Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it.

It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way. If an entry has too much information about another person that could embarrass or disrespect them, it will not be posted. 

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.
    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • Our marriage.
    • My husband is having surgery this morning and being tested for cancer. I believe he\'s healthy. Pray for good results!
    • My daughter and son-in-law, expecting their first child in the next few weeks.
    • Please pray for my family. We lost our mom on 07/21/2021 from COVID, my brother is fighting for his life now in ICU on the vent due to COVID. So many in my family were sick with this virus and our bodies are still healing.
    • Good day, please pray with me for my husband\'s healing, he is ill and for permanent employment for myself at the same company where I am currently temping. Company\'s name is Hartmann and vitamed
    • I pray for salvation of all my family members, colleagues and friends as COVID-19 is ravaging through our country south africa...i pray for personal peace and strength as anxiety level are sky rocketing
    • I feel as if I am not doing enough as a mother. I have a son and I am trying so hard but I feel it is never enough. Financially, emotionally. I work hard and most of the time I am too exhausted to have patience for him. I pray to God even if I am unable to support him enough financially, but to have the heart to be a good mother and give me a forgiving heart
    • Praying for strength for my friend, Ann. She us taking care of her brother, Jimmy, who is at home in Hospice care.
    • My oldest is struggling with alcoholism since returning home from the war in Iraq.
      Raised up in a Christian church we thought he received salvation at an early age. He says he prays every night asking for the Lord\'s help.
      We are people of unwavering faith in our Heavenly Father!! So many of our
      friends and of course our family are praying for Samuel.
      As we will never cease praying for Samuel,
      Will you please pray for our precious gift in Christ name Samuel!
      Thank you!...I will be praying for others as well!!
    • Please pray for my husband who was a minister but is now shipwrecked doing things he did before salvation. he needs deliverance and maybe salvation. Colossi ans 1:9-14
    • I recently relocated to a new state, and I struggle to find my way through my career and feel alone. Please pray for God to surround me with positive people and guidance in my career choice.
    • Please pray for my young neighbor and friend as she battles stage 4 cancer. Be with her sweet husband giving him strength and hope as well.
    • My friend Jayla had been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. She is only 60, yet the doctors say she has less than a year. God is the Master Physician and He has the final say! She has 3 kids and 8 grandkids besides lots of friends and other family, and none of us are ready to send her to heaven early.
    • Prayer for my love one salvation. for God open a door for my pastor\'s to buy a church .for me and my husband to find a job. for health . Thank you
    • Please pray for our friend, Hope. She has been very sick for several weeks. She was admitted to the hospital last week with severe abdominal pain and 15% weight loss over the past month. The went in to do exploratory surgery today expecting to remove a mass of unknown origin in her abdomen today. The mass is attached to so many parts of her abdominal area they weren’t sure how to proceed s they closed her. She is in ICU tonight. Please pray for Hope, for healing and that she won’t be discouraged by this turn f events. Please pray for the medical team that God will guide them through the maze of removing this mass that is causing Hope so much pain.
      1. Lisa

        So sorry you\'re friend Hope is going through this. I pray God gives her strength, peace, and comfort. I also pay for wisdom for her doctors.

    • Pray for my cousin
      Thank you
    • For my son and all the trials he is and has been going through for the last 6 years. Give him courage and wisdom to seek you Lord. He lost his dad and now he needs to know you are his Father who will see him through.
    • I’d like to ask for forgiveness of my past. It seems to chase me in my every day life especially at night once my family is asleep. I beg for the anxiety to leave me be. I beg! Pls Dear Lord, pls put your hands on me to free me and offer comfort to my aching heart and soul. Pls God give me strength to move past my poor decisions and focus on my family and their future. In Jesus’s name I pray…amen.
      1. Cynthia Daniel

        I join with you and understand as I have been there to. You just have to have to Trust Jesus. I heard a sermon Sunday that emphasized we are too busy dealing with \"old news\" to see what victories Jesus has right now for us as He prepares us for future use for His Glory. So lets you and I are join together and be thankful for today\'s opportunity and tomorrow\'s future that was shaped and formed by yesterday\'s mistakes and missteps. Amen and Amen. Giving Him the Glory

      2. Tess Scott

        Praying for you my friend. God remembers your sin no more! You are free! Praise Him. He will give you peace and rest. It is what He promises sister.

    • Hopefully my name is not attached, at least not my full name. Please pray for a family member of mine with an alcohol issue. Pray for deliverance. Pray for my son and daughter-in-law to find a church to thrive in and take my grandsons to.
      God is faithful and He will hear our cry.
      1. lisa gray cupples

        I will pray for your family member. I am an alcoholic with almost three years sobriety. God saved my life and he can save your family member\'s life.

    • My son is have surgery on his hand after an accident. Please pray for complete healing!

      Thank you!
      1. Cynthia

        I will pray with you and ask you pray with me as my son will also be having surgery due to a workers comp injury. I join with you that God will guide the Surgeons hand and that both these young men will be completely healed.

      2. Cynthia

        I will pray with you and ask you pray with me as my son will also be having surgery due to a workers comp injury. I join with you that God will guide the Surgeons hand and that both these young men will be completely healed.

    • My son is have surgery on his hand after an accident. Please pray for complete healing!

      Thank you!
    • Please pray for my son who is in training in Pensacola. He is a new Navy officer and I’m asking prayers for safety and adjusting to his new I\'m praying that he will be with people who have similar values and that he will develop stress relationships with others in his group.
    • Please pray for my health. I have Ruematoid Arthritis and my job is very physical. I am in constant pain, but more so when my body is at rest. Please pray I get through this summer and am asked to come back next year.
      In Jesus Name....
      1. Cynthia Daniel

        I too have RA and whether He heals his now or in heaven He will provide a path do that we can deal with this disease. I pray you find a good Rheumatologist and that God provides all tat you nerd so you can take care of yourself properly. And if you don\'t mind mind. I pray He opens the door to a position that is less physically demanding but provides for all your financial and career goals needs.

    • God has asked me to start a ministry for hurting women and I don\'t know where to get started. Please pray that He will send me guidance and direction to follow His lead and fulfill his purpose for my life.
    • I am asking for prayers for a dear girlfriend and her husband who was diagnosed with ALS at the end of 2019. For strength and to feel at peace with God\'s plan. Thanks
    • Prayer for my daughter Latasha (depression and anxiety). ReChell (COVID lingering effects).
    • A friend needs emotional and mental healing..
    • Complete recovery for son Kevin Stolden whose heart stopped for 18 minutes from asthma attack on 9/11/2020. Not in a coma but has a tracheotomy and doesn’t walk, talk, or move his limbs. He does appear to be very alert and smiles or cries at times . Thank you for prayers
      1. Jacqueline Cooper

        Praying for total and complete healing in the Mighty Name Of Jesus 🙏🏼

      2. Tess Scott

        Lord heal Kevin with your power that raises the dead.

    • Hello

      I would like to request prayers for a very challenging family situation regarding my grandchild whom we raise and his absentee parents. We are needing direction, financial assistance and prays for this long ongoing situation for him.

      Thank you
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