Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it.

It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way. If an entry has too much information about another person that could embarrass or disrespect them, it will not be posted. 

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

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    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • For my husband to get a new job very soon as our situation is becoming very stressful.
    • That my son will realize how badly he has hurt his future.
      1. Ashleigh

        Lord, I pray over Vera\'s son today. I pray that You will remove the scales over his eyes and will wake him up to what is currently going on. He needs Your help and He needs You. I pray that if he doesn\'t know You, I pray that he will accept the free gift of Your salvation today. I pray that You will move mightily in his life to save him. I pray that Vera will rest in You. I pray that You will give Vera Your peace that surpasses all understanding.

    • My sister-in-law is having trouble remembering things. She has been praying and trying to understand how to use the new cell phone her daughter gave her. She needs someone to help her with it.
      Her name is Eileen. Please pray for her mind to clear and confusion to leave. She loves the Lord and is upset that she can\'t remember things that she feels she should.
      Thank you.
    • That the Lord will bring a godly man into my life to marry.
      1. Rebecca K Jackson

        Lord Jesus, I\'m praying that You will bring the man of Ashleigh\'s dreams into her life real soon. Help her to keep looking to You knowing that if she\'s praying about it, You are working on it.

    • God restore all that the enemy has stolen in 2020 ,Finances to restore our home, protection & vindication in the Lord Jesus . Thank You
    • The daughter and granddaughter of our friends are vacationing in Hawaii and the granddaughter, who is 4 months pregnant came down covid 19. Her name is Holly.
    • God, please hear my prayers. AMEN
    • Please pray for me to forgive myself for all those things I have done wrong in my life, and help stop my daily panic attacks. Thank you.
      1. Ashleigh

        Lord, I come to You today to pray over Roselle. Roselle, like many of us, including myself, are constantly reminded by satan, of all of our wrongs. The good news that we are to hold onto is that You came to save that which was lost. We are lost and You came to save us! You know that we are sinners and You knew we would need You, as our Savior. God, You know that we will fail You every day; this side of eternity, and that is why You sent Your Son to die for us. We are so thankful for You and for what You did on the cross. I ask today that You will comfort Roselle. Satan is playing tricks and is trying to steal, kill and destroy her. I ask that You will deliver her from her daily panic attacks. I ask that Your truths will drown out the lies of the enemy. I pray that Roselle will forgive herself and accept Your forgiveness. Your love for us is so mighty that it\'s overwhelming. Your love for us is never ending. I pray that You will pour out Your love and joy over Roselle today. She is Your daughter and You love her so much and You don\'t want her to question herself; especially when her debt has already been paid in full by You.

    • Please pray for Nicole Blackwell to beat her addiction and be restored. To be reunited with her children and live the life God has planned for her. To cling to God and trust Him.
      I also want to give thanks to God for my healing of breast cancer again and for His faithful love for my sons and grandchildren. I am so thankful.
    • My grandson Ledger (22 months old), began having seizures about 2 months ago. They have discovered he has an abnormal gene that is most likely the culprit. Appointments have been made to see a geneticist and he has been seen by a neurologist.

      Medicine controls them for about a week, then they either change the dosage or change the medication. This worries me due to the side effects; however, the damage the seizures are doing can’t be much better.

      Pray God’s will is for him to be healed. It is so sad and hard, especially on him and his parents.

      Thank you and God Bless!
      1. Ashleigh

        Lord, I come to You today and pray for divine healing over Ledger. He is so precious in Your sight. You love him and You know what he is facing. I pray for Your comfort and peace to be poured over this sweet family. You are the chain breaker and I pray that You will break this abnormal gene in the name of Jesus. I pray that Ledgers body will be completely healed. I pray every body that has taken a hit from the seizures will be completely restored in the name of Jesus. I pray that Ledger will no longer have to take medication for his seizures. I pray that Ledger will become a walking miracle. I pray through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit, that You Lord, will touch Ledgers body and You will heal him completely. I pray right now in the mighty name of Jesus that Ledger\'s parents and family will have an outpouring of Your presence over them all right now. I pray that his parents will be at peace because You are in charge and Your ways are higher than ours. I pray that Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. You are the Great Physician, Lord God. You are mighty and You are our Healer.

    • All that the Devil has stolen from me in 2020 Restored .
      Finances to up grade our home to be more energy efficient doors , windows, Insulation , Gas fireplaces Roof fixed,
      & safety & vindication from the Lord Jesus . Thank you
    • Pray for my family(3 chidren and grandson) myself. Finances and health. Closer relationship with God, and marriage between me and my boyfriend of a long time
    • I am believing God that the generational curse of high blood pressure, thyroid disease, diabetes, arthritis and all forms of it, breast cancer and all other forms of cancer, Alzheimer\'s, Parkinson\'s, bipolar and all forms of mental illness be uprooted and cast out of my body and my family.
      1. Ashleigh

        Lord, You break generational curses! By Your stripes we are healed!! I pray over Elaine right now. I pray in the name of Jesus she will be completely healed and that all of the generational curses that she listed and more will be broken in the mighty name of Jesus!!

