Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it.

It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way. If an entry has too much information about another person that could embarrass or disrespect them, it will not be posted. 

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

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    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • Please pray for my Sister who is going thru a messy divorce.
    • Please pray for my marriage, we hurt each other a lot and it seems like the divorce is the only possible way to find peace.
    • I have been unemployed for almost 2 years now and it\'s been very hard for me. Please help me in praying to get a good job and soon. Thank you.
    • Please pray the Lord will miraculously deliver my husband from addiction to alcohol and whatever else he may struggle with, that the Lord will bring healing to my body and lead my sister and bro-in-law in their paths of new jobs they are beginning.
    • I am on dialysis and am praying for a kidney. I have been on the transplant list for 2 years and am getting discouraged. I am 48 years old and am trying to wait well, but it gets hard.
      1. Michelle

        Let God use your light through this situation. If He\'s brought you to a situation in your life, He has a purpose and will bring you through it. Rest in the thought that you are being an example for someone who needs one. Will be praying for your peace of mind, healing and most importantly, God\'s perfect will in your life.

    • Please pray that I would find direction on having a certain health surgery. I want to be healthy but I don’t want to go where God doesn’t want me. So pray for direction in the decision!
    • I am a married mother of 4, a born again child of God.

      In 2018 my husband was diagnosed with depression and put on medication, he was also referred for counselling, which he flat out refused, instead he started drinking excessively, even to a point of drinking a bottle of whisky a day, every day. This resulted in him developing hypertension which forced me to drop out of Bible School in 2019. In 2020 with the pandemic and then the lockdown, this became worse, he even turned violent, he would slap me infront of the kids, we have 7 year old twins, my oldest is 16, and then 13, the twins are the youngest.

      I left home for my mom\'s after I could not take the violence anymore, he would even take out his guns and tell the kids that I am very silly, when family members try to intervene, he would claim he was cleaning them. After interventions by family members and him stopping his drinking we went back home, only for him to start drinking again, and starting to threaten violence again. I am now back at my mom\'s with the kids, I do not work since we had agreed earlier on in our marriage that I should look after the kids and the home as his business required him to travel a lot, he felt atleast one of us should be there for the kids all of the time.

      This time around however, unlike the first time we left home last year he is very vindictive, to me it seems he is even dillusional, he accuses me of saying or doing things I have no knowledge of, he would even say I had confessed to him when I ask where he gets the things that he is accusing me of. I need prayers and for people to stand with me in agreement as to me it seems my husband is under a very strong demonic attack. He refuses for anyone to go and pray at the house. My husband believes in prayer, he was not a Christian when I met him, I wasn\'t either, but unlike me he grew up in a Christian home, my late father in law was a pastor in a pentecostal church. He still won\'t say he is a Christian, but he prays, fasts and believes. He is someone who loves to always be in control, to me it seems even his relation with Christ should be on his terms, in his control.

      My kids are affected as they\'ve known him as a loving father all along, I am also at pains with what is happening to him and he is in denial, he claims I am possessed by demons, everything that has happened I have caused.

      Please pray with me.
    • My daughter Toni is about to leave a program for women with eating disorders. She needs prayers to love herself and her relationship with food. Pray for our conversations as she comes back home. Pray for me- I tend to have a big mouth and a short temper.
      Thank you so much.
      1. AK

        Praying... you may try Youtube for the Kindness Challenge with Revive Our Hearts. I\'m starting the challenge as well.

