Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it.

It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way. If an entry has too much information about another person that could embarrass or disrespect them, it will not be posted. 

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

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    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • For my sister Mary. Tumor on adrenal gland .
      Her Husband Les , dialysis and heart disease .
      All who are ill and suffering .
    • God would soften our adult daughters heart so that she is willing to reconcile with her parents
    • Please pray for my Mom, her spirit and strength of recovery from liver cancer. God healed the cancer, but there are residual hurdles she has to overcome. Pray for me as I go into surgery on Monday, August 2nd. That my body has what it needs for the surgeon to do the repairs and I may be on God\'s road to recovery. Pray for my Son as he begins a new school in a new place, as different from everyone else on 3 August. Pray for my husband as he begins this recovery journey with me. Pray that we continue to search for God in all that we do, see and say. Thank you.
    • Deliverance from anxiety attacks and hypertension
      1. Ashleigh

        Lord, I pray over Faith today. I pray through the power of the Holy Spirit, that every evil scheme of the enemy will be rebuked and bound up in Jesus name. I pray that every lie the enemy has fed Faith will rebuked and bound in the mighty name of Jesus. I pray in Jesus name that an angel army will be encamped around her today and forever more. I pray that the demons named anxiety, panic attacks are bound and rebuked in Jesus name! Just as You told satan in the wilderness, I command satan and his demons named anxiety, panic attacks, fear, worry, doubt and shame; to get behind Faith today, in Jesus name. I rebuke and bind him and his lies. Lord, I pray that Faith will press into You today and will open Your word. I pray that Your truths will drown out every lie of the enemy. I pray that any lie that the enemy has said to Faith, that has started or has taken root in Faiths mind, body, heart and soul, in Jesus name, will wither and fall off of her, through Your supernatural power. Deliver Faith today and I pray that Your hand will move mightily in Faith\'s life.

    • My younger sister, Kathy, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in April. I\'m asking for prayers for her healing, for provision for the medical bills that are already mounting and for her and her husband, Lou, to know the peace and provision of God through this all. Her husband also is having issues with his esophagus and can\'t get the Veterans\' Administration to move on getting him the surgery he needs to fix it. Thank you for your prayers. <3
    • My 40 year old daughter going through chemo for genetic breast cancer. And my youngest daughter,38, who just found out she has the same genetic mutated brca2 gene
      1. Ashleigh

        Lord, You are our Healer. You are the Great Physician. God, I pray in the powerful, supernatural name of Jesus Christ, that You will supernaturally heal Sherri\'s daughter and granddaughter. I pray in the mighty, supernatural name of Jesus, that they cancer that is in their bodies will wither and fall off! I pray that their scans and tests will come back cancer free in Jesus name! I pray that Sherri\'s faith will be renewed as she goes through this trying time with her daughter and granddaughter. Through the supernatural power of Jesus Christ I command every cancer cell that is in their bodies to vanish in Jesus name. I pray Sherri\'s daughter and granddaughter will feel Your healing in their bodies today. I pray that You will renew their strength, their minds, hearts and souls. I pray over their bodies today. I pray that You will touch each of them today and heal them so powerful that they can\'t help but cry out to You in thanksgiving because of the healing that You will provide. I pray each doctor and nurse in their care will stand in awe of the miraculous healing that You will do. I pray that all the glory and honor and praise will be given to You through this time.

    • To open my own business, a needlework store; to
      lose weight so that I can be more active with reduced pain.
    • Pray that me and my husband get back together. We are separated and this is hard for me. Please bombard heaven for my prayer request
      1. Pam

        Heavenly Father, I pray for this Union that You, Yourself, put together. Please soften all hearts and open ears to hear. Please become the third cord in this marriage to strengthen a bond that cannot be broken. Wash Ramona and her husband with comfort and peace that is beyond understanding. In Your beautiful name.

