Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it.

It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way. If an entry has too much information about another person that could embarrass or disrespect them, it will not be posted. 

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

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    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • Pls pray for Dan; struggling with multiple sclerosis. (MS).And his wife Patti his caretaker.
      Thank you.
    • My request is that we lift up our brothers and sisters in Nigeria that is experiencing severe persecution. I pray that 140 children taken by Islamic extremest from their school earlier this month, be returned to their families unharmed to their families. I pray that these extremists will have a soften heart and fear our Lord Jesus Christ. I pray for the pastors and church members in this area and all around the earth that are experiencing persecution, may their faith be strengthened and be filled by the spirit with courage, strength, Joy, and peace.
      1. Ashleigh

        Lord, I pray for Your children in Nigeria. I pray through the powerful and mighty name of Jesus Christ, that the captives will be set free today! I pray, through the power of the Holy Spirit, that an angel army will encamp around each child that was taken into captivity by the Islamic extremist. I pray that a hair on their head will not be touched. I pray that Your peace will be poured out over each child and each child\'s family today. I pray that You will be with them. Your word says, \"You will never leave us or forsake us.\" I pray for each person that is experiencing persecution will have Your peace, joy, renewed strength and won\'t fear anything that has happened or is to come. You are our Defender. You are our Deliverer. Thank You, God, for being faithful. Thank You for being Our God today and always. I pray that Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

    • Healing for my body
    • Please pray for my daughters continuing healing from her heart transplant last week which was done through a catheter procedure. Amazing!!
      Also if I May ask for strength to not waver in my decision to stop drinking. Thank you all so much. Our Lord is wonderful ❤️
    • This request is for my granddaughter, who lost her husband in a boating accident on July 10th. She has four children to raise. She needs prayers to help.her through the next few months. She is only 30 years old. Thank you in advance for your prayers.
    • For clarity on His will for my life. For clarity in my parenting with my tween son who had lots of questions & thoughts about sex. For parenting my babygirl well both my children Gods way not my way. For the spirit of mental illness & addiction & division to be broken off my family mainly my husband & father. For curses & sorcery ties to be broken in Jesus name! For more patience in my parenting & life period. To be completely delivered from the spirit of anger rage & aggravation for my son, daughter & self. For my business to grow in His glory. For financial stability & more trust in the Lord to take care of us as He always has. For restoration with my brother. For a house to call home. For His will to be done in all these requests. Thank you for praying God bless you!
    • I need another source of income to help support my children through their needs as a single mother, it\'s well with me.
      Jesus help me with insight and idea to generate more income. Amen
    • Our family is in dire financial need. We have a business, with beautiful, Godly employees and we can\'t pay them and we can\'t pay our personal bills. Please pray for God\'s provision and wisdom in how best to navigate this situation with grace, wisdom and God\'s peace. Thank you.
    • Lord Jesus, I ask you to deliver my loved ones from the struggle of addiction.
      Set them free!
    • My grand children Teenagers who are facing many challenges and I am concerned about future partners.
      1. Ashleigh

        Lord, I come to You today praying over Wanda and her grandchildren. I pray that what this world has to offer them will leave a bitter taste in their mouths. I pray that her grandchildren won\'t accept this corrupt worlds version of love and marriage. I pray that Wanda\'s grandchildren will seek You and want to know You. I pray that You will send them each, a godly spouse. This world is so backwards and the younger generation is under attack more and more each day, but God, You are our Defender. I pray for a hedge of protection over Wanda and her grandchildren. I pray that You will protect their minds, bodies, and souls today. I pray Your truths and promises are poured out to them. I pray that they all will seek Your face and will obey Your word. The ways of this world lead to destruction. I pray that Wanda\'s grandchildren will never face the shame, regret, disgust and self hatred that accompany what this world offers. I pray they each will stay on the path that You have called them to take; because You love us. I pray that Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

    • Our son and his wife are moving from Montana to Arizona today with their 3 children.
      Please pray for safety and protection over them, the 3 children and the
      truck and car. Thank you so much.
    • Praying for my husband Leonard to accept Jesus as his saviour,also my daughter Arlene to be closer to the family
    • Asking for prayers for myself, my husband, and our families, as well as our communities, for strength, and continuous encouragement in our relationship with GOD.
    • My daughters uncle has been diagnosed with Esophageal cancer at the age of 56. They say it has spread to his lymph nodes and nothing else beside chemo. God is the greatest physician and I’m praying for a supernatural healing. Thank you!
    • My request to fully understand the Love of God for me and to help that love change my heart and mind to be a more effective follower of Christ. For freedom from crippling fear and the feelings of anxiety, depression, and despair. That the Holy Spirit would lead me into all truth and the courage to believe it and live in it. The confidence that I’m living a life pleases to God in Christ Jesus.
      1. Ashleigh

        God, I come to You today and ask that You reveal Your holy, pure and righteous self to Sharice, today. I pray that the lies, the crippling fear and anxiety that the enemy is using to burden Sharice will be removed in the mighty name of Jesus. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, I pray that an angel army will be sent to surround Sharice, right now, in the name of Jesus. I pray that the lies of the enemy will be drowned out by Your truths and promises. I pray Sharice will open up Your word and store Your truths and promises in her heart today. I pray that she will put on the Armor of God. The enemy knows how precious Sharice is to You, God. He knows how mighty she will be used by You, for Your kingdom and the enemy is trying to hold her back. I pray in the mighty name of Jesus, I rebuke and bind any evil and wicked scheme of the enemy that is attached to Sharice, in the might name of Jesus. I pray that Sharice\'s eyes will be opened to You, Lord. I pray her ears will hear Your voice, always. I pray that no matter what she has done in her life, that she knows that YOU LOVE HER. You died for her. You take our messes and create miracles. I pray today, Sharice will stand proud, knowing that You are her God. You are her Father. You are her Protector and Defender. I pray that You will hold her tight today. I pray that Your love, peace, and presence is poured over her today and every day moving forward.

