Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it.

It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way. If an entry has too much information about another person that could embarrass or disrespect them, it will not be posted. 

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

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    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • Sharing with some ladies on Saturday. Please pray God would speak through me and hearts would be open to what God has for them.
      1. Tracy Coates

        Dear Lord, I lift Debby up to you and thank you for her being sensitive to your voice and that you will anoint her lips to speak the words and the message you have for them. You know each of these women and their needs. We thank you for being in the midst of them as they gather in your name. I thank you that they will be blessed and refreshed from every word Debby speaks. In Jesus name we pray! Amen!

    • Please pray for our daughter who struggles with gender identity. She turns 18 in September and is planning to begin taking testosterone and wants to have a double mastectomy in December. She’s been saving all her money. Pray for God to save her and bring her into relationship with Him, to protect her from all harm, and guide her into His will.
      1. Tracy Coates

        Dear Jesus, we lift up Karen’s daughter to you. Confusion is not of you. In the name of Jesus, I rebuke every spirit of deception who is causing confusion. Her identity is in you. I come against every deceiving spirit that is warring against the youth of today. I thank you that their eyes will be opened to truth. Thank you for pursuing her relentlessly by your loving spirit. Draw her ever closer into you. I thank you for her salvation and that she will be used to minister to others through the word of her testimony. Let faith arise in her mom to fight this spiritual battle against the enemy. In the MIGHTY name or Jesus we thank you for all these things. Amen!

    • Hi
      My husband Daniel had a major heart surgery on may 9th and it’s a miracle that he’s alive and healed. Praying for him to have a long healthy happy life to see all his Childrens children. I believe it and please agree with me and pray for him.
      We have three boys Michael 5, Gabriel 4 and Jeremiah 2.
    • Each day surrendering my grief of the death of our son, 3 years ago....praying for my husband in his grief and our family . Also, praying for my husband\'s salvation...hard to get close to him and show him how God is helping us, as we grieve . Thank you and Sincerely, Sharlene .
    • Hi
      My husband Daniel had a major heart surgery on may 9th and it’s a miracle that he’s alive and healed. Praying for him to have a long healthy happy life to see all his Childrens children. I believe it and please agree with me and pray for him.
      We have three boys Michael 5, Gabriel 4 and Jeremiah 2.
    • For our son who has cancer stage 3 testicular 5 little ones and waiting after 3 months of intense chemo to see if he will need further treatment of radiation. Cancer still remains in two areas one on his sternum and if they do radiation there it could affect his lungs praying for continued healing in that area before another PET scan mid August. And for his strength to fight off the other area on his left collarbone lymphnode. For his family and wife they are all believers.
      Protection, perseverance and Gods perfect plan. We praise God for the healing that has already taken place. For the doctors and care staff that will put this plan in motion, Wisdom. Thank you for praying ... God Bless
      Thank you
      1. Yvonne Hill

        Agreeing with you and all your requests

    • I pray that I Conceive in Jesus Name
      1. Amy

        Luis, not only do I pray fot you to concieve but to have a multiple birth! That God would strengthen you and your babies in your body and mind. He will mot give you a spirit of fear, but of pive, power and a sound mind! You will carry those children through to completion and give birth like the Hebrew women IJMN

    • Restored relationship with my adult daughter.
      The job God has planned for me.
      1. Tracy Coates

        Lord, we thank you that you are a God of restoration. We know that the enemy sows division in families. In the mighty name of Jesus, we rebuke every demonic spirit that wars against this family. We thank you for complete healing and restoration in their relationship. We thank you that you are the Prince of Peace and that you will flood their relationship with peace and love. We know you have a plan for Dawn’s job and as our Jehovah Jireh, we praise you for it! We thank you and exalt you for all you are and all you do in our lives. In the precious name of Jesus we pray. Amen!

    • please join me in praying for a situation with a new neighbor who is prone to violent outburst and is unreasonable in his demands of the other occupants in our 4 plex. I appreciate you coming along side me a Prayer Warrior trusting God to intervene as He see fits. Thanks and God bless you
      1. Tracy Coates

        Dear Lord, we thank you for placing a hedge of protection around everyone involved in this situation. By the authority of your name and your blood, I rebuke every demonic spirit of violence from this man. I thank you that your spirit will leas him to healing and repentance. I thank you that you will give Martie and the others the wisdom, faith, and discernment to handle this situation. We believe it will lead this man to You. We praise you and thank you that no situation is too big for you. We praise you, exalt you, and thank you for answering our prayers. In the mighty name of Jesus we pray! Amen!