    • Have a special needs daughter going off to college that is Blind, has Autism and severe anxiety. Please pray for helpful people to be put in her path on campus. Also for me to worry less.
    • My husband is going to have to have neck surgery to replace a couple of disc. This requires a lengthy recovery and we are in the process of trying to find another house to move because of a situation in our sub division. We just moved last Oct. and find ourselves very unsettled. Please pray that surgery will be successful, recovery quick and God shows us the house with acreage in the town He wants us in. I long to be involved with a home church family again. Trusting God and Praying for Everyone as many are in much greater need than us.
    • My brother Charles is having serious medical issues. My family to see their need to be saved.
    • Please pray for my children to be reunited. I have 4 children the middle two boys are 17mths apart. They were always best friends growing up. Now they don’t speak due to some business dealings they had done together. Pray for forgiveness and reconciliation. Thank you.
    • Please pray my anxiety. For about 2 years now I’ve battled daily with anxiety and panic attacks. Last year got so severe I had to stop working for a few months. I’ve come a long way but would greatly appreciate the prayer to keep me moving forward. Thank you
      1. Sherri

        Totally understand anxiety and panic attacks. Praying they will ease up for you

    • Lord I commit my family into your hands. I can see it breaking down a bit by bit but its your grace that leads me to see the Hope you have promised. My husband and I need your intervention in every step of our lives, please help him with his addictions & be able to prioritse you and the family. I pray that my husband is able to join us for worship each Lord\'s day. I pray for our only child who needs a healthy & happy home, he might grow in the grace and knowledge of Lord Jesus Christ. I pray for all the families such as mine that have their own struggles, Lord you be their strength.
    • Prayers for Brittany and Seth who lost their 17 week baby last week in miscarriage. Delivery is today.
    • Lord, please help me to know how to pray with my best friend who is dying. She doesn’t want prayer for healing and is ready to go.
    • For my two beautiful granddaughters that they receive good news about their health today.
    • For my two beautiful granddaughters that they receive good news about their health today.
    • Something so heavy on my heart and continue to keep me awake at night: The división within our once close family between brothers and sisters and now our two sons.
      And it all has to do with everyone disagreeing about getting / or refugio to get the vaccine.
      I am seeing it tearing our family apart and it\'s the most painful thing to witness.
      1. Pam

        Prayers for peace and healing. Prayers that everyone is able to keep focus on what is most important, Gods will and honor, respectful of others opinions and experiencing His love for one another. May Satans tactics of division be rebuked.

      2. Pam

        Prayers for peace and healing. Prayers that everyone is able to keep focus on what is most important, Gods will and honor, respectful of others opinions and experiencing His love for one another. May Satans tactics of division be rebuked.

    • A closer walk with the Lord.
    • Debt cancellation.
    • a missionary and his family need a car while waiting here in States after 5 years on the mission fields.
    • Please pray for my family to stay together and for God to redeem our lives out of the pit following him each step of the way with his strength and courage.
    • Jesus Christ Lord and Savior, my concerns are many peace on earth righteousness for humans, healing for the sick, respect for one another and most importantly for all to acknowledge your deserving honor and respect. You are the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world have mercy on us.
      Let us give you Glory. In your Holy name. Amen
    • My prayer request is for my home.. my relationship
      I come to God with prayer I love this man and want to have a loving relationship but also know I am a daughter of God and deserve to be happy and treated and loved daily.. please pray over our relationship for guidance to do as God wants of this relationship his way
    • Prayers that our daughters would soften their hearts and seek Jesus.
    • There is a demon lurking about this house in which I live. You see I am responsible for my 94 year old father and I have moved into his house to care for him. There are some women that wait for me to leave to visit they have so far had him write checks in excess of $6000. I’ve prayed that God would lift the scabs from his eyes to see that they are taking advantage of him. Or maybe it’s me that has the scabs. Either way I know that prayer will heal us both.
    • That settling my Mother and Stepdads estate will be done peacefully and quickly with no hard feelings are arguments.
    • Please pray for my family to stay together and for God to redeem our lives out of the pit following him each step of the way with his strength and courage.
    • My baby grandson, Gabe, had heart surgery at 4 months and is still grandson Evan 12 was thrown from a bull at rodeo and broke his jaws had surgery to wire it shut..prayers for son has mental problems and is always angry..prayers
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