Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it.

It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way. If an entry has too much information about another person that could embarrass or disrespect them, it will not be posted. 

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

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    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • a missionary and his family need a car while waiting here in States after 5 years on the mission fields.
    • Please pray for my family to stay together and for God to redeem our lives out of the pit following him each step of the way with his strength and courage.
    • Jesus Christ Lord and Savior, my concerns are many peace on earth righteousness for humans, healing for the sick, respect for one another and most importantly for all to acknowledge your deserving honor and respect. You are the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world have mercy on us.
      Let us give you Glory. In your Holy name. Amen
    • My prayer request is for my home.. my relationship
      I come to God with prayer I love this man and want to have a loving relationship but also know I am a daughter of God and deserve to be happy and treated and loved daily.. please pray over our relationship for guidance to do as God wants of this relationship his way
    • Prayers that our daughters would soften their hearts and seek Jesus.
    • There is a demon lurking about this house in which I live. You see I am responsible for my 94 year old father and I have moved into his house to care for him. There are some women that wait for me to leave to visit they have so far had him write checks in excess of $6000. I’ve prayed that God would lift the scabs from his eyes to see that they are taking advantage of him. Or maybe it’s me that has the scabs. Either way I know that prayer will heal us both.
    • That settling my Mother and Stepdads estate will be done peacefully and quickly with no hard feelings are arguments.
    • Please pray for my family to stay together and for God to redeem our lives out of the pit following him each step of the way with his strength and courage.
    • My baby grandson, Gabe, had heart surgery at 4 months and is still grandson Evan 12 was thrown from a bull at rodeo and broke his jaws had surgery to wire it shut..prayers for son has mental problems and is always angry..prayers
    • My husband and I are moving away from our beach house that we have lived in for 35 years. I don’t want to leave my little home but my husband is adamant that we are going. Please pray for God to give me peace as I submit to my husband. My heart feels broken.
      1. Dawn Soukup

        Praying for your peace that it will pass all your understanding in Jesus name amen

    • Praying for my friend daughter who has brain cancer her name is Tomika. Thank
    • Physical restoration from benign brain tumor surgery - facial, vision, hearing, balance. Thank you God is faithful!❤️
    • I have an unspoken request. I have cried out to God for months on end now and I know that I have been praying not in faith, but in hope. I have repented and now I need to believe that God will answer my prayer in the way He knows is best for those involved. I am leaning on that verse that says, \"I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me.\"
      Thank you.
      1. Bobbi S Mayes

        Prayed for your unspoken

      2. Ashleigh

        Lord, I pray over Linda today. I pray that You will renew her strength and faith in You. You hear our prayers and every tear that we shed You catch. You know Linda\'s heart. You know what her need is, and I pray that You will pour over Linda, Your love and Your presence. I pray that You will speak to Linda today; reminding her that she is Yours. You love her. You will never leave her or forsake her. You know what is going on and You haven\'t been taken back by it. I pray that Linda\'s faith will be renewed and through this time in her life, she will see Your hand move in ways that she never thought possible. You are a Way maker and a Miracle worker. You are an awesome God! You know all and see all. You know what is best for us, even when we don\'t see or understand. I pray that every lie the enemy has spoken into Linda\'s mind will wither away in the name of Jesus. I pray that Your truths will drown out the enemies lies. He is out to steal, kill and destroy, Linda. Weapons will form against us but Your word says that they will not prosper. You have plans for Linda. Prosperous plans! Plans with hope for the future. You are the same yesterday, today and forever. You are faithful. I pray that You will give Linda Your peace and Your joy today.

    • I need prayer for my daughter (J Cuevas) She is living in the world in the process of a divorce and is not a nurturing caring mother to my granddaughter who is suffering through this horrible time. She spends no time with her daughter but wants full custody. Her choices of friends are non believers and serving the world. I need breakthrough prayers for her. I need redemption for her. I pray she walks with the lord and all these people be removed from her life. I pray restoration in her life. She was recently arrested for DWI. She has a past history of drugs. Pray please pray for my granddaughter who has to live with this nightmare no choice of her own. She’s just a child 7 yo. Thank you and god bless to all prayer warriors.
      1. Ashleigh Whybrew

