Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it.

It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way. If an entry has too much information about another person that could embarrass or disrespect them, it will not be posted. 

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

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    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • Please pray for my mentally challenged daughter who is also mentally ill. Her father died and she is having trouble adjusting to her new group home.
    • Inner ear issues, crystals dislodge and cause vertigo, please pray for healing
    • Personally, I’m at a crossroads on what to do with my life. I’m not fulfilled at bedside nursing anymore, but cannot seem to find direction. I’m waiting it seems for opportunities to present themselves. Thanks for your prayers.
    • My daughter is an alcoholic and it looks to me like she has hit Rock bottom, she can’t stay sober, go back to her job, her kids have been removed, she’s about to lose her house. The medical system has failed her when she asked for help the waiting list is so long she has given up and the support in the meantime is just not enough.

      Please pray for deliverance for her, that God will help get into a treatment program, that she will hit the bottom and be so desperate she will grab at the help wherever it comes available and that she will get into the right program.

      We as the family are exhausted but leaning on God and praying for his strength to keep fighting and know that to do.

      Thank you
      1. Donette

        I am praying for you and your family. We went through this with my brother and praise God, after nearly 40 years, he has now been sober for over 4 years. God is a God of redemption and restoration and His prodigal children are always close to His heart.

    • Family restoration. Distance has been put between my youngest son and me and I do not know what it is that I did to cause this. Apparently, he is in some kind of pain. I ask for prayer that will allow him the courage to tell me what he is feeling and to allow me to make amends. I miss him and love him dearly. Thank you. God bless all that pray for my family.
    • Please help me pray for my daughter who had throat cancer 4 years ago and is now having sore throat again. Please God don’t let it be that horrible sickness again. Seeing specialist tomorrow. ALL THE GLORY TO GOD
    • Please pray for my daughter to come back to her faith in a strong way. I feel God at work. Please pray that she will hear and listen to His call and
      not listen to the people in her life. Please pray that His will be done about her job opportunity out of town.
    • My son has come back to the Lord after 20 years of praying for him, please pray he can find a mentor that will encourage his walk with the Lord. His wife has told him that she doesn’t love him anymore and is planning to leave,they have a 3 year old little girl. I know God can do anything and I pray that she will have a change of heart!
    • We are walking through a very challenging, heartbreaking time with our 17 year old son Levi (yes raised in church; his whole life; my husband and I have been in leadership working as teaching pastors for the past 10 years, the shame is real and the questions of where did we miss it and go wrong is real). He is an absolutely amazing kid with such a great call on his life but the world has been influencing his views and actions. Prayers for strong Godly friend group for him; for wisdom beyond his years; the ability to see and hear clearly, beyond his years; boldness and courage to stand for righteousness and to not be influenced ; his relationship with God to strengthen; for a super natural encounter that brings him to his knees. That he falls so in love with Christ, completely sold out. Prayers for wisdom for us as his parents, our hearts have been so hurt during this season and we love him so much. Prayers for healing for us as a family. That faith and hope remains strong and we stand firmly on Gods promises concerning our family! So many prayers…thank you!!!
    • To be grateful for all that God is bringing forth in my life. I’m battling with a court case for over a year with property the courts are trying to seize. Praying for more commercial cleaning contracts. Approval for the home buyers program. Praying for my sons one is college football player, the other is Incarceration praying for release. Praying for my 3 girls. Praying my divorce is peaceful. Praying for excellent employees. Praying for deliverance from people that is not In God’s image. Praying God move the scales of my eyes so I can see more of what God would have me to see and the conversation he want me to engage in Heavenly Father I Bless your Name for it is worthy to b Praised...
    • Asking for prayers retired a year ago was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis yesterday. Already diabetic. Please pray for me as well as all who suffer in pain.
    • Please pray for my marriage, that God will bring healing, love and joy to our lives.
    • My son hurt his shoulder. It\'s his senior year and he is supposed to be quarterback. He has broken that arm, wrist, and thumb and had to quit football in the past. I am struggling, because I love watching him play. We don\'t have a lake house or go on vacations. My entertainment in life is watching my kids do what they love doing. When my kids play sports, I give thanks to God for the miracles they are, that they are wonderfully and fearfully made. Why would God take away something I always thought brought me closer to him? Then I feel bad for questioning God. Plus, with all the discouragement he\'s already faced with having to sit out, I\'m so fearful he is going to lose faith and think God doesn\'t care. I\'m struggling with feeling guilty to be so worried and consumed with this when other families face so much worse. I also struggle with whether to pray and pray and pray all day - pray without ceasing - or say it once and give it to God.
    • Help for my daughter and her family. They have two children diagnosed with autism.
    • My son Thomas, is involed with witchcraft. Please pray in Jesus name. He would turn from this evil.
      Our Lord is bigger. AMEN
    • I\'m going through a time of grief after caring for my dad over the last two years before he passed away in May.
    • Please for my friends granddaughter Gracie who is 3 years old and has brain cancer. Gracie and family need all the prayers they can get.
    • Please pray for my husband Don. He had acoustic trauma in his left ear and has lost 70% of his hearing.He is receiving steroid injections into his ear. Please pray for healing.
    • I\'ve had a challenging time. My husband died aged just 54 of a heart attack on 1st December 2019. My mental health suffered and it took a long time, medication, intercession and prayer before I began to adjust. I started volunteering for a charity which helps families and all was going well until I broke my ankle. I needed an operation to stabilise it. So now I have a metal plate in my lower leg. I\'m still in the support boot which is so heavy it\'s hurting my hip. I admit that I feel very discouraged. I still praise God through my storms, but it\'s hard going. I know the Lord is with me and He\'ll never leave me. However extra prayers will be most welcome. Thank you my sisters.
      1. Leslie Kreikemeier

