Sharon JaynesGratitude, Identity in Christ, Knowing God, When You Don't Like Your Story 46 Comments

Why Your Story Matters

I was 16 years old and about 100 pounds soaking wet.

My friend’s dad, Mr. Evans, gathered up a few of us teenagers and drove us to a church just outside my hometown. We were going to give our testimonies at a Saturday night gathering of strangers. I’d never stood behind a podium, spoken into a mic, or stared at a sea of faces thinking I had something to say.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesA Sudden Glory, Gratitude, Living Free, Living Fully 19 Comments

God’s Articulate Presence

I love Post-It Notes! Yellow,  fuchsia, turquoise, buttercup, and magenta. From full-page mega notes to tiny little strips, sticky notes have saved me from embarrassment, kept me organized, and helped me memorize. Mostly, they have served as visual reminders of information, events, and appointments not to forget.

But visual reminders of things not to forget didn’t begin with Post-It Notes.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesChristmas Inspiration, Gratitude 12 Comments

Wrapping Up Christmas

Who in the world would wait until Christmas Eve to do their Christmas shopping? I find it hard to believe the statistics that show December 24th is one of the biggest shopping days of the year, so one season I decided to venture out to the stores and see for myself. I usually have my Christmas list complete by Thanksgiving to avoid the crowds,  Read more…

Sharon JaynesChristmas Inspiration, Enough, Gratitude, Identity in Christ, Knowing God, Relationships 119 Comments

Just What You’ve Always Wanted

Yard sales. I’ve never really liked them. But when we were preparing to move from our home of twenty years, we decided it was the best way to clean out the clutter and make a little money.

We displayed our lovely attic décor on makeshift plywood tables and waited for the bargain babes to descend. Two hours before the advertised opening time,  Read more…

Grumpy or Grateful

Sharon JaynesA Sudden Glory, Gratitude 99 Comments

The Contagiousness of Grumpy and Grateful

A few months ago, I was in the airport headed to New Jersey. It was a typical rush, rush, rush morning. Grab the bags, trudge through traffic, hunt for a parking space, follow the herd, wade through security, dash to the gate. Folks aren’t usually very friendly in airports. Eyes look straight ahead. Purposed feet slap the floor. Overstuffed bags roll behind.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesGod's love, Gratitude, Knowing God 144 Comments

When People Get On Your Nerves

It’s coming. We can’t stop it. The holidays are upon us. And while it is a joyous time of year, it can also try our patience and get on our last nerve. Actually, it’s not the season itself…but the people.  Am I the only one who feels that way? I don’t think so…smile.

While pondering the happy and the harrowing feelings that come along with all this togetherness that is coming over the next six weeks,  Read more…