    • Please pray that my adult sons and their familes will experience TRUE salvation and return to Christ. My grandson has announced that he does not believe in God (he is 18 and college bound). Many issues in my family. Thank you and God bless each person praying.
    • For full acceptance and support for the LGBTQ+ community
    • That my children will heal their relationships with their spouses, by drawing on
      the word of the Lord and for them to get back to attending a good Bible believing
      church. Please return to your first love- Jesus
    • I pray for a diagnosis and healing for my pastor’s migraines and vertigo.
      Thank you, Lord!
    • David, a man at my church, is dying of cancer. He has a wife and 2 year old.
    • Please pray for my son he is in deep addiction to drugs he has all kinds of legal stuff he\'s ignoring, he refuses to go into a program.
      Please pray for his salvation, deliverance and healing.
    • I’ve been living w lupus the last 11years, during this time my husband ans I have been trying to get pregnant. (IUI, IVF, etc). Glory to God, HE has kept me thus far and he brought me a long way. But, the desire of my heart is to be fruitful w kids w my hubby. We just had a miscarriage, after getting pregnant w/o IUI, IVF, etc., I am 42! My doctors are shocked I conceived, bc I was told it was nearly impossible, God proved himself otherwise. We ask you touch and agree in our prayer , to restore our hope and health, pray for God to blow a wind on our behalf as a couple and allow us to see our children promised here in this earth.
      1. Ashleigh

        Lord, I pray over Monique right now in the name of Jesus. I pray that Your will be done with her and her husband. I pray that You will renew their strength and hope in You today. I pray that You will give them a child, that is perfectly healthy and whole. I pray that despite medical advice, Your will be done. You have already shown that You hear their prayers and know their desires of their hearts. I pray that You will form a beautiful baby girl or boy in Monique\'s womb today. God, You are a Way maker, Miracle worker! I pray for a powerful movement in Monique\'s life and health. I pray that all glory is given to You through this process. I pray that Monique and her husband will keep their eyes on You and will store Your truths and promises in their hearts. I pray that Your truths and promises drown out the lies of the enemy today. You love Monique and her husband so much. We thank You for being faithful and holy and pure. I pray that Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

    • Please pray for my court case to end. Please pray for me to make wise decisions regarding my children and my finances. Please pray for my children and myself with the new start of the school year. Pray for me to get everything done that I need to. Thank you so much!
    • My memories are fading both recent ones & significant ones. Please pray that God gets me through whatever the outcome may be. Depression is overwhelming & I’ve pretty much tried everything to help but with little results. Please pray for me & thank you so much!
      1. Jackie

        Prayers for you...I understand this so well for many reasons

    • My friend Debbie is having heart surgery August 18th. I pray for success and a full recovery for her.
      1. Ashleigh

        Lord, I pray over Debbie today. I pray that in the days leading up to her surgery, Your peace and presence will be felt by her. I pray that she will stand confident that You are involved in every aspect of this time in her life. I pray that she will be at peace and will not fear anything. I pray over the doctors and the nurses that will be involved in her care. Lord, I pray that You will guide the surgeons hands while the operation is preformed; giving him or her peace while they are operating. I pray that Debbie\'s recovery will be quick and that she will heal beautifully.

    • That my husband, David our adult children Devin, Olivia & David always have good health, strong faith
      remain close to each other always as well as remain close. May your hand guide them and may we always feel your presence around us all especially our granddaughter, Ayden.

      In your name I pray
    • Thankful that God is running after my husbands heart and that it is softening towards Him. He has been mad at God for a long time. Jesus help me say and do what is honoring and respectful towards my spouse of 40 years.
    • For Joshua and Ali to find peace in their journey regarding infertility and to receive the gift of adoption.
    • My request is for God to send the right husband for me. I know that a man shall find his mate and I\'m waiting for mine. God knows what I need.
      1. Ashleigh

        Lord, I pray over Mary today. I pray that Your presence is felt amongst her right now. I pray that You will send a godly man to Mary. I pray that she turns to You while she is waiting on that man. Pressing into Your truths and Your word today. Renew her hope and renew her strength.

    • Our daughter & family are moving this weekend. For smooth times and cooperative hearts. That my Grandson’s can adjust.
      1. Ashleigh

        Lord, I pray for Shirley and her family that is moving. I pray for Your protection over them as they pack up and travel. I pray in the packing process that no one is injured and I pray that as they move, they will be protected at all times. I pray that Shirley\'s grandson will adjust well to the move and that Your presence and peace is felt by all.

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