    • Our family finances and my health breathing O2
      Level drops and can’t walk very far without getting out of breath.
      1. Renee

        Same exact things going on with me. And husband lost his job four months ago, so your prayer really spoke to me. I\'m definitely praying for you!

    • That god fills me with his peace and removes my fear and anxiety
      1. Ashleigh

        Lord, I pray over Koleen today. I pray that You will pour out Your comfort and peace over her today. Satan is out to kill, steal and destroy Koleen, just as his is out to get every single one of Your children. He is trying so hard to knock her down because he knows how valuable she is to You. Because of You, we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. The enemy doesn\'t want that for us. He doesn\'t want us to have strength. He wants us to be weak. God, You are our Strength. You are our Defender. God, I ask in the mighty name of Jesus that You will drown out the enemies lies that he is telling Koleen, with Your truths and Your Word. We are not to fear about anything but instead pray about everything. God, You love Koleen so much and You know exactly what she is going through. I ask that You reveal Yourself to her today and I pray that she will root herself in Your word and hold onto Your truths.

    • Please pray for my son. He’s struggling with addiction. The Lord knows the story. Thank you in advance.
    • I pray that God will bring my daughters back to him, and I pray for my grandson who is in prison that he experience God\'s peace and love along with my boyfriend who is also in jail. I also pray that I get through the Master\'s program that I am starting in August of this year and that I to experience the peace that surpasses all understanding and that my relationship with God gets stronger and that the Holy Spirit will guide me in all my decisions and that God blesses me on my new job which I also start August 16,2021. In Jesus name I pray Amen. Keep these pray warriors lives and family lives in peace and harmony. AMEN..
    • Join me pray that God should have mercy on me, that my husband should locate me this season before the end of 2021, I need financial breakthrough.
    • Please pray for me as I make a decision to work ft in pharmacy at a store that is 5 minutes away. My current store has cut hours, I\'m not happy working up front and its 15 minutes away.
    • Protection for traveling family members. This is summer and there\'s a lot of family members traveling.
    • Please, pray for God to move in a mighty way with a full time position for work for myself. We also have accrued lots of debt and are working tirelessly to pay it off. Please, pray we won’t be forever in paying it off. We need Gods favor upon us!
      Thank you!
      Terri Geeslin
    • Some health issues that causes pain and depression.
      Thank you.
    • For my the relationship between my sister and I to be healed.
      1. Rebecca K Jackson

        I am praying the same thing for my sister and myself. Lord Jesus, see our hearts and please work in our situations to see a reconciliation with our sisters. Have Your way in all of our lives and restore our relationship I pray.

    • For my sister who is being evaluated for dementia, and for her family to stay strong through these tough times
    • courage to face my fears and be free from the past.
      help with beating depression.
    • The fires be stopped in Montana. The farmers and ranchers in Montana get a reprieve from the fires, drought, and grasshoppers. This great nation! It so needs our prayer!
      1. Renee

        Prayers. They really are some of this society\'s greatest heroes. So much hard work and so much stress, with so little recognition. Prayers for all of them.

    • My 6 year old grandson is autistic. He is a beautiful, sweet, kind natured little boy. While his receptive language is very good, His expressive language is severely impaired. He can express minimal needs and wants verbally but has a ways to go… please pray that the Lord touches and heals and blesses him exceedingly and abundantly more than I could ever hope or imagine. Maison needs to be able to avoid exploitation and abuse by being able to express himself verbally… Please lift him up for healing and breakthroughs! We are grateful for every small breakthrough that the Lord has shown us this far on this journey from Maison’s language of humming to now talking….God I thank you, but I’m believing and have faith that you have so much more for him!!! Please pray for Maison!! Thank you..Grandma Sheila…
      1. Rebecca K Jackson

        I believe! I believe that Maison will be able to speak his needs and wants and that he will be able to function very well. All he needs is for those who love him to come alongside him and give him as much encouragement and help as they can. My grandson is 16 now and is a straight A student. He\'s had the leading roll in his school musicals for years. His mind is brilliant. The only thing we are still working on is his ability to carry on a conversation with others that he doesn\'t know very well, Lord Jesus, please bless this young child with all that he needs to recover from this stumble in the road. I know You are able. I\'ve seen it done in more than one person\'s life. Comfort Grandma Sheila and help her to keep working with him and it will all be okay.

    • Prayer to discern God’s will for Mary and Elizabeth
    • Please pray for our family to be restored. We have not had any contact with our sons in 14 yrs.
    • Please pray for my teenage son, who is struggling with depression and PTSD, and is also questioning his belief in God.
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