Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it.

It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way. If an entry has too much information about another person that could embarrass or disrespect them, it will not be posted. 

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

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    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • For my husband,two brothers and son-in-law that they will have a close relationship with God.
    • Please pray for my spiritual brother Everett. He has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Prostate cancer which has spread to the bones. He has tumors in his shoulder, spine and hip. He will be receiving multiple hormone treatments, high dose hormone orally and targeted radiation treatments plus monthly hormone IV\'s. He is a precious, godly man who serves the Lord faithfully. Please pray for his precious wife Jane who had breast cancer last year. This is the second summer they have dealt with a serious illness and treatment. Thank you for praying for my family in the Lord. They are near and dear to my heart!
    • I am requesting prayers for my children\'s school. We are getting mixed messages and are getting confused as to whether their school is a good place to be in or not. Also, for my work, that I can continue sustaining the workload that I have and be able to deliver accurate results on time.
      Thank you.
    • Please pray for me that I will walk in the plan God has for me.
    • Please pray for me that I will walk in the plan God has for me.
    • Please pray for my friend Marcy and she mother. Pray for God to help them out of a very bad situation right now. They are in another country and needed to come back to the states soon. Please pray for God to give them the strength and courage to run from a very bad person! In Jesus Name. Amen
    • Prayers for healing of my stomach. Went to doctor today just not sure
      Thanks much
    • Please pray for protection for us as my alcoholic brother of 54 is using intimidating words and curses yesterday at our 80 years old mother and today at me just because we live together and we are women. I have called the police once and now he is challenging me to call again. In Jesus name please pray for peace.
    • Please pray for my daughter Megan who is in a very dark place right now. She needs to reconnect with God. Thank you.
    • For my grand daughter who is in an unhealthy relationship with her boyfriend who is unfaithful. Pray that God reaches her so she can act in a mature way and that she will come to have a relation with God.
    • Please, In Jesus\' name grant me freedom from any incarceration
    • Please pray for my daughter, November, that her heart would be softened, receptive, and drawn back to repentance and acceptance of all of God’s truth. Please pray for my daughter , Normandy, that as she seeks God more and gives more of her heart to Him, He will bless her with all the desires of her heart that are in His will. Please prayer for my granddaughters, Stevie and Cedar, and my grandson, Ruef, that only God’s truth will be made real and clear in their hearts and no witchcraft or demonic strongholds will attach to them. ….Devine protection. That they each will be a strong voice for God and truth to their parents. Please pray for my grandchildren’s dad, Ryan, that his heart will soften and he will be drawn to God’s truth and become a Godly leader for his family. Please pray for my husband, Rick, as God is working in his heart, that he will be the leader God has created him to be and that I can be an encouragement to him. Please pray for my heart as God has laid ministry on it, that His path would be clear and my pride and/or my fear would not get in the way of what He is asking me to do. Please pray for my siblings ( the Crawford core) and our relationships… that demonic strongholds would be removed, each of their hearts would be softened, and God’s truth would be made clear to each of them and would lead each of them and their families to Jesus.

      Thank you!
    • With me in prayer for my so that has so much rage and disrespect. For safety of my other child I had to deny him residence in my home. He vascilates from being a model son to rage so I suspect mental illness. BUT GOD!
    • With me in prayer for my so that has so much rage and disrespect. For safety of my other child I had to deny him residence in my home. He vascilates from being a model son to rage so I suspect mental illness. BUT GOD!
    • Please pray that my blood sugar levels will be normal. Praying that God will give me wisdom in what foods to eat and how to exercise. Praying for a good night of sleep each night. Thanking God in advance for hearing and answering my prayets.
    • Swift, complete and miraculous physical healing/removal of the bumps & scars on my left cheek that only God can provide. In Jesus Name, I\'m believing for this to happen today!
    • My daughter Penny Blankenship Johnson total healing of metastatic TNBC. Today all side effects of the extra meds she has to take due to the chemotherapy an side effects of the chemotherapy. She\'s suffering from unchecked diarrhea 3 weeks now. I believe with my whole being in devine healing, by His stripes we are healed, she is healed please agree with me.
      Also deliverance from alcohol for my son Duane Blankenship, he\'s trying to quit in his own power pray God puts someone in his path to lead him back to depending on God
      My grown children need a touch from God, she\'s a devoted Christian but he\'s stayed. Please join with me
    • Husband disabled and 65. Has painful lymph edema and diabetes. Our one son and family just moved to Ohio and we hope to move close to them in November. I have bad hips, knees and a few other ailments from being a nurse for 43 plus years and I am still working full time I luv what I do!! Please pray for physical help with the move, finances and our son that lives here in New York to come back to Lord and healing in our relationship. Thank u! I’m praying!!!!
    • I like to request healing prayer for all my loved ones who are experiencing any and all health issues, myself as well dealing with high blood pressure.
    • My prayer request my dad passed on 6 months ago ,I have a half sister who he hid from us and I only got to spend time with her during dad\'s funeral ,my prayer request is please make me strong I already had an argument with her because she provoked me .I have forgiven her and moved on but I would love for her and me to be friends all I pray is for strength and unity
    • Prayers that my daughter and son-in-law will be blessed with a healthy and happy baby this year.
    • Prayers for
      -friends that are sick fighting covid.
      -prayers for the health and stamina of VBS workers at church next week.
      - wayward children to come fully to the Lord.
      - repentance and revival in our world.
      - for marriages.
    • My husband tried to commit suicide. Please pray for his healing.
      Thank you
    • Healing from blood clot in my leg and degenerative arthritis in both knees please. Also my youngest daughter needs a job and to find her way back to the Lord
    • My husband is struggling with a heart ailment. Please lift him in prayer.
    • Please pray for my adult son to loose his desire for drinking alcohol and to be blessed in a relationship and his job as a fireman. Thank you
    • Prayer for breast cancer, and prostate cancer Healing In The Name Of JESUS Amen
    • I am resigning from my job tomorrow to take a new position (which is a HUGE, 12 year long answered prayer!!!). However I’m resigning at the absolute worst time and I’m terrified to have those hard conversations.
      Please pray for the Lord to fill me with His divine confidence and strength.
      And for Him to prepare the right time and speak the right words through me.
      I’m asking Him and believing Him to bless this.
      Thank you for praying with me.
    • Please pray for my husband to be set free from the enemy. Pray for our marriage to be restored and for him to be saved. Thank you!
    • Please pray for my sister who lost her husband to COVID in January, she and her three kids, (18,17,12) are lost in grief.
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