Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it.

It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way. If an entry has too much information about another person that could embarrass or disrespect them, it will not be posted. 

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

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    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • Prayers for my son that the tumor on his kidney isn\'t cancer, and if it is, that it hasn\'t spread. I also hope that in these circumstances he finds God again. May it all go as God plans and will be for His glory.
    • Our daughter & family are moving this weekend. For smooth times and cooperative hearts. That my Grandson’s can adjust.
    • Our daughter & family are moving this weekend. For smooth times and cooperative hearts. That my Grandson’s can adjust.
    • My sister in law has been diagnosed with a rare cancer. She is 61 with three adult children, two grandkids and two more on the way. Please pray for healing and strength for her and our whole family, thank you.
    • My fiance had a bone marrow biopsy over a week ago....he is meeting with the physician to learn the results....please pray with me that God\'s will be done and that there\'s no issue with his red blood cells and platetes. I pray that in Precious Name of Jesus that he strong and healthy......Thank you Jesus
    • Please pray for my daughter, Annie. She is a homeless addict. She is supposed to have entered treatment yesterday, but I don\'t have confirmation. Please pray that this will be the time her chains are broken and she will be healed. She is very discouraged and doesn\'t think she can do it. Thank you
    • For God\'s peace and love to pour over a family in my community that lost their 1 year old daughter. She had a heart transplant and within the past couple of months, she declined rapidly and her heart went into rejection. They lost her July 23rd.
    • A safe and healthy pregnancy/delivery. Also a healthy bundle of joy!
      1. Ashleigh

        Lord, I pray that Desera has a safe and healthy pregnancy and delivery of her sweet baby. Lord, You are so good to us and we thank you for this precious life. I pray through Jesus name, for a healthy pregnancy, delivery and for a healthy baby. Lord, I pray for Your peace, love and joy; to be poured out over this momma today.

    • I need prayers for my own place, a new job and for my son and my family and friends.
    • My 29 year old son to find a Christian wife. He is very lonely and it seems all of his friends are married or soon will be.
      1. Jackie

        I am praying with you as I am going through the same with my son. It is heartbreaking to watch the sadness that can just overcome him. We are need good Christian women for these sons...I am believing in this!

    • I had surgery which resulted in complications. It was not successful and I speak with the specialist Friday about the next step. I know God is in control and his plans are for good…my flesh however sometimes worries. Please pray for continued peace and the right doctors to manage my issues. Thank you all for your prayers
    • I want a more intimate relationship with GOD I want to hear him when he speaks to me. I love GOD but I want to grow closer to him during these difficult days and not run in the wrong direction.
    • Daughter Kyley and Grandson J.P.
    • For my Sister in law having Surgery today for her stomach is pushed up and has a hernia all is taken care of thru this Surgery. In Jesus name Amen
      1. Sharon Jaynes

        Let us know how it goes.

    • Please pray for my sister in-law Sarah who just found out she has cancer in both lungs and lymphoma. May she be comforted in this time of uncertainty and fear, and know the love our Lord has for her always. Amen.
    • Hello! 1. My son is facing some legal trouble & not working so he doesn\'t have the money for an attorney. I\'m not in a good financial position to help. 2. I bought a car 2 months ago & have had trouble with from day 1. I have a warranty, but if/when I can find a mechanic to fix it, I won\'t have transportation while it\'s being repaired & it\'s still going to cost additional money that I don\'t have right now. 3. I\'m being audited. All of this is causing a great financial strain at an already difficult time. The pandemic brought my business to a snails pace and I\'m still trying to recover from that which doesn\'t seem to be getting better. Thanks in advance for your prayers!❤☝
    • My son, Daniel, is taking his final test on Saturday, July 31, to complete his MD/Ph.D . He loves the Lord and is going to be amazing where ever God places him. I am asking that you help me in praying for wisdom and confidence and a remarkable memory as he completes this all day test. Thank you! In Christ. Sandee
      1. Tisha

        “ I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Phil 4:13 He will do just fine and is exactly where the Lord wants him! Blessings to you in abundance 😊

    • Prayer for my grandmother she\'s in hospice..For a job, my landlord to not eviction me..Get closer to God..Pray for everyone on here..
    • Please pray for the health of my oldest son PJ, something is going on and the doctors are trying to figure it out.
      Thank you.
    • I’m a freelancer and have started losing jobs b/c I’m unable (underlying medical issues,) to get the Covid vaccines. Please pray for God to provide for my work/income, and for all who want the right to choose what goes into their bodies to have medical freedom to make decisions best for themselves.
    • Lord, I\'m praying for healing from Cancer and Alzheimer\'s for my mother, my mother in law and my friend. I pray for reversal of the damage these diseases have done to their bodies and to their peace of mind. I lift them up to you today knowing you hear my heart and the hearts of all of us praying for healing. I love you Lord, in JESUS\' MIGHTY NAME AMEN
    • I pray for a job offer soon with a company that I will enjoy and succeed in.
    • A Safe trip with my parents who are in theirs 80\'s. Their 1st real vacation . Driving from New Jersey to Upper Peninsula Praying for a Blessed and Memorable time together after a very rough year. Gods Amazing Grace for all our Familiar. Jesus take the Wheel. Amen and Thank you
    • Please pray for a couple who have been fostering a little girl (just 1 year old) . The attachments are strong as they have had her for almost the entire year. They want to adopt, but in limbo. Prau for all involved, including the chil\'s birth mom. May God\'s will be done in all of their lives Thank you
    • Please pray for my husband as he is currently not walking with God. Pray for my daughter as she is pregnant with her first child, and for myself I’m having bad pain due to right hip arthritis degenerative disc disease in my back and a possible gallstone. Praise God who is the great Physician and we know and we agree that he has all of this in control and his time and in his way. Praise the Lord
      1. Tisha

        “ Nothing is impossible for God” Luke 1:37 Believe he has heard your cries and He will move mightily on your behalf! God will bless you with favor!

    • My son Walter Miller need prayer for a decision he has to make concerning his job and what God would have him do
    • For my granddaughter who is 21. She is having some health issues that cause her not to be able to drive. She has had to put her education on hold and is in a bad relationship with her boyfriend.
    • Prayer for my daughters, son and 4 grandchildren. God’s Protection, Guidance, Blessings every day
    • I lost my mom on May 1, 2021. The grieving process has been so hard. She was my best friend. It seems like everything makes me cry right now! I know I am going to see her again but I want to share things with her now! Maybe one more kiss, one more hug, one more \"I love you\". My last words to her were \"I love you\"!
      1. LeAnn

        Know she’s with you, and enjoying the glorious heavens

      2. LeAnn

        Know she’s with you, and enjoying the glorious heavens

    • Pls., be praying for Michael, my brother-in-law who is in ICU w COVID…… he keeps fighting the Dr./nurses ……. IF he continues fighting them they will be forced to put him on life support, and few people recover off of that!!!
      He Is confused n agitated….. prayers pls… Praying Phil 4:7 ….. and any other promises of GOD the HOLY SPIRIT prompts you to
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