Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it.

It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way. If an entry has too much information about another person that could embarrass or disrespect them, it will not be posted. 

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

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    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • Praying for a new job, God fearing future husband and infilling of the Holy Spirit.
    • Prayers for my friend,Shirley, battling medical problems associated with ovarian cancer. Prayers for strength with complicated medical problems.
    • I ask for prayers for myself and kids and husband. My husband is almost done with a 7 month deployment and I feel as if this month has been a struggle for me personally with patience with my children. I just pray for Gods calmness and guiding hand to help me with the strength to lead my children right and know it will all be ok
    • Prayer request To Release my husband to God
      that I Trust in God that let go of the shadows the haunt me
    • Prayers for a healthy relationship with family and a safe delivery of our first daughter in a couple of months.
    • Heavenly Father 2 of my business partners and I are Traveling on The 8th of August by car to Los Angeles California from Amarillo Texas. We are going there for Safehouse training. we recently received our 501c3 to start a nonprofit reentry for women returning from prison.we are praying for traveling grace to and from Los Angeles, we pray for Godly wisdom as we pursue what you have placed in our hearts. Thank you in Jesus name, Amen.
    • Please pray for complete healing for my husband; after 5 weeks in the hospital, he is struggling with fluid retention, strength and stamina. Please also pray for the relationship amongst my son and daughter that they would realize the pain and suffering they are causing us and the anxiety and depression that has ensued. Please heal the relationship with our son and us as well.
    • Pray for spiritual healing in my family and financial freedom.
    • For the Lord to help me with my pride. To bring to my attention all the ways my pride binds me. Lord may your hand be upon me and help me to enlarge my territory for your kingdom.
    • For the Lord to help me with my pride. To bring to my attention all the ways my pride binds me. Lord may your hand be upon me and help me to enlarge my territory for your kingdom.
      1. Marcia

        Hi Kathy, Your pray request for release of pride and a spirit of humility is the first step towards reaching the spiritual level your heart is aching for. It is an honor to pray over you pride to be release. The only heart that God can’t touch is one that is full of pride.

    • A dear friend who just retired in May, has been diagnosed with cancer. He has a lot of pain.
      Please pray for him. The Holy Spirit knows his needs and can comfort him and ease his pain.
      His name is Claude. Thank you
      1. Jennifer Otcharan

        I pray that the Lord touches his body and heal him completely. I declare healing and restoration upon the life of Claude. I speak life and provision for his medication. The Lord is with you, never leave you nor forsake you. Be healed in Jesus\' name. Amen.

    • Please pray for my son who lives in Colorado. He is a prodigal. He is struggling spiritually, physically, mentally and financially.
    • Prayer for healing of my brother Jerry,s and my my myositis. Give us faith to trust in the healing power of Jesus.
      Prayers for my granddaughter Jasmine to open her heart to Jesus.
    • Prayer for healing of my brother Jerry,s and my my myositis. Give us faith to trust in the healing power of Jesus.
      Prayers for my granddaughter Jasmine to open her heart to Jesus.
    • Jonathan, Daniel, little Jonathan, and Kelly
      Thank you
    • 1. Divine wisdom for me and my husband for every decision and plans that we have.
      2. We are married for more than 4 years now, we are praying for a baby. We pray that the Lord bless us with a baby, that I get pregnant this year.
      3. Spiritual breakthrough. May The Lord continue to use me and my husband to serve Him, to disciple more people, a heart to reach out more lost souls.
      A heart and mind that focus on heavenly things, not on earthly things.
      4. May the Lord continue to bless our marriage that through ups and down we will still love each other more and more every day. May the Lord be the center of our relationship all the time, may He guides us and bind us with His love all the time.
      5. Please for our families in Isabela and Bicol for safety, protection from Covid, good health, financial breakthrough, and a new source of income for my parents Jones and Francisca Garcia.
      6. Please pray for provision to buy a brand new sidecar for the motorcycle of my father. He lost his job and they don\'t have other sources of income.
      7. Please pray for my 2 younger brothers and sister June and Jecell to graduate from college. Financial breakthrough for their study. Stable job for bought of them after graduation.
      8. Please pray for me and my husband\'s safety and protection all the time wherever we are, wherever we go.
      9. Please pray for my job in our company and client to be stable and have more profit. May our client The Crest Company be more stable and have more very good customers. We pray for a good relationship with them as well as with my co-workers. May the Lord continue to use me to reach out as well to all my co-workers, to have a good relationship with them. I may do my job excellently every day with divine wisdom from God. May I continue to honor Him with everything that I do.
      10. Family, friends, co-workers salvation. May The Lord continue to use me to share the gospel and be a blessing to them all the time.
      11. May the Lord continue to remind me and my husband of our purpose in this life with our calling as His sons and daughter. May we honor Him and seek Him all the time.

