Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it.

It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way. If an entry has too much information about another person that could embarrass or disrespect them, it will not be posted. 

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

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    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • Please pray with me concerning my job search, I really desire a new Job..Please ask God to bless me with a miracle Job this coming month of August. Thank you all, God bless you
    • Pray for my daughter who is in a sexually confused relationship and planning to get married to her partner.
      She will not speak to me regarding her relationship but will talk to me about everything else.
      I have been praying for a mentor for myself that I can turn to instead of my weary friends.
      I pray that she will see the obstacles that have taken place and the ones to come as God telling her
      she is not in a good place.
    • Please pray for a return to health. I have been bed ridden for seven years after a busy life teaching dance and running a charitable organization. I am in pretty much constant pain and on opioids. Many times I have had to go to the emergency room at the hospital but they end up giving me more painkillers and sending me home. In the past six months I am down to eating only once a day due to pain and swelling in my low abdomen and around my waist and low back. I can barely stand. <y weight has gone from 118-143 in four months due to swelling. Please pray for wisdom and patience for doctors to not rush me out the door and to look deeper. I know they are busy but I need prayer for the right doctor at the right time. Pray for me to trust God, to know that He has my life in His hands and is in control. I am depending on God\'s promises: \"the sun will not harm me by day, nor the moon by night\" (Psalm 121) and \"For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future\" (Jeremiah 29:11). Please pray that I would lean on those words. Thank you so much for holding me up in prayer.
      1. Makia

        GOD BLESS you!

    • Laura kreisler, amber gray breast cancer

        Lord Jesus, I come to You this morning asking that You will heal these women. Take out of their bodies this terrible cancer and make them whole. Thank You in advance of what You\'re going to do in their lives.

    • Please pray for the healing of my family after the death of my youngest son

        Father in Heaven, I pray for this family that You will surround them with Your comforting arms and that You will help them fill Your peace in the losing of their family member, their precious son.

    • Please pray for me. I am having problems associated with sleep apnea. Very sleepy all the time. I\'m also having problems with my throat due to acid reflux. I love singing in church but I can no longer do so. I am also visually impaired and the problems with sleep apnea affect my ability to participate in activities I enjoy. Thank you so much and God bless you all!
    • My oldest daughter forever changed my life when she was born. I was so in love with her and being a mom that I would say ,” I have too much love for one baby.” God heard me and knew my heart so well he gifted me with twin daughters 14 months later. I’ve spent my life raising my girls, sacrificing for them, and loving them with my whole heart through the many trials life has thrown at us. One of the biggest ones was when my oldest at the young age of 20 told me she was pregnant. I was with her when my grandson was born snd my heart was filled again with overwhelming love for him. He lived with me for 3 1/2 years before my daughter meet her now husband and moved 4 hours away. I was crushed and so was my grandson. We did the best we could to have a relationship from far away but it was hard. God brought them back to live with us for the last year but now they’re moving 3 hours away for a job promotion. The big thing is…he isn’t a believer and he’s a challenging person who has control issues. My grandson is scared of him. So sad…
      I can hardly breathe just thinking about them moving far away again. Please pray for me and my grandson KJ. I do t know how to let him go. We are extremely close and neither one of us wants it to happen. Neither one of us has any say or control in this situation. Somehow we both need to figure out how to live life without each other and how to deal with our sadness. Thank you all so much.
    • I have a colonoscopy tomorrow. I have been having a lot of intestinal pain in the past 5 weeks and am praying there is no cancer inside my colon or intestines.

        Lord Jesus, be with Leann as she has this test and I pray that it will be something simple, something that can be taken care of and that You will touch her and heal her totally and that there will be nothing seriously wrong with her. Give her peace.

