Sharon JaynesA Sudden Glory 166 Comments

When Your Soul Aches for Something More

Do you ever feel like something is missing in your life? Maybe you are doing all the right things: going to church, reading your Bible, spending time in prayer, helping the poor. But in your heart, you feel a void, like something’s not quite right.

Most of us come to Christ with a certain “inloveness”—a stirring of emotion mixed with an inexplicable knowing that we’ve discovered our reason for being.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesA Sudden Glory, Expectant Living, General Inspiration 5 Comments

Seeing God in the Bread-and-Butter Plain Days

You know what? I liked my last post. I liked the beauty in my yard all white with snow. I loved how you love it!

But I never want you to think better of me than I really am. The snow melted. The mud remained. And the ordinary bread-and-butter plain days were back.

There were a few days between then and now when I wasn’t exactly sleuthing for God’s fingerprints throughout my day.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesA Sudden Glory, God's love, Uncategorized 38 Comments

God’s Valentine to You

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. You knew that. Probably all too well.

While it is touted as a day filled with red balloons, boxed-chocolates, Hallmark cards, candlelight dinners and sexy lingerie, it is also a day of disappointment for many because there are no red balloons, boxed chocolates, Hallmark cards, candlelight dinners and sexy lingerie.

Here’s my word to you.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesA Sudden Glory, Expectant Living, Power of Words 13 Comments

The Danger of Ingratitude

“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise,” (Psalm 100:4).

Right in the center of my Bible, I find an invitation into God’s presence. And while there is nowhere we can go away from God’s presence, we can certainly feel distant from Him.

In Genesis chapter 2, we read of Adam and Eve’s original sin of disobedience to God’s one command not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesA Sudden Glory, Expectant Living, God's love, Listening to God 85 Comments

Could You Be the Answer To Someone’s Prayer?


Two weeks ago, I was preparing for an upcoming trip to El Salvador with Compassion International and my ministry partners, Gwen Smith and Mary Southerland.

We were going to visit several projects in three different cities to get a better understanding how Compassion breaks the cycle of poverty among some of the world’s poorest populations.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesA Sudden Glory, General Inspiration, God's love, Renewing your mind with the Truth 7 Comments

He Loves Me!

I stood in a circle with a group of ladies to pray before heading to the podium to speak. They had been planning and preparing for about a year, and now the Christmas event was finally here. As we held hands in a circle of intercession, one of the women said, “This morning as I was sitting in the church praying for the event, God showed me that Sharon is very valuable to Him.” At that moment I began to weep…Read more