        Lord, You have led me right to sweet Margie\'s prayer and I am so moved in my spirit to pray over her. I am all too familiar with this type of situation. God, in the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I bind and rebuke any evil scheme or person that is attached to Margie\'s daughter and granddaughter. I pray a hedge of protection over Margie, her daughter and for her granddaughter. I pray in the powerful name of Jesus that every strong hold from the enemy, that is attached to Margie\'s daughter will be removed in the mighty name of Jesus. I pray in the name of Jesus, a powerful awakening will happen over Margie\'s daughter. I pray the enemies scales will be removed from her eyes. I pray that she will be brought to godly repentance so that she will know just how much You love her. I pray a hedge of protection over Margie\'s granddaughter. I pray that You will pour out Your love and peace over her granddaughter. I pray that the life she has lived will not sink in and affect her. I pray that Your truths and love and hope will pour over Margie\'s granddaughter and that she will come to You, through this hard time, and hold onto You. I pray in the mighty name of Jesus that every past drug addiction in this young woman\'s life will wither away and will be no more. I pray that an angel army is sent to surround Margie, her daughter and granddaughter. I pray that the enemy will flee in the mighty name of Jesus. I pray that every non believing friend will flee from them all in the name of Jesus. I pray that every fiery dart the enemy will be put out with Your protection and truths today. God, You love Margie. You love her daughter and granddaughter. I pray that Margie\'s daughter will accept Your gift of salvation. I pray that she will give her life over to you, today. I pray that her DWI and all that comes with that choice, will help wake her up! I pray that You will meet her wherever she is today, and pour out Your presence. Revealing Yourself to her and showing her that what this world has to offer isn\'t what You have planned for her. I pray that through all of these trials that this family is facing, they don\'t lose hope. I pray that You will make a way where there seems to be no way. You are powerful, mighty and loving towards everyone of us. We are so thankful that You are I AM.

    • Prayers for healing after finally breaking a 23 year trauma bond and getting away from abuse. I feel so lonely and he\'s already replaced me........
    • I have been laid off since last August due to COVID - also we need to find a cheaper house to rent to avoid eviction . Please need emergency prayers
    • Please pray that my daughter KiArrah will get a scholarship to remain in college. She is the first in our family to go away and she is doing well with a 3.5 GPA, i\'m a single mom and Im having issues with making ends meet for our home and her college needs. Thank you all for the prayers.
    • For healing from allergy to most foods and arthritis and inflammation due to a weakened immune system from the cancer treatment.
    • I pray for relief for The Western states from drought & fires, please protect those affected & those treating the affected & the fires. Please protect all areas dealing from Climate change catastrophes & give Wisdom on how to protect those affected & how to protect our Earth In the Name of Jesus
    • Following a painful divorce after 31 years of marriage I am ready to open my heart to someone else. I am ready to receive the godly man He has chosen for me. Ready to receive and serve along side someone and share life.
    • I need God’s direction on some decisions I need to make. My only income is social security and I can barely get by. The prices of gas and groceries has really caused a burden for me. I could use a part time job but the only ones available here are in department stores or fast food. I have knee problems and can’t stand for very long without causing horrible pain. I’ve thought of selling my house but I don’t know where I would move to. Please pray for my unsaved loved ones too. Thank you for your prayers. Have a blessed day!
    • Healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby for me and my husband. We’ve been to two failed pregnancy but praying that God will enable us to be pregnant again. Thank you all!!
    • That God will make away for my daughter to get to school in August at Syracuse University. They God will me of anything that is wrong within my body. In the Name of Jesus
    • I am praying for deliverance from depression and anxiety. I am also praying for weight loss. I am addicted to food and cannot break the habit in my own strength.
    • Please pray for my 34 year old twins for salvation that the lord would guide them in all ways that they would be the people that God has created them to be for his protection in every area of the lives for Godly mates their names are Jennifer lee Sturm and Christopher w. Sturm please pray that as mom i will learn to give them to Gods care every day.

      1. Ashleigh

        Lord, I come to You today praying over Jennifer and Christopher. I also come today praying for Kim. Kim longs for her children to be saved, just as any godly mother does. Thank You so much for Kim and her love that she has for her children. I pray that You will renew Kim\'s strength today. I pray that You will renew Kim\'s hope in You. I pray that You will reveal Yourself to Jen and Chris. I pray that You will meet them wherever they are today, and that You will speak to them Your truths that never return void. I pray that You will place people in their paths, along with their mother, to help lead them to You. I pray that Kim will speak love, hope and Your truths into both of them today. I pray a hedge of protection over Jen and Chris today. I pray a hedge of protection over each of their spouses. I pray that Your spirit will pour out over this sweet family. You hear Kim\'s prayers and You know Kim\'s heart. You love her and You are so in love with her children. Please open Jen and Chris\'s eyes to Your truths today. I pray they will not accept the corrupt lies of this world and culture. I pray that what the world offers will leave a bad taste in Jen and Chris\'s mouth; leaving them to look for You and Your truths. If we seek You, we will find You! I pray Jen and Chris both will find You today and will never be the same again. I pray for Your guidance to pour over Kim\'s mind and heart today. Speak to her and guide her in Your ways.

    • Please pray for my children to be reunited. I have 4 children the middle two boys are 17mths apart. They were always best friends growing up. Now they don’t speak due to some business dealings they had done together. Pray for forgiveness and reconciliation. Thank you.
    • Healing, salvation, restoration deliverance, forgiveness, peace & God’s divine favor for our entire family, individually & collectively…. For His glory and our good!
    • My request to fully understand the Love of God for me and to help that love change my heart and mind to be a more effective follower of Christ. For freedom from crippling fear and the feelings of anxiety, depression, and despair. That the Holy Spirit would lead me into all truth and the courage to believe it and live in it. The confidence that I’m living a life pleases to God in Christ Jesus.
    • Healing for Katherine Berger.
    • Prayers for my husband David L Sprouse.
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