    • I have been diagnosed with cancer. I am handling it very well thanks be to God! For this battle is not mine it’s the Lords! His love overflows in my heart, his grace is enough and no one can steal my joy! God has definitely been my strength and comfort in this difficult season! I would like pray for all those fighting cancer and let them know there is hope in God. I pray that they are able to get to remission and live the rest of their lives cancer free!! And to never forget God is good all the time!! Sending spiritual blessings and healing! Amen!!
    • Please pray for my family as some of my family is battling alcohol/drug addiction. Thank you. Luv n Prayers.
    • Pray for salvation for Sean; asking God to lift his depression, heal his heart and restore his life and propel him to his God-given destiny. Pray for salvation of my family; healing for my Dad from cancer, in Jesus Name. Thank you so much for your intercession. May God bless you richly and abundantly for your time and prayer.
    • Need prayers to save my home for me. My daughter and grandkids. Need a miracle financial blessing and a better paying job. My mind and soul is full of anxiety and fear and anger. Praying for strength as well. Thank you
    • My granddaughter is 6 and is guving my daughter a hard time going to bed the last couple of nights.Her father is away working and i feel she is acting out .Pleass pray for guidance ,love and the right wirds to say .Thank you for this prayer wall .And for your devotions.
    • thank you to all who are praying for others. We are blessed to be able to pray for others. I am recently single after being in a relationship for 8 years. I thought it would be forevermore. He decided he was not in love with me. Really i just ask for prayer for God’s will to lead me in the right path…may he guide my steps and if i am to marry again my it be a true Godly man. I am so tired of being with men who lie and cheat. Take it was my choice not God’s, now i know the difference… i am 49. I also ask that you pray for my sons Jacob , Joaquin and Andres to seek the Lord, also my daughter Daniella. Thank you Almighty God for past, now and future. May your will be done, in Christ Jesus Name, Amén.
    • Keep my son\'s safe, free from hurt, harm, or danger and to be gainfully employeed
    • My grandchildren to get good, decent jobs, be safe, and be great parents
    • Complete healing of Disc Degenerative Disease. I have constant pain on my right side of spine. I’m also asking God for a promotion at work. Thank you prayer warriors!
    • For a blessed marital settlement and divine healing
    • For direction for my life and job. Thank You
    • Please pray with me for my friends, the Emersons who lost their grandchild Theo in a car accident this past Sunday. Pray also for his mom who survived and some other relatives who also died.

        Lord Jesus, please reach out Your healing hand to these people. Comfort them like no one else can. Help them to keep their eyes on You and may you fill them with peace.

    • I would love prayers for my best friend. Her granddaughter, who is just a tween, has decided she wants to be identified as a male. Her mother, who is not a believer, is encouraging it. My friend is so grief stricken and also not a believer. Her granddaughter and friends and teachers have told her her grandparents have a phobia! Please pray, as I told her I would, for guidance and peace. Thank you!
    • My friend Lori had a massive stroke and is in the ICU. Lord I pray for healing & full recovery. I trust and believe in your will.
    • My friend Lori had a massive stroke and is in the ICU. Lord I pray for healing & full recovery. I trust and believe in your will.
    • My adult son has MELAS and has been such a warrior for several years. He’s in hospice now but is so determined to live. It has been such a roller coaster that spirals downward but has some plateaus before the next crisis. We have seen the miraculous in that Josh continues to live but the disease has ravaged his body and can be very painful. I don’t even know how to pray anymore. Thank you all for just lifting us up to the Lord only He knows his plan and what we need.
    • Dear Jesus,
      Please send a wonderful loving Christian husband for my sweet loving daughter. Someone who loves Our Lord as she does and they grow in their love and have a strong commitment to each other and in their faith. In Jesus Name. Amen

        Keep believing! It will come to pass. It did for my daughter at the age of 35. I pray that God will send just the mate that He has in store for your daughter real soon.

    • Thank you Lord for allowing me to work at Camp Dogwood, designed for visually impaired persons. I praise You for the opportunity to share my love for cooking and showing Your love through the spiritual gift of hospitality. I know they are in need of help in the kitchen for high end events.
      I thank You in advance for Your favor and blessings.
    • Kevin Furulli & da ohana, Hilo HI — comfort, hope and peace during his battle with a brain tumor. They have endured many 10+ yrs with this battle, which has strengthened their faith and love for family and others. Continue strengthening upon Kevin’s children in whatever areas needed. And Andrea’s physical, emotional and spiritual endurance.
      Dennis McRae & da ohana, Hilo, HI —- encouragement, belief and peace. Dennis has been diagnosed with a cancer cell on his liver about 8 months ago. We have been praying that God would shrink it so that he dr. could remove mass. Or remove it completely. Strength Dennis body to fight for during this journey. And for his young sons, Jr. 12 and Donnis 9. And my sister, Debbie.
      Praying for my friends, their families and my family and self for complete, quick healing and prevention against this Covid virus. Guide us with wisdom as Solomon. And as we pray for others and live our life in pleasing our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
      And May the Lord, protect, guide you with wisdom and clarity as you fight the good fight for others. Amen.
    • Prayers for my wonderful husband that he may grow in Christ’s love. And that my wonderful daughter finds her way back to us. Thank you Jesus. In you name I pray.
    • Praying for a new job, God fearing future husband and infilling of the Holy Spirit.
    • Praying for a new job, God fearing future husband and infilling of the Holy Spirit.
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