Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it.

It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way. If an entry has too much information about another person that could embarrass or disrespect them, it will not be posted. 

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.
    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • I’m desperately seeking help mentally
      I’m so lost
      Most days my depression it just killing me
      Plz help me
      I need these thoughts to leave n not come back
    • Please pray for my family. My husband and I are separated. The four of us my husband Hector, daughter Estrella and son Héctor Jr are in a very difficult time right now. Please pray for us. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. May God bless you all
    • Praying for breakthrough within our business for the prayers going up for all issues. Gods will and wisdom to be revealed for important decisions which have been presented and need to be made within our lives.
    • Please pray for my granddaughter Yanay, that the Holy Spirit will dwell within her. That she will have a better gratitude and attitude for life, people; more love and self worth for herself. Pray that she will grow in Gods grace and mercy and become all that he has created her to become. I pray that God will guide me and give me wisdom and knowledge in leading her (words I speak and how I live). Please pray that negative influencers will be removed from her life and be replaced by people who are Godly and positive. I pray that she will have a great 2021-2022 school year. Safe, healthy and protected.
    • Pray for my marriage and those outside forces that have come against it. I so desire for my husband to have relationship with God. I want him and I to seek God together by spending time in prayer and bible study. I pray that my husband and I can experience the intimacy and love we once had. Prayers for me that there is no bitterness.
    • Prayer request for my family as a whole. Believing God for more love, joy, peace, bondages breaking, and deliverance. I also request prayer for my beautiful niece, Melissa who is enduring health issues. Stand in agreement with me for her total healing...physically, mentally, and spiritually. God knows the issues of our hearts, so I stand believing that every issue that concerns me, God is turning things around. God bless each of you, my intercessors.
    • Please Pray for my family. My husband went to Heaven. We are all struggling. So much sadness and anxiety. Please Pray for our future with him.
      Thank you.
      God Bless
      1. Tracy Coates

        Precious Jesus, I lift Tina and her family up to you. I thank you that you are our comforter, our counselor, and our prince of peace. Your word promises us that you will comfort those who mourn. I thank you for wrapping your arms around them and they will feel your tangible presence. We thank you for all these things and give you all the praise and the glory for them. In the beautiful name of Jesus we pray. Amen!

      2. Brenda Patterson

        Lord we cover Tina and her family today. We believe and we trust you Lord Jesus, that you will give peace and comfort during this time. In the name of Jesus...Amen.

      3. Tracy Coates

        Precious Jesus, I lift Tina and her family up to you. I thank you that you are our comforter, our counselor, and our prince of peace. Your word promises us that you will comfort those who mourn. I thank you for wrapping your arms around them and they will feel your tangible presence. We thank you for all these things and give you all the praise and the glory for them. In the beautiful name of Jesus we pray. Amen!

    • Our son is getting married on Saturday! My husband left me a bit over a year ago pray he sees what he is missing
    • For our church and church family. Our church\'s denomination has broken away from the Word of God and is practicing its own individual beliefs. I pray for a miracle to bring them back to Gods Holy Word. And I pray that our Bible believing church is able to break away from this denomination. In Jesus Name!
    • Pray for my Granddaughter. That she makes better choices and the hard edges of her personality soften. That she becomes aware how much Jesus and I love her.
    • My divorce will be final in just a few days - we should have been celebrating our 40th anniversary on Aug 1, instead I am mourning the death of all of my dreams!
      1. Brenda

        Lord, I stand with Alice today, knowing from experience that you will be her comfort and source of strength. That she will come through this hard place and that the sun will once again shine brighter than ever. Continue to cover her and keep her. In the name of Jesus I prsy... Amen

    • Good morning, I\'m in the process of hosting my very first vision board gathering, and I\'m trusting God to send all the people that need to be in my presence at the time of this event. I\'m doing it for free and I\'ve been told that was not a good idea, I\'ve come to the conclusion that Jesus didnt charge anyone to receive the grace of God so I\'m not going to either. I pray that every prayer posted on the prayer wall is granted in the time that is needed. I pray that each person remain strong in their faith and the words of God. Amen
    • Please pray for my son that all things ungodly will fall to the wayside and God will restore him to his family.
    • My divorce will be final this month maybe next month. It’s been over a 1 1/2 years since my husband Gregg abandoned me after 26 years. I have been standing for our marriage. I have seen no change of heart from him. Asking God to change his heart and break down the walls. Gregg will not even talk to me and says he does not want my prayers.
    • Please pray for our grandson and his sister and parents. He has autism plus ADD. In the last several months, he has had tantrums and calling names and saying mean things. We think he doesn\'t realize he is 9 1/2 and starting puberty. Once he settles down he will be instantly sorry and starts berating himself. He says he doesn\'t know why and says he hates himself. It is a huge issue, his sister is 13 and going through puberty also. My son and daughter In law are loving Christian parents. My best is breaking, he really is sweet and has great intellect. Thank you for considering my petition! God bless you all.
    • Please pray for our family while 1 daughter is refusing to speak to us. Family counseling session on 9 Aug.
      1. Alice Redmond

