Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it.

It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way. If an entry has too much information about another person that could embarrass or disrespect them, it will not be posted. 

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

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    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • I pray for my son in academics and athletics. His confidence and his ability to make good decision. My mother for strength and health. My partner for decision in marriage. Myself for being a mom, friend , daughter that I need to be them, health and strength because sometimes I feel overwhelmed and Prosperous business.
    • Please pray for me that I remain humble and obedient while I wait for God to fulfill his Promise at restoring my relationship with my Kingdom Spouse
    • For my sister in law who is battling ALS. For my son who is in the military and in the middle of a divorce and away from his kids. My oldest grandchild to find his way with school and a job.
    • Please pray for my daughter health her name is Stephanie! Thank you! God Bless you all!
    • Please pray for a financial miracle to cone my way. I am in desperate need of a job and my rent is due Saturday and no money to pay it.
    • Please pray for a financial miracle to cone my way. I am in desperate need of a job and my rent is due Saturday and no money to pay it.
    • I have bruised ribs and would ask for prayers for healing.
      1. Angel

        Father God, please reach down and touch this body of your loved one. Mend the broken bones and bring complete healing in Jesus name. Amen. 🙏

    • I pray for clarity in regards to my son going back to his college campus, and the correct path for my family to take in regards to getting the covid vaccine.
      1. Angel

        Praying and believing with you for your son and family. In Jesus name.

    • Healing from addictions. Opening up of a home I can afford.
    • Please pray for my final recovery from Covid and 100 percent full recovery for my whole body. Bronchitis keeps on coming back and I am on my third anti biotic. I am thankful to God for saving my life as it has been.a difficult 35 days since I tested positive. I just need my lungs and all my organs to be healthy and stay healthy. Thank you for being so kind to pray for me. Kind regards Lorraine
    • Praying for healing for my husband who is battling stage 4 cancer
    • Praise! My granddaughter was in a restaurant on Saturday where a shooting occurred. Thank you Lord for your protection. She got out safely. I just ask for YOUR continued blessings upon her as she begins middle school. Thank you Lord!
    • my 17 year old son is going through some rough stuff right now. He\'s gained quite a bit of weight and feels very sad about it. he eats to mask his sadness, which only makes it worse. my prayer is that he finds something that he likes to do that is active.
    • Healing from addictions. Opening up of a home I can afford.
    • Prayer for complete healing and restoration over my body in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen
    • My son Michael who is incarcerated and coming home soon. My prayer is that he would come home sooner than expected and come out on fire for the Lord.
    • My son Michael who is incarcerated and coming home soon. My prayer is that he would come home sooner than expected and come out on fire for the Lord.
    • Requesting prayer for my family.
      My husband has been fighting thyroid cancer with metastis to the bone for over 10 years. He\'s had many treatments that have kept it fairly under control, and he has not been in pain, something the doctors have said is unusual, and that we are very thankful for. He recently had emergency surgery to remove a tumor that was pressing on his spinal cord, and had rods and screws placed for stabilization of his spine, and 8 rounds of radiation. During this time we learned that our son\'s wife had been unfaithful and they are divorcing. We are praying for them and are very concerned for our two grandchildren ages 10 and 7. Our son accepted the Lord in Jr. high and lead worship in our church\'s youth group during High school, but in the past 5 or so years he began questioning his faith. In looking for answers he began reading books that had an anti Christianity message and he has now turned his back on God and religion. My husband and I are praying he will find his way back to the truth. Our daughter has become very indifferent to all of this, as well as her faith. We have been praying for her and her husband as well.
      This has been a very trying time, and I\'m having difficulty understanding what God\'s purpose is in all of it. I\'m trying to remain strong and trust that He is in control, but it is very difficult to see a way forward.
    • Please pray for my daughter, Kalea. She will leave home to attend her freshman year of college the first week of August. Please put her in the path of Christ centered people to befriend at school, pray to rid her of her procrastination habits. Place great confidence in her so she may succeed with no anxiety or fear.
    • Going through a divorce after 17 years of marriage. This has been the most painful event I have ever been through in my life. I\'m praying for continued strength and and encouragement for my children and myself. I know God is real and I know He will do what He says. I\'m asking for prayer to help my unbelief.

      Thank you and God Bless.
    • I have a hole in my heart that has to be repaired. Pray that it will be a simple procedure and not open heart surgery
    • Please pray that God gives me strength, courage, discernment and wisdom to do his will in all my relationships and my career advancement. Please bless all my relationships and plus my presentation.

      In Jesus Name,
    • Please give my mother the strength she needs in battling cancer again. Give her doctors the knowledge to guide the decisions that must be made on a course of action. Thy Will Be Done.
    • My son left the church and became a Muslim; he and his family moved out of our house in April 2020. To date they have not come to remove things they left in my home.... they left filthy laundry in the room and in the basement laundry room, closet full of clothers, furnishings and more. I know they have important papers left here so I have been reluctant to touch the room. I have asked them numerous times to come and clean their things out. I\'ve gotten angry, nasty, nice all to no avail. I would liek to be able tobring my aged, widowed mother to my home as she is still struggling with the loss of my father and their 60 years together. I cannot do that without the space being cleaned up. It seems that my son Aaron and his wife are just content to enjoy their new home and have no respect for leaving mine as they did. I have kept their room closed becaseu it is too much to bear and now has a funky smell with the summer heat. If I throw everythign out it would be wrong but I should not have to clean it after they were allowed to live with us rent free for tow years with their children. I have prayers about this but it\'s still the same mess and they don\'t care.
    • Praying for healing in my knee and and blessings for my kids finical increase for my family and for my grandson to come back to Ga healthy and whole and my daughter to be able to carry a healthy baby she has had 2 miscarriage and to get closer to God again
    • My special needs daughter was murdered December 4, 2020,It was a random act. Since her murder the killer has admitted to 4 other murders all of special needs individuals and their are possibly more, nation wide. My mothers heart is literally broken, and I\'m struggling with the brutal way my daughter died and how this person has caused such heartache and pain for so many. I am a Christian and my faith keeps me going, but I\'m feeling empty and lost. There will soon be a trial and I\'m prying I do not have to listen to all the details as I don\'t know if I can truly handle it. I\'m praying for comfort, peace, guidance for myself, my family and the other victims families.
      While continually seeking God and knowing he is walking with me.
    • I need prayer for deliverance.
    • Pray for the healing of our sickness in my home and my children ‘s home. For all that are affected by Covid to heal. For the lost to come to Jesus and know Him as Lord and Savior. That my finances and my ability to work will improve so I can provide for my family.
    • Our pastor and his family, in the death of his mother following a long battle with leukemia.
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