    • Please pray that my husband becomes saved and opens his heart and mind to the gospel completely.
      Complete healing from anxiety and depression for my husband and me.
      Protection for my daughter so she will not suffer from the same.
      Protection and peace over my home and family.
    • Complete healing of cancer
    • and strength for hands legs.. Having small speech issues, but it could be worse.Sunday I could not talk. I can talk, but memory andthinking processes our not good sometimes.
      I will be praying for all the needs because god knows what they our, and who is sending what.
      Thanks so much.
      LeNore Had a stroke. Need prayers for memory,
    • My daughter, Hannah, has been devastated by a break up after a 3 year relationship.. promise rings and many promises. She is really struggling and mourning this relationship. Please pray for comfort, strength and clarity for the both of them. He\'s a wonderful, Christian young man (Cadence) who is trying to figure out what to do with his life; and I know that they truly love one another. Thank you!
    • Cathy Stevens - breast CA. Michael Collins - pancreatic CA. Martha Isenburg - kidney CA. Charles Calhoun - bladder CA
      Abby Bowman - breast CA. Amber Bowman - breast CA. Ray Peele - COPD, hip replacement.
    • I would like prayer for my husband to live the dream of becoming a mechanic. I would like prayer for our 13-year-old son who will be going back to school in August to thrive and be his very best.
    • Jesus, guide me with the guardianship of Elizabeth. Let me do right by her and most important by you.
      May the Lord open the door for a spouse who is God fearing and Bible believing
      May all who pray for me be blessed and guided by the Holy Spirit. May your prayers be answered as well. God bless you all
    • Tim newly diagnosed with lymphoma cancer
      Lenee breast cancer that has spread to her bones, liver and brain
      Tammy breast cancer
      Derek pray that next eye surgery will restore his vision
      Lori MRI on neck and right knee both have injuries and our hope is no surgery needed.
      All of these people are in pain daily.

      Thank you
    • Complete healing! And coping while I’m in the waiting, for my family as well as myself. Thank you!
    • Confirmation that my husband made the right choice.
      My son and his wife to grow in their walk with the Lord.
      My daughter to find true friendships that will keep her walking with the Lord.
      I lost my prayer life. I\'ve all of sudden ran out of things to say.
    • God\'s grace and healing for my brother in law, Pat as he dealing with multiple cancer diagnosis. From his youth and through the nearly 50 years he and my sister have been married he has tenaciously battled from his time in the Green Berets in Vietnam through the time he survived a electric injury on the job.
      Be with him and his family through this difficult time of his life.
    • My sister in Christ Cece is struggling with a crossroad. She is not sure what direction to take. May she go where God can use her. Where she will shine most.
    • I am grateful for prayers for my family as we have lost my beloved sister-in-law. Her two grown sons, her 3 siblings, her friends and family, and her precious dog, all could use prayer. Many thanks and blessings.
    • Pray for nephew to conquer homelessness, mental illness and addiction
    • 1. I\'ve been praying for a Godly spouse.
      2. My weight/health
      3. My parents house situation.
      4. My sister\'s relationship
      5. My friends adoption situation.
    • Mom to be healed and marital breakthrough
    • Father... Josh is really struggling with health issues right now. Please give the doctors answers that they are looking for. Please direct them in the right direction. Give Josh and Justine strength to get thru this hard time. Amen.
    • My Mom has progressive Parkinson\'s and my husband\'s Father has Alhzeimer\'s.
    • For my husband and sons-in-law to come to the Lord’s salvation and for my children and daughter-in-law to come back to His love. I feel like I am fighting the battle alone.
    • Please pray that my husband becomes the spiritual leader of our home and the man God intended.
    • Me and my Husband have been married for 14yrs, dealing with infertility issues, I\'ve had to have 2 surgeries dealing with Fibroids and endometriosis. We have been praying daily for our kids that we have already named....Cameron and Destiny. We are so looking forward to becoming parents one day and have a prayer room set up with prayers on the wall, baby clothes, pictures. Please keep us in your prayers. We Love and Thank You all so much ❤ GOD BLESS YOU ALL
      1. Algimantas


    • We are primary caregivers for our 5 year-old medically fragile, disabled grandson. We are struggling physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Prayers for help in caregiving. Ability to continue to be physically able to provide care. Also, prayers for my daughter Heather(and her husband) who is estranged from us, healing, forgiveness and restoration of our relationship. Thank you!
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