shows women how to exchange careless words that hurt for intentional words that help, recognize words that tear down confidence and replace them with words that build up courage, tame the tongue by applying practical principles that help you think before you speak, and overcome negativity that pushes people away to become a well of positivity that draws others in. This session is filled with humorous stories of words gone wrong and heart-warming stories that have changed lives forever. Women will leave knowing that their words can change the course of someone's day...even someone's life.

    Seeing Your Story in God’s Story

    From Sharon's book, When You Don't Like Your Story: What if Your Worst Chapters Could become Your Greatest Victories. Everybody loves a good story, but not everyone likes their own story. Most have certain chapters of their lives that they would rather tear out of the narrative. But what if the very chapters that we wish weren't part of our stories are the very ones God wants to use the most! In this session Sharon shares how to come to grips with why bad things happen, consider how God is working behind the scenes, and look through the lens of providence and praise rather than the lens of pain and regret. We'll make a decision to stop picking at emotional scabs and start embracing God's healing and wholeness. Women will leave knowing that God's wants each of us to use what we've gone through for good...to help someone else. They will see the "good" of Romans 8:28 and grow excited about sharing their stories with each other and the world. They will see that their stories matter and God has a perfect ending in store.

    Never Less Than: Living Empowered, Esteemed, and Equipped When the World Tells You Otherwise

    It's easy to read the New Testament through twenty-first century eyes and miss just how radically freeing Jesus' treatment of women really was--how he risked his reputation to save theirs. When we understand the cultural norms of Jesus' day, we see how he broke the rules to set women free. During his day, women weren't allowed to talk to men in public, sit under a rabbi's teaching, testify in court, mingle with men at social gatherings, or worship with men on the Sabbath. They weren't counted as people, were considered property, and had no rights. Amazingly, Jesus broke every one of those rules to honor and esteem women. In this session, Sharon looks at several women in the New Testament and how Jesus called them out of the shadows to play leading roles in the gospel story. Their story is our story. Women will leave this session feeling extremely loved and esteemed by the One who loves them most.

    Lovestruck for a Lifetime

    It's easy for an "I do" in marriage to turn into "I don't anymore." It's easy for a soulmate to turn into a roommate. But it doesn't have to be that way. In this session for married women, Sharon combines key elements from her books, Lovestruck: God's Design for Romance, Marriage, and Sexual Intimacy and Praying for Your Husband from Head to Toe: A Daily Guide to Scriptural Prayer. She helps women see marriage from a fresh perspective and reignite the passion that was there in the beginning. This session helps women replace feelings of indifference and apathy toward marriage by taking intentional and creative steps that strengthen the relationship, look for little foxes that have snuck in and eaten away at love, and recognize anything or anyone that has crept into marriage to create disunity. Women will be able to discover the warning signs of growing separateness, take steps to strengthen friendship, and recalibrate the direction their marriage is headed by starting with the end in mind.


    Based on Sharon's books Take Hold of the Faith Your Long For, and Enough: Silencing the Lies that Steal Your Confidence

    Jesus said, "I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full," (John 10:10). So what keeps us from experiencing that abundant life that we all long for? What keeps us from living in the freedom that Jesus gave His life for? What keeps us from entering our own personal Promised Land? In this session, Sharon shares how a full calendar does not mean a full life. She shares how feelings of inferiority, insecurity, and inadequacy can stand in the way of experiencing all that God has planned for those who love Him, (1 Corinthians 2:9). However, when we believe the truth of who we are, what we have, and where we are as a child of God, He turns our "I can't" into "God can." This liberating seminar also includes a session on Leaving the Past Behind and Taking Every Thought Captive. While this topic works well as a stand along keynote session, it is most effective as a multi-session conference or retreat. This conference is similar to Becoming Spiritually Beautiful, but wrapped in a different package presentation.


    Nothing closes our eyes shut to experiencing God's presence like in gratitude, and the cure comes in capsules of praise, thanksgiving, and a grateful heart. In this session Sharon shows how gratitude aligns your perspective with God's truth, awakens your senses to experience God's presence, affects those around you in positive ways, and adjusts your attitude to experience joy in all things. You'll learn how gratitude changes the lens through which you see your circumstances as problems grow smaller and God grows larger. Jonah taught us that the way out of the belly of the whale is praise. If a woman feels far from God, Sharon shows how praise and thanksgiving is the ramp to get back on the right road. WARNING: in this session, gratitude will be very contagious and each woman is sure to leave a carrier. (This is a single, stand-alone session, but can be combined with other topics. It works well as a final session for a multi-session retreat or conference.)