        I am so sorry for your family - it is really, really hard when communications break down to this level. I will be praying for you and your daughter as well, If you need to talk to someone between now and Aug 9, please feel free to contact me at 209-425-0702 ext 101 - I am a trained Biblical counselor with specialities in family counseling.

      2. Cari Ann

        Our Father God is a God of restoration! Praying that He will restore your family and heal the hurt. Trust that He is close to you and your family. He loves you! Amen!

      3. Cari Ann

        Our Father God is a God of restoration! Praying that He will restore your family and heal the hurt. Trust that He is close to you and your family. He loves you! Amen!

    • My husband who is 49, had taken his first Pfizer Covid jab and had a brain haemorrhage in the right side of his brain. He has gone through 2 surgeries since 3 July 2021, as the right side of the brain bled twice. He has been in the intensive care unit since then. He has only been responsive two days ago although he was not under any sedation anymore. And doctors say he’s paralysed on his left side. Please pray for a miraculous healing that as he goes through physiotherapy Jesus will give my husband Jimmy the strength that he will walk.
    • Please ladies pray for the complete healing of my son that was born with a genetic condition.
      1. Tracy Coates

        Dear Jesus, we know you formed Amy’s son in her womb. You knitted him together and his name is engraved on the palm of your hand. You know the number of hairs on that precious boy’s head. I thank you that you were willing to suffer the scourging on Calvary’s hill so we could have complete healing by the authority of your name and the power of your blood. We praise you and exalt you for healing this child of yours. We thank you that NOTHING is too hard for you. In the mighty name of Jesus, we thank you. Amen!

      2. Miriam

        I am praying for your son Amy! Blessings

    • Praying for a financial increase, approval of my husband\'s pardon packet, protection over my children, restored relationship with daughter & grandchildren, and strength to control eating so I can be healthier.
    • I pray that God blesses my family financially and we will no longer struggle. I pray for peace for me and my son, and I pray that my mother will change her ways. I pray that the father of my child and his mother will find God and leave me and my son alone. I pray that God will help me find my place. I pray for a good husband and role model for my son. Amen.
    • ....for the Lord\'s help in days of a lot of change, some painful stuff and a whole lot of unknown. Sitting in the \'waiting room\' and while there is comfort there (as I\'ve been in there a lot), it\'s unpredictable and even painful there too. Insight. Perspective. Peace.
      Thank you.
      1. Macy

        I prayed peace for you. 🙏🙏🙏

    • I have 2 requests.
      Both of my daughters are unsaved. My older daughter who is 37 has just been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and is having a difficult time with symptoms and trying to find the right medication, which all have serious side effects.
      My younger daughters marriage is in trouble and she is about to relocate with her husband and our grandson to a remote area where she doesn’t know anyone. And far from her family.
      I’ve been praying for God’s will in their lives.
    • I ask that God please cover my husband, my children and grandchildren. I pray for a financial blessing. I pray for a new job and peace at my current job. Thank you God, I plead the Blood of Jesus over any strongholds the enemy may have against me and my loved ones. Amen
    • Sorry I made a mistake in spelling our Heavenly Father’s name so I want to correct it : God .
    • For my husband to have good news at the doctor appts over the next two weeks. Please Lord save him from the ongoing pain, tests and mental heaviness.
    • My daughter and grandchildren need special prayer right now.
    • That my family would make Jesus Lord of their lives. They believe in Him but He has not become their Lord yet!
    • Please pray for my sister Norma Locke, who has contracted the Covid pandemic and is now in hospital. Pray that the Lord will give her a speedy recovery. Her children needs her around and the rest of the family.

      Thank you
    • I need my faith to be stronger as I wait for God to answer my prayers .I trust Him , but sometimes I cry because He is silent .I fully know that His delay is not a denial and my tears means I am not fully trusting Him.Nothing is impossible with God , so please pray for me to FOCUS on Gods and not on my problems I pray in Jesus beautiful , Holy, and priceless name Amen ! Thanks you and Gid Bless!!
    • My mother Miriam fell and broke her wrist, she is having surgery on 7/30. I cannot be with her she lives in Alaska, I live in Maine.
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