Sharon JaynesMotherhood, Power of Words, Relationships 13 Comments

Zip It

Have you ever said something you wished you could take back? Silly question. We all have. But

I remember taking my son, Steven, to an amusement park just before he began fourth grade. It was hot, the lines were long, and I began to feel queasy from being gyrated and jerked to sudden stops from 60 miles per hour.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesEnough, Trusting God, Women in the Bible 30 Comments

Is God Enough?

Have you ever been reading the Bible and suddenly something grabs hold of you so tightly, you know, oh you know, that God has opened your eyes to a new truth? That He has spoken to you loud and clear? Not through someone else, but directly to you? That happened to me one morning while reading the story of Ruth,  Read more…

Sharon JaynesListening to God, Living Fully, Trusting God 157 Comments

Hang On and Trust God

Have you ever felt that this thing called life is just too hard? I know I have.

I remember when my son was four-years-old and I was trying to teach him how to snow ski.  The first day was just horrible…at least it was for me. I felt like a down-covered workhorse as I lugged two sets of skis in one arm while dragging along Steven with the other.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesEnough, Listening to God, Trusting God 6 Comments

When You Feel Empty

A sign was posted on a telephone pole by the grocery store:  LOST DOG with three legs, blind in left eye, missing right ear, tail broken and recently castrated. Answers to the name of “Lucky!”

Perhaps as you’ve had times in your life when you’ve felt about that lucky! You’ve wondered how you can help someone else or encourage someone else when you feel so empty.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesA Sudden Glory, Expectant Living, Listening to God 11 Comments

Divine Interruptions

Sometimes I get so busy, I forget to slow down and experience God’s presence all around me. Does that every happen to you? Let’s stop now and ponder His presence through a few words from A Sudden Glory.

All day long God is working in and around us. It is so easy to simply go about the task of living without seeing God’s handprints on our circumstances and footprints on our paths.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesMarriage, Prayer, Prayer/Spiritual Warfare, Praying Wives Club 40 Comments

Praying for Your Husband from Head to Toe

I know that devotions on marriage are difficult for many who are not married and perhaps would like to be. That’s why I usually keep the marriage devotions that minister to thousands of women in the month of February. Whether you are married or single, please pray for marriages in the Body of Christ to be strong.

I can still remember being sequestered in the “Bride’s Room” of our church just moments before the organist began to play for the early arrivals.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesMarriage, Prayer, Prayer/Spiritual Warfare, Praying Wives Club, Relationships 90 Comments

Prayer Can Change a Man’s Heart

I know that devotions on marriage are difficult for many who are not married and perhaps would like to be. That’s why I usually keep the marriage devotions that minister to thousands of women in the weeks around Valentine’s Day. Whether you are married or single, please join us me in praying for marriages all around the world. Also, the prayer at the end of this blog can be used to pray for anyone in your life.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesLiving Free, Living Fully, Take Hold of the Faith You Long For, Trusting God 26 Comments

Leaving the Land of Disappointment

Have you ever felt discouraged and disappointed? Silly question. We all have. Keep reading and you’ll see how Mary Magdalene handled those same feelings. Let’s see what we can learn from her.

Sometimes you expect you’re getting a Rachel and you wake up with a Leah. Okay, I know that example might connect better with a guy, but you get the point.  Read more…