Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it.

It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way. If an entry has too much information about another person that could embarrass or disrespect them, it will not be posted. 

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

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    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • Please pray for my mother Christine for healing, my father Alexander for healing and salvation. My children for healing and salvation and myself for deliverance and salvation, and this young girl named Mae for healing and salvation. God Bless! Amen
    • I ask for prayers for my daughter who is struggling with debilitating anxiety
    • Please pray for my 30 year old son prodigal son that he would stop running from and surrender to the Lord his 15 year struggle with drug addiction, mental illness, severe anxiety, and rebellion. This is a short list of many issues for which he needs God’s healing power.
      Could I also ask you to pray for my husband and myself that we don’t give up hope that He is still listening to our prayers and still hears our deep pain, guilt, and devastation from this disease that has robbed us of the son we once knew.
      Above all, please pray that he knows God still loves him no matter what.
      Thanks so much.
      1. Jacqueline Cooper

        I’m praying for your family 🙏🏼

      2. Valerie

        There is a wonderful book called Hope Lies Ahead, written by father and son James and Geoffrey Banks that I recently read. It might be helpful for you to read during this difficult time. There is an additional book called Prayers for Prodigals that James Banks wrote while he struggled with his son\'s addiction, and falling away from his faith.. I\'m currently reading that, and it has many scripture filled prayers for both his son and daughter. The first book is interesting as it is written from the father\'s and the son\'s perspective as the son, and actually the entire family, struggled for many years with his addiction . Praying that God will send his comforting peace to you and your family.

      3. Isabelle Grace

        I can totally relate. I I’ve serve two sons who I’ve had similar experiences and I’ve been reading praying for your adult children. The prayers have been very helpful as I intercede on my sons behalf. I encourage and join in agreement that your son’s heart shall be tendered towards the Lords will for his life . I pray and stand in agreement that his life shall be a testimony that will help influence others to come to Christ and live for God , in Jesus name I pray Amen

      4. Tammy

        Dear sister, I wanted to let you know that your prayer request struck my heart because I\'m going through the same storm with my son as well. He just turned 15 this year. May the Lord bless your son and keep him. God knows what he\'s going through and He\'s forever faithful to us when we seek Him.

    • Pray for Cindy and her family, her father passed away on Saturday from Covid. Pray for guidance and protection from Covid for the teachers and students at my school and our new school year just around the corner. Thank you for your prayers and this prayer wall!
    • My previous employer has not paid me my last check. I filed a claim with the Department of Labor, but no results. The deadline of July 31 approaches. Without God\'s intervention, I will have to file a civil suit to get paid what I am owed. Please pray for this situation.
    • The West is in a severe drought, we had little snow the last 2 years so there was no snow pack and no rain. We are burning up in 13 states. Please pray for this to end.
    • I recently passed the Real Estate exam for Arizona. I am newly retired and looking to supplement my retirement income. Please pray for the Lord’s direction to where I should work & be trained as a Transaction Coordinator .
    • I recently had Laryngotracheal Reconstruction surgery. This was a much more involved surgery than I had anticipated. One month later, I’m still severely struggling with my day to day activities and I have two one year old children who need me to be my best. I know the healing process is slow, but I feel so defeated still not being able to speak and struggling just to eat (swallowing is still painful). Please help me pray for healing and to be the mother and wife that my family needs. Thank you.
      1. Jacqueline Cooper

        Praying for your healing ❤️‍🩹🙏🏼

    • Please pray for my son, he has bipolar. He is expanding his business and I worry that it will be to stressful for him. I know he needs to draw closer to the Lord. He loves the Lord, but I think his eyes are drawn to making more money.
    • Dear Lord, I am reaching out to you with the requests that you watch over my family and friends. Keep them safe, healthy and free from harm. Extra prayers going out to my friend Tee who is having some minor medical issues, please keep her faithful and strong. To my friend Debbie who\'s father has a weak heart, let him get stronger. To my son and his fiancee, please let them find the date to join as one in your eyes. Thank you Dear Lord for all that you have given me, my heart and faith are with you.
    • iam waiting for smart driving licence that i may go back to job again
    • For help in turning my fears and anxiety over to the Lord. I continuely try to fix mine and my family’s problems on my own and when it doesn’t work I become angry and frustrated. Please pray for me to turn my worries over to God and except the fact that I alone can not fix everything.
    • I need peace of mind. I struggle with a fear of getting cancer, having a heart attack and just dying in general. I have severe anxiety and need to learn to handle this. I am afraid the phone will ring with bad news when I have test results to come back. I am so tired of living in fear. I don’t try relax ever and I battle with depression, OCD, PTSD, and general anxiety disorder. My mom had worse issues. My parents died 72 days apart when I was 18, that was 33 years ago and it has forever changed me. Along with suffering through my mother’s mental illness my entire childhood. Basically I’m a mess. A work in progress. I’ve been in counseling for 24 years on and off but mostly on. I need God so much to just protect me. I struggle with trust and faith but try every day. Any prayers would be so greatly appreciated!! Thank you!
      1. Yolanda

        Lord Jesus, help your child find comfort and enduring peace in your arms. May your love and grace be sufficient and trust be built where fear exists. In your name, we banish Satan\'s hold over her mind and body that his evil ways may be apparent. Surround your child with people who she can trust. Amen. I recommend reading Fear, I\'m Over You by Holley Gerth. It\'s a daily guide to addressing and overcoming fear.