    Christmas Events

    Sharon is also available for Christmas events that will prepare women's hearts to celebrate a Christ-centered Christmas!

    For an entire list of topics and sessions for retreats, download Sharon's Speaker Sheet.


    Sharon speaks to women all around the world at all types of events to speak truth

    into their lives making God's voice the loudest voice and encourage them in every facet of their lives.



    January 30-February 3, 2020
    Girlfriends in God Cruise
    Leaving from Tampa,FL
    Docking at Cozumel, Mexico
    More details to follow.
    February 8, 2020
    Women of Integrity
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
    Held at: North Kildonan Mennonite Church
    Contact Person: Esther Bissell

    March 21, 2020 Postponed due to Coronavirus
    Beale Memorial Baptist Women's Conference
    Tappahannock, Virginia
    Contact Person: Dale Mitchell

    April 24-26, 2020 Postponed due to the Coronavirus
    Girlfriends in God Women's Conference
    Ridgecrest Conference Center
    Black Mountain, NC
    The first 75 registrations will receive a private meet and greet with Mary, Sharon, and Gwen.

    July 30-August 2, 2020
    Proverbs 31 She Speaks Conference
    www.proverbs31.org for details

    August 21-23, 2020
    Word of Life Inn and Conference Center Postponed due to Coronavirus
    Schroon Lake, NY
    Contact Person: Julie Ely

    September 19, 2020
    Beale Memorial Baptist Women's Conference Postponed due to Coronavirus. Rescheduled March 20, 2021
    Tappahannock, Virginia
    Contact Person: Dale Mitchell

    September 26, 2020 Postponed due to Cornonavirus. Rescheduled September 25, 2021
    Pleasantview Baptist
    Arlington, TX
    Held at: Pleasantview Baptist
    Contact Person: Susan McNeil

    October 16-18, 2020
    Girlfriends in God Women's Conference
    Sandy Cove Conference Center
    North East, MD
    Contact Person: Andrea Hampton

    November 6-8, 2020 Postponed. Rescheduled April 9-11, 2021
    Girlfriends in God Rise Up Women's Conference
    Ridgecrest Conference Center
    Black Mountain, NC
    The first 75 registrants will receive a private meet and greet with Mary, Sharon, and Gwen.

    2024 - 2025

    September 20-22, 2024
    With Music artist and worship leader, Babbie Mason
    Sandy Cove Women's Weekend
    Sandy Cove Conference Center
    Contact Person: Andrea Hampton


    October 19, 2024
    Bethel Christian Church Women's Event
    Bethel Christian Church
    Contact Person: McKell Hillebrand


    December 7, 2024
    Immanual Bible Foundation Christmas Event
    Held at: Doubletree by Hilton
    10 Brickyard Drive, Blookington, IL
    Contact Person: Annette Klinzing


    January 14, 2025
    Feast Together Event
    Held at Crossroads Fellowship
    2721 E Millbrook Road, Raleigh, NC
    Contact Person: Morgan Morgan


    February 8, 2025
    Southside Church of Athens, GA Women's Event
    Southside Church
    Contact Person: Candy Williams
    Church Phone: 706.240.0262


    February 22, 2025
    Madison Methodist Women's Ministry Event
    Madison Methodist Church, Madison, MS
    Contact Person: Haley Eargle
    Church Phone: 601.856.6058


    March 10, 2025
    Central Baptist Church Paragould Women's Ministry Event
    Central Baptist Church Paragould Campus
    Contact Person: Joy Ligon
    Church Phone: 870.565.9858


    March 13-15, 2025
    Eagle Sky of the Ozarks Women's Event
    Eagle Sky of the Ozarks Christian Camp
    Contact Person: Debbie Urzi
    Camp Phone: 573.287.3288


    April 11, 2026
    Sparkling Hope Women's Ministry
    Cadott, Wisconsin
    Contact Person:Janet Brandli
    jbpiano97@gmail.com "



    If you have an event coming up and you’d like to connect with Sharon to see if she would be a good fit for your audience, please fill out the information below and we'll get back to you soon.