Sharon JaynesRenewing your mind with the Truth, Uncategorized 5 Comments

Telling Yourself the Truth

Hi Sweet Friend. I’ve been thinking so much about how I long for you to take hold of this one truth: Because of Jesus’ finished work on the cross, and His Spirit in you…you are enough.

In my new book, Enough: Silencing the Lies That Steal Your Confidence, (which releases just 1 WEEK from today!) I share the plan I have followed to silence the lies that hold us hostage and lean into God’s still,  Read more…

Sharon JaynesConfidence in Christ, Dealing with Your Past, Expectant Living, Living Fully, Take Hold of the Faith You Long For, Uncategorized 83 Comments

You Are Worth More

I’m sharing a devotion over at Proverbs 31 Ministries today. I wanted to share this with you too. Here’s what I want you to know: You are worth more!

As a little girl, I never felt I was worth very much.

I always felt I wasn’t pretty enough, smart enough or good enough. I sensed my parents tolerated me but certainly didn’t delight in me.   Read more…

Sharon JaynesConfidence in Christ, Identity in Christ, Living Free, Living Fully, Prayer/Spiritual Warfare, Renewing your mind with the Truth, Uncategorized 85 Comments

When the Devil Tries to Sneak Up On You

Did you know the devil wants to sneak up on you? He prowls around like a lion just looking for the right opportunity.

If Satan came to you in a little red suit with a pitchfork and announced himself as the devil, you wouldn’t believe a word he said. I wish he would, but he is cunning and disguises himself as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14).  Read more…

Sharon JaynesUncategorized 7 Comments

How to Melt a Cold Shoulder

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, and I know for a lot of women, it’s a tough day.

If you’re single, you might be sick of seeing red and pink hearts at every turn. I get it. I really do. One more week and it will all be over.

There are also a lot of married women that can’t wait for the day to be over.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesConfidence in Christ, Living Fully, Uncategorized 144 Comments

Friday Friend Giveaway! When You Feel Afraid

Hurray! It’s time for a Friday Friend Giveaway! Today I’m welcoming my friend Wendy Blight to share from her new Bible study on 1 John, I Am Loved: Walking in the Fullness of God’s Love. Plus she’s giving away a copy to one of my readers below! Wendy is a wife, mother, author, Bible teacher, attorney, and writer for Proverbs 31 Ministry’s First 5 app.   Read more…

Sharon JaynesUncategorized 227 Comments

Friday Friend Giveaway! You’re Not the Only One

Hurray! It’s Friday and time for the Friday Friend Giveaway. Today, my guest is Holley Gerth. Holley is a precious soul, and one of my prayer partners. She can often be found at a quiet corner table in a coffee shop with a hot latte and her banged up, beloved laptop. She’s the Wall Street Journal bestselling author of You’re Already Amazing and several other books as well as a counselor and life coach.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesDreams of a Woman, Expectant Living, Listening to God, Uncategorized 129 Comments

Friday Friend Giveaway! Listen to the Girl Inside

Hurray! It’s Friday and time for the Friday Friend giveaway. Today, my guest is Crystal Hurst. She’s an amazing wife, mother, and friend. You just might know her dad, Tony Evans. Chrystal is carrying on her family tradition of loving Jesus and telling others all around the world about the One who set her free. Let’s lean in as Chrystal encourages us from her her book,  Read more…

Sharon JaynesUncategorized 6 Comments

When You Want More Joy in Your Life

As we’re headed into November and Thanksgiving, I’ve been thinking a lot about gratitude. Gratitude and thanksgiving are so important for your soul. It is not just what God wants from you; it is what God wants for you.

Gratitude has been called the “memory of the heart.” Praise and gratitude bring up pictures in our minds that say,  Read more…