    • Sadly, and not by our choice, we don’t have a good relationship with our neighbors. The Lord’s directed us to build a fence between us. That may sound cold and unChristlike, but feel it’s for our protection. We feel a bit like Nehemiah when he was harassed by Tobias and Sanballat, please pray the construction process goes smoothly, and that the Lord go before us, thank you.
      1. Tammy

        Dear Debra, I\'m praying Isaiah 54:17 over your situation. Be blessed and know that this battle isn\'t yours, but God\'s!

    • Hello wonderful ladies! I am in the process of starting a business called Your Precious Love about child development and peaceful parenting. I launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise money to produce a cardboard playhouse, My Precious House. My goal is to give every child a space of their imaginative and creative play. Also, to help parents be more confident parents through love. Please pray for love and abundance for my new adventures. I know God is always with me and having amazing ladies get closer to Him in prayer is a blessing. Thank you for raising my business in prayer. I love every single one of you.

      With love,
      Nahomie Johnson
    • I am having issues getting pregnant. I pray I am able to have a healthy baby.
      1. Suzy

        You are in my prayers. I know firsthand how har this struggle is. Stay faithful. God has a plan for you and your future family whatever that may end up looking like. My husband and I struggled for a long time. Looking back God was laying a foundation for the beautiful twins he blessed us with. God loves you very much!

    • Please pray for my sweet friend, Misty, and her family, for God to give them peace, comfort, and strength after the loss of her son due to an overdose. She fears her son was not truly saved and is struggling with that.
    • My sister has terminal cancer at the age of 52. She is deciding today on further treatment or comfort.
    • Please pray for my sister Joyce. She had surgery yesterday from falling and has a long road of recovery ahead of her. She is 72 and has diabetes very bad.
      Prayers for a full recovery please. Thank you
    • Praying for a new job, husband & financial breakthrough
    • Please pray for my mentally challenged daughter who is also mentally ill. Her father died and she is having trouble adjusting to her new group home.
    • Inner ear issues, crystals dislodge and cause vertigo, please pray for healing
    • Personally, I’m at a crossroads on what to do with my life. I’m not fulfilled at bedside nursing anymore, but cannot seem to find direction. I’m waiting it seems for opportunities to present themselves. Thanks for your prayers.
    • My daughter is an alcoholic and it looks to me like she has hit Rock bottom, she can’t stay sober, go back to her job, her kids have been removed, she’s about to lose her house. The medical system has failed her when she asked for help the waiting list is so long she has given up and the support in the meantime is just not enough.

      Please pray for deliverance for her, that God will help get into a treatment program, that she will hit the bottom and be so desperate she will grab at the help wherever it comes available and that she will get into the right program.

      We as the family are exhausted but leaning on God and praying for his strength to keep fighting and know that to do.

      Thank you
      1. Donette

        I am praying for you and your family. We went through this with my brother and praise God, after nearly 40 years, he has now been sober for over 4 years. God is a God of redemption and restoration and His prodigal children are always close to His heart.

    • Family restoration. Distance has been put between my youngest son and me and I do not know what it is that I did to cause this. Apparently, he is in some kind of pain. I ask for prayer that will allow him the courage to tell me what he is feeling and to allow me to make amends. I miss him and love him dearly. Thank you. God bless all that pray for my family.
    • Please help me pray for my daughter who had throat cancer 4 years ago and is now having sore throat again. Please God don’t let it be that horrible sickness again. Seeing specialist tomorrow. ALL THE GLORY TO GOD
    • Please pray for my daughter to come back to her faith in a strong way. I feel God at work. Please pray that she will hear and listen to His call and
      not listen to the people in her life. Please pray that His will be done about her job opportunity out of town.
    • My son has come back to the Lord after 20 years of praying for him, please pray he can find a mentor that will encourage his walk with the Lord. His wife has told him that she doesn’t love him anymore and is planning to leave,they have a 3 year old little girl. I know God can do anything and I pray that she will have a change of heart!
    • We are walking through a very challenging, heartbreaking time with our 17 year old son Levi (yes raised in church; his whole life; my husband and I have been in leadership working as teaching pastors for the past 10 years, the shame is real and the questions of where did we miss it and go wrong is real). He is an absolutely amazing kid with such a great call on his life but the world has been influencing his views and actions. Prayers for strong Godly friend group for him; for wisdom beyond his years; the ability to see and hear clearly, beyond his years; boldness and courage to stand for righteousness and to not be influenced ; his relationship with God to strengthen; for a super natural encounter that brings him to his knees. That he falls so in love with Christ, completely sold out. Prayers for wisdom for us as his parents, our hearts have been so hurt during this season and we love him so much. Prayers for healing for us as a family. That faith and hope remains strong and we stand firmly on Gods promises concerning our family! So many prayers…thank you!!!
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