Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it.

It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way. If an entry has too much information about another person that could embarrass or disrespect them, it will not be posted. 

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

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    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • I would like to ask for prayers for two friends of mine. Marcella is going through a divorce, being cheated on and having no where to live with her daughter. And the other friend is Getulio who is on dialysis and needs a new kidney to be healthier. Thank you!
    • That my daughter finds a better, more satisfying job soon and calm down.
    • Heal infertility issues of son and daughterinlaw. They have been married 10 years and praying for a baby. Thank you Jesus!
    • Heal infertility issues of son Walter and his wife Dacia. They have been married 10 years and praying for a baby. Thank you Jesus!
      1. Rebecca K Jackson

        Father in Heaven, I pray for this couple that You will bless them with a child. I pray that they won\'t lose hope but that they will look to You. Comfort Elaine and help her to continue to pray for them and believe. Believe and not doubt. Strengthen their faith.

    • Please pray for my son Christian to know the Lord and to lead a productive respectable life and work hard in a rewarding job.
    • Asking for prayer to heal my body concerning hernia, gallstones and a lesion that\'s noncancerous. I\'m praising God that it\'s not any worst although I\'m trusting and believing that healing will take place concerning my body. Also please pray that I get the job I interviewed for on Monday at a Christian School.
    • Please pray for my family. My mom, dad, sister, and brother-in-law all have covid. I know my God is able to heal!
    • Please pray for my deliverance. I have been battling health problems for over a year and instead of better, things seem to be progressing. I am a single parent with a teenage daughter, I have a house and no job at the moment. Things are starting to seem dire. Please pray for deliverance.
    • We sold our house of 18 years. Now we need to know where God wants to go. I’m a chronically ill person.
      Me, my husband and his mother all live in the same house. Please ask God for mercy
      and guidance to follow and guide us
    • discernment, prosperity, peace, patience, insecurity, and financial stability

      Thank you in advance for your prayers.
    • For my son in law to be saved…Chris Whitten.
    • Terribly difficult family situation that has been brewing for about a year. I continue to pray for healing of this family and ask you to join me
    • I need prayers for a medical miracle for a special someone in my life, that has been there for me in my troubled and sad times. I love that special someone with all my heart and want nothing but good health and happiest and no pain with this medical situation.
      Thank you
    • My 2nd prayer request is that FATHER GOD would send me a saved born again Christian husband! I have never been married and I never had children. I am getting older now and I desire to be married and share the rest of my life with the husband that \" DADDY GOD\" chooses for me!! I would love to get married within the next 2 to 3 years from now to someone who can love me for me and I love them for them! For all of the right reasons and we can worship the LORD together. Thank you SAINTS AND PRAYER WARRIORS!
    • I would like prayer for my children to bring Jesus back into their lives and for my grandchildren to accept Jesus as their Lord and savior. Thank you!
    • Much needed prayers for our son struggling with serious marriage issues that affects our lives as he’s moved in with us.
    • My mother in law Marian … 94 yrs old…. Will pass peacefully any day now. She has been living with my husband and our children since April 2021. For peace, forgiveness and comfort between the family members of my husband’s… that is their mother’s last wish.
      Thank you and God Bless.
    • Dear Father, I know you love my beautiful family and began a good work in each one, please heal and reconcile broken relationships. I pray that each of my children will love you wholeheartedly, walk with you daily, forgive and love each other. I ask that you would also heal my relationship with my daughter Lacey. I love you Jesus and may your will be done in my life and this country. Please draw people unto yourself.
      In Jesus name,
    • Please pray for my niece Debbie who has non-alcoholic of the liver. She was hospitalized for testing to go on transplant list. They didn’t like her coughing and filling up with fluid and took a scraping of her lungs. They’re waiting results to see if she has lung cancer. Her body is weak, her spirits are low and she’s in constant pain and discomfort. She recently accepted the Lord. Please pray for her. She has such a loving and generous heart and soul. Thank you.
    • Please pray for complete healing for my husband; after 5 weeks in the hospital, he is struggling with fluid retention, strength and stamina. Please also pray for the relationship amongst my son and daughter that they would realize the pain and suffering they are causing us and the anxiety and depression that has ensued. Please heal the relationship with our son and us as well.
    • My husband has been having mobility and incontinent issues since Christmas. The doctors are just now doing testing, and an MRI shows that he has a damaged spine and he may need surgery. Please pray for our situation - we meet with the surgeon on 8/5. Also, he has been home alone all day since 7/1 while I work, and we are in desperate need of home help in the form of a caregiver. We applied for IHSS, and they are ready to go, but they are waiting on Medi-Cal to change my husband\'s aid code - they still have him listed as staying in a skilled nursing facility, and it is holding up the In Home Support Services process.
    • I need the confidence to seek the job that God has planned for me and open eyes and heart to recognize the right job opportunity.
      1. Denise

        It is done, in Jesus\' name.

    • I need the confidence to seek the job that God has planned for me and open eyes and heart to recognize the right job opportunity.
    • Hello everyone! I just came back from having a 6 the month mammogram. I had one in January and I also had an arm pit biopsy in January. Well they just told me everything checked out fine and I didn\'t have to have the arm pit biopsy like I thought. But I have to go back in January 6 months from now for another mammogram. Please pray for me that I don\'t have or will ever get breast cancer! Thank you SAINTS AND PRAYER WARRIORS!
      1. Denise

        It is done in Jesus\' name, according to Exodus 15;26.

      2. Estelle

        Praise God. He is good all the time!!!

    • Please pray for my father, Harold, he needs a touch from God due to a stroke. He also needs to accept God as his Lord and Savior.
      Pray for my son Hunter, he is a christian but like all moms I worry about choices he makes and the influence of others.

      Thank you so much
    • God you have planted the desire to marry in my heart after so many years. And to marry J. If he isn’t my Boaz change my desire to marry him and send me the msn you have designed just for me. I know you long to give me the desires of my heart. But if this is not your will please close the door. And if it is, please open the doors that need to be opened and reveal all truth. That J would seek you with his whole heart and your will for his life. Whatever strongholds keeping us apart will be broken. Thank you Jesus for the answers that are on the way. I believe with my whole heart that he is my 2nd love with you being the first! Amen and amen
    • My niece Ella R. is struggling with anxiety and her eating disorder.
    • Marisa- answers and to trust God’s timing and plans.
      Protection over my school, staff, students this school year. My family!
    • Please pray for my son. He’s struggling with addiction. The Lord knows the story. Thank you in advance.
    • Praying for healing (weak bones)
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