        I\'m so sorry for all you are going through. Widows deserve extra prayers. There are so many widows in my community, and I admire the grace and strength with which they keep going. It sounds like you have this grace and strength as well. Praying you get rid of the boot, the hip no longer has strain, and you can get back to that charity with full strength. God bless you for giving of yourself.

    • Prayer for three young women Brittney, Madi and Annabelle, and two young men Terry and Peter who are making wrong life choices that will have serious effects on their future.
      Thank you.
      I pray that God hears and helps each person who has submitted a prayer request.
    • Prayer for guidance and compassion for a couple who had a failed adoption. They would make amazing parents. At the eleventh hour the adoption fell through. They are devastated.
      1. Rebecca K Jackson

        Lord Jesus, I pray for this couple that they would look to You and that You will bring them just the child You already have for them. Comfort them as they grieve the loss of this one they were so looking forward to having as their own.

    • I solicit your prayers for another exciting and safe school year. The scholars I serve are not eligible for the Covid vaccinations and the district is not offering a virtual mode of learning, which means everyone will be on campus. . I ask that we join hearts for all scholars, teachers, custodians, cafeteria personnel, front office personnel, nurses, and administration will be protected from Covid 19 symptoms this year, along with leadership seeking proper provisions to keep everyone healthy, small student teacher ratios class sizes, and all scholars learn and retain all grade level content to show growth at the end of the year. I know God will get the glory in this season, so thank you in advance for your prayers. May the Lord bless and keep you all!
    • Healing for Karrie, 57, and Chuck 83, from cancer, both friends of mine.
      Healing for Erin 40, my neighbor\'s grandson, and Anthony 19 my great grandson,, both recovering from serious accidents in 2020.
      Healing for Andy 15, my grandson, after surgery to control Cerebral Palsy spasms. There are complications from surgery..
      Thank you for the prayers. God bless.
    • I am praying for my sister who has had ongoing issues with her knees for years. It has gotten to the point where her knees are bone to bone. She has done so much for so many all her life and is struggling with being able to successfully complete the surgery. I pray that God gives her guidance to find the right doctor that will be able to assess her properly and put her on the right path to recovery. I also pray that God gives her the courage to face these realities head on and not shrink in fear of the unknown.
    • My prayer request is for a friend of mine Debra Clark who has stage 4 liver cancer, please pray for healing and comfort and strength for family. Also asking for prayer for my daughter, Kimberly Clark and her husband David Clark. They recently moved to SC to be closer to his job and now he was just offered a new position again back in the mountains of NC. They have 3 children need a place of stability and not all this moving.
    • Michael my dad for continued strength to see his children inherit the earth, all in his wife O is sick and paralyzed and he wants to see her walk again, his first born son D being accused of a criminal crime while going through one of the many manic episode of bipolar disorder and he wants to see his mind being renewed and vindicated of such charges, then he has a daughter K that loves the lord but at times seem to also be mentally ill he wants to see her keeping the peace and continue glorifying God
    • My youngest brother suffered a stroke and is recuperating. I ask the Lord to touch his heart and give me wisdom to manage his affairs. He needs medical insurance. My husband and I need wisdom and guidance to sell and buy a new house I need a new job. An open door for ministry
    • Please pray for 2 Dear friends, a mother and daughter who’s son/brother died unexpectedly of a drug overdose
    • Lynn
    • Please pray for protection over my family from gangs. Thank you
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