      In Jesus name Amen.
    • My prayer request is for those in my state (Oregon) dealing with devastating wildfires. We nearly lost our home last year to fire. It is a scary thing and these fires are really hot and out of control. It could happen again here. I have been praying for rain. We so desperately need it. Rain both wet and the rain of the Spirit. Thank you for coming along side me and praying too.
    • Please pray for my husband who\'s exposed himself to porn. I pray God would re-wire his brain to remember that i am the bride God gave to him and that he would fall back in love with me
      Thank you
      God bless you for your time and prayers
    • Pray for success in selling our house and finding peace in where we will live next.
    • My husband of 27 years ago left me 3 weeks ago and hasn’t spoken to me since except responding to a few text messages. He’ll talk about his job, the weather, anything except what’s going on and if he’s coming home again or not. I dropped him off at work one day and he never came home. Our children are 18, 21, 25, and 30. He used to say in past arguments that he was only sticking around till the kids reached 18 so he wouldn’t have to pay child support. I guess he meant it. We’re all hurting and upset with him. He hasn’t reached out to any of them since he left. I was in our marriage till death do us part I guess he was in it till the youngest turned 18. What he doesn’t realize is regardless of age, kids still need their father. He’s being incredibly selfish and nothing I can say or do will bring him back. I don’t want a divorce but it takes both of us to make it work and he’s made it clear he doesn’t want to be married anymore. This hit me out of the blue. I thought we were doing good but he left me in a financial bind and broken hearted. I pray everyday for God to reconcile us together as well as back to Himself but to give me the strength to keep going if that’s not His will and to work things out financially for me going forward.
      1. Gen

        I pray deeply for you and your family.

    • Praying for my husband Leonard to accept Jesus as his saviour,also my daughter Arlene to be closer to the family
    • Pray for Ashley Deason and baby Olivia Grace. Ashley went into premature labor at 27 weeks. Baby Olivia Grace is barely 1 lb. They are trying to delay delivery at UAB, but OG\'s heart rate keeps dropping. Praying for time to be on their side so OG can gain weight and be born healthy.

        Father in Heaven, I pray that You will be with this mother and that You will keep this baby safe until time for delivery. I pray that those who are attending this mom will do what is right so that this baby will survive. Help the precious baby to thrive and be born perfectly well.

    • Job opportunity to be director at church day school. I believe it’s the right job time and place as I’ll be an empty nester and have lost both parents and in laws. I’d love to serve the church in this way. My prayer is for God to bless it or block it and help me see the plan for me!!
    • Please pray for physical, mental and spiritual healing, comfort and peace for my two young adult daughters who both are suffering from debilitating health disorders.
    • I praying that my daughter and I find a place to live, we have lest than four months to get out from where we are at every time someone points us to someone who says they can help us it turns out that they can\'t.
    • Please pray that my young adult daughter will turn back to Christ and accept Him as her Savior.
    • A Prayer For Our Country

      Lord God and Heavenly King, You alone are the Lord of the earth and King of the universe, and You alone can revive and restore the United States Of America and bring us back under Your own Sovereign rule.

      Give our President, together with his advisors and the whole of his administration, the wisdom and grace to turn from the ungodly path that they are following, and may they set this nation back on the path of trusting in God.

      Motivate all our congressmen to strive for integrity and wisdom in all the choices and decisions they make, and may those that are entrusted as judges and lawmakers, likewise act in righteousness, impartiality and integrity as they work for the benefit of all people, and to the honour of Your holy name.

      Heavenly King, we place our nation at your feet, and pray that we may once again serve You as a nation. May Your will be done in the once greatest nation of the world, the United States of America.

      In Jesus’ precious and holy name, Amen.

      “for kings and all those who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.”
      (1 Timothy 2:2)
    • Please pray for my son, Tyler, he has spent years preparing for a Railroad job. He is a conductor. He is a diesel train engine mechanic. He has gone to school for many years and still has not gotten a job. Very soon ,maybe this week he will take a test with Burlington Northern and hopefully he will pass and get this job in our city.
      My other son, Ron is an EMT and a volunteer Fireman in Ralston, Nebraska. He is also in his 9th or 10th year in the air force. He has been so blessed to be able to stay in one place, Omaha, Nebraska and now his last year they want to send him to San Antonio and if they do he will loose all the training he has done for about 2 years in the Fire station in Ralston. We want what is God\'s best for both of my boys but it is so difficult when they have done so much work to loose it all to be transferred for 1 year. Please pray for both of my children.
    • Please pray for my son, Tyler, he has spent years preparing for a Railroad job. He is a conductor. He is a diesel train engine mechanic. He has gone to school for many years and still has not gotten a job. Very soon ,maybe this week he will take a test with Burlington Northern and hopefully he will pass and get this job in our city.
      My other son, Ron is an EMT and a volunteer Fireman in Ralston, Nebraska. He is also in his 9th or 10th year in the air force. He has been so blessed to be able to stay in one place, Omaha, Nebraska and now his last year they want to send him to San Antonio and if they do he will loose all the training he has done for about 2 years in the Fire station in Ralston. We want what is God\'s best for both of my boys but it is so difficult when they have done so much work to loose it all to be transferred for 1 year. Please pray for both of my children.
    • Please pray for my husband Joe and our marriage. We are being attacked. He wants a divorce out of nowhere and we just bought a new home. Please pray for us!!
      1. Jennifer Otcharan

        May the Lord remind him with his covenant to you and with the Lord. I pray that he remembers how he falls in love with you when the first time he met you. Lord touch the heart of the husband of Denise. Don\'t let the enemy ruin their marriage. You have said in Your word: \"Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” -Mark 10:9. I declare restoration in your relationship. May The love of God be upon you and your family. In Jesus\' name Amen.

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