Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it.

It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way. If an entry has too much information about another person that could embarrass or disrespect them, it will not be posted. 

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.
    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • My husband, Scott, fighting a 4th round of chemo, in 3yrs. Pray for my dad, 87yrs old, 2,000 mikes away and care for him is becoming challenging for me.
      1. Nadine Trudeau

        Dear Father in Heaven You are are great healer and physician. I pray that you would heal Scott of all disease in his body. I pray that you would give the doctors and nurses wisdom to know how to best treat Scott. I pray for comfort and peace for him and Yvonne as they go through these chemo treatments . I pray that Scott would find comfort in these trying times and that he would not suffer greatly. I pray that Yvonne would find answers in you to best know how to care for her Dad. Lord please make a way for him to either move closer or for care for him to become easier. Please make a way for all of this as it is distressing to Yvonne. Lord we thank you for always taking care of us and providing all that we need and want. We ask that you would please help this family in Jesus precious name. Amen

    • Praying for my husband and I conceive to a child and that he gets a interview date for the embassy to get a visa to come to the states so we can be together in one place. We have been patiently waiting.
    • Please pray for my dad. He has Alzheimers and is not doing well. He has been in a care center for about 3 weeks.
    • My son health is failing.. prayer for healing and restoration. My grandaughter accident was dehibilatating and she needs rest and Gods Grace. My niece is hospitalized with blood clot.. please remove and keep safe. Disabled grandson protection for adulthood. All those who are hurting and unable to maintain mental health.. please hold close to you Lord and keep them safe
    • Prayers for my friend Renee Castillo who has AML leukemia. Prayers that her nausea and pain goes away. That her palliative care chemotherapy bring to comfort and not pain. That the days God has left for her she can live in peace.
    • Health
    • Just had a memorial for mom who died of COVID Nov. 30th. learned my brother n law passed of a drug overdose the day before memorial. Cousin died yesterday of Covid, have a cousin who lost her husband in March from brain cancer and just lost her father n law. Prayers for our family and for finances for my spouse and I as he retired a couple of years ago. Prayers for new Women\'s Bible study i just started on Monday nights, God has put on my heart to have younger and older women to mentor each other. God is good all the time, All the time God is so good.
    • Please pray for my son Christopher as he has an ongoing health issue that is continuing to go undiagnosed. He is feeling helpless and defeated and it is taking a toll on his young marriage. There are 3 things that he has asked for me to pray for: strength, healing, and peace. Will you please join me in praying these things over my son? Blessings
    • Our family’s kitty has gone missing. He’s been a big part of our family and came to us as a stray. We’ve been through some difficult times and big changes lately, and he’s always helped us to get through. Please be in prayer for a safe return. We’re doing everything we can think of to find him, but we’d really appreciate any prayers sent our way. Thank you!
    • My wife suffered complications on her feet after Covid. Let us pray that the disease will leave her legs and allow her to walk. I love her very much and want her to stay alive. Thanks dear.
    • Please pray for my husband and our marriage. He\'s been struggling with depression, anxiety and has not been working full time for the past eight months. We\'ve dwindled away our savings and I\'m worried that we won\'t be able to pay our bills if he doesn\'t get back to working full time now. I love him and our family, we\'ve been through so much and I just need a break. I think we all need a break, we are worn out.
    • Please pray for my son and his family. He loves his children, but is very impatient and sometimes just downright cruel.
    • A job for my son. Was let go shy of 2 years due to Covid and hasn’t been able to find another for 3 months. A recent college graduate. I know God has a plan but hurts this momma’s heart as he is discouraged and disappointed week after week. Praying something will come through soon.
    • Please pray for my daughter who is going through a very ugly divorce, specifically a hedge of protection around her and her two children! Also prayers for my son who in anger has decided he doesn’t want me his father or his sister in his life, prayer for forgiveness, reconciliation , and healing! Thank you!
    • Please pray that I am able to deepen my relationships with my children. We live in different states and Covid has taken a toll on our getting together. I miss the way things used to be and need God to show me new ways to express my love to them.
    • Please pray for my husband as he is currently not walking with God. Pray for my daughter as she is expecting her first child. Please pray for me as I have rheumatoid arthritis in my right hip degenerative disc disease in my back and a possible gallstone. We know God is the great physician and I trust him to heal me and help me. Thank you for being in agreement with me for healing for my husband and for my daughters Health as she carries this precious baby. To God be the glory
    • Prayer for job in transition, relocating and have been informed my current company will not allow me to stay remote. Also, prayer for adult child who has come out as Transgender, moved to Chicago without a place to live or a job. Lord, have mercy on us.
    • Teachers and students at school this year
      Brother with Parkinson’s/recovery from DBS surgery
      Everyone to be healthy
      Daughter with fractured arm
      Myself: anxiety for new school year
      Husband with hurt back
      Mom to stay healthy and mobile
    • Please pray for our very dear friends, two separate families, each losing an 21 year old and another losing a 19 year old.. These are neighbors and friends. It has been devastating . We also own the local funeral home which makes my husbands job so very hard . Please pray .. I also have a 20 year old son who is battling severe depression and ask for prayers for God to get him and us through this.. Thank you for prayers
    • Please pray for my granddaughters who are battling anxiety and depression over issues with their addict parents. Please pray that my daughter acknowledges her problem with alcohol and seeks help. Please pray for wisdom and guidance for my husband and myself in knowing how to help.
    • Our 18 year old daughter wants to leave home and live a loose life with a friend. I ask for intercession and I will pray with you in the name of Jesus. Amen
    • Our marriage.
    • My husband is having surgery this morning and being tested for cancer. I believe he\'s healthy. Pray for good results!
    • My daughter and son-in-law, expecting their first child in the next few weeks.
    • Please pray for my family. We lost our mom on 07/21/2021 from COVID, my brother is fighting for his life now in ICU on the vent due to COVID. So many in my family were sick with this virus and our bodies are still healing.
    • Good day, please pray with me for my husband\'s healing, he is ill and for permanent employment for myself at the same company where I am currently temping. Company\'s name is Hartmann and vitamed
    • I pray for salvation of all my family members, colleagues and friends as COVID-19 is ravaging through our country south africa...i pray for personal peace and strength as anxiety level are sky rocketing
    • I feel as if I am not doing enough as a mother. I have a son and I am trying so hard but I feel it is never enough. Financially, emotionally. I work hard and most of the time I am too exhausted to have patience for him. I pray to God even if I am unable to support him enough financially, but to have the heart to be a good mother and give me a forgiving heart
    • Praying for strength for my friend, Ann. She us taking care of her brother, Jimmy, who is at home in Hospice care.
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