    • Please pray for my mom as she begins chemotherapy treatments and surgery for breast cancer.
    • Please pray for my daughter who is trying to find a place to live. She is currently living with her father out of state in a horribly toxic and abusive environment. She cannot find anything she can afford. Please pray the Lord will provide a safe place for her to live with godly friends near by. It is such an overwhelming situation
    • I\'ve developed a cyst on my right eye that isn\'t resolving with medical treatments. I\'ve been told I\'ll just have to \"live with it\". Thankfully it is not hindering my sight (at the moment); however, it is painful, and makes my eye ache. Lifting each of you up in prayer. God is good and holds us in his hands.
    • My prayer is for our nations....Canada and the US. I long for revival to God\'s glory! I pray with all my brothers and sisters in Christ for salvation for our nation. Because \"all things are worth nothing compared with the greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord\" Philippians 3:8
    • Salvation Of my family my loved ones and our world now and all future generations to come to the saving faith in Jesus Christ. our world now and all future generations for all sorts of healings mostly mental issues that are plaguing our world and all needs the people have. Pray for now and all future world leaders and people in high authority praying for the churches through the world.
    • My husband John\'s blood work is requiring a visit to the hematologist. Prayers that in a month when we go that all is well.
    • My prayer is for my sister and my relationship to be repaired lovingly. My prayer is for my son and my sisters relationship to heal and for him to grow in kindness with others and others differing views. Thank you so much for your prayers.
    • I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, kindly pray for me and my family that we receive Gods blessings and protection against all these diseases which have no cure and are around us.

      I am requesting the Al-mighty God to give us some of the things that we lack in our life that make us regret or be looked down upon. Thank you.
      1. Tracy Coates

        Dear Lord, we thank you that we can trust you to provide protection from all diseases. We thank you that you are the provider of all our needs. We thank you for providing not only our physical needs, but that you are heal and and protect us from any emotional hurts. I praise you for your protection and provision for this precious family. Let them come to know you in even great realms you are their loving, Abba Father. What a glorious promise that is for them. Lord we praise you and thank you. We lift you up and exalt you for all you do. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen!

    • Please pray for my daughter who is dealing with multiple horrible traumas in her life and staying “how can God be good and allow these things to happen to me?” Completely has walked away from The Lord and wants to play victim rather than victor.
      1. Tracy Coates

        Precious Lord, we thank you for opening her eyes to truth and giving her the wisdom and discernment that you did not cause those things to happen. We thank you that she will see that you can take everything intended for evil and turn it around for good. We praise you for the beauty that will rise from the ashes and that she will help others overcome similar trauma by the word of her testimony. We thank you that by the stripes you suffered on Calvary’s hill you will heal all emotional, physical and mental trauma caused by these events. We praise you for the authority we have by the power of your blood. We thank you for sending ministering angels to her. Let your sweet spirit hover over her and draw her continually to you. Thank you that your arm is NOT too short to save. We thank you for all these things and give you all the praise and the glory for them. In Jesus’ name we pray! Amen!

    • for my husband who is currently feeling depressed and battling some anxieties. may he find peace and healing
    • I lift up my brothers and sisters to you, Oh God. There is such brokenness in my family. We are all over 60 now yet the division, hurt and bitterness has separated us from one another. You, Lord, see each of us and what we’re struggling with. My prayer is for unity, compassion, and healing. Thank You, Father, for Your presence and tender mercies each day. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
    • My daughter is having thyroid surgery today...please pray for wisdom for the doctors and that all goes smoothly...speedy recovery and all tissues are healthy no damage to voice.....
    • Please pray for my sister\'s salvation and that her eyes would be open to see how satan has fooled her. Thank you so much.
    • A normal in person return to school. I’m a teacher and parent and saw the effects of remote learning,
    • Pray for granddaughter deliverance from homosexuality and for salvation . Pray for the relationship she in would end. Asking God to soften her heart and open her spiritual eyes and ears to repent and accept Jesus as savior Thanks for agreeing with me in prayer.
    • Please pray for my sister, blood clots in legs and other health problems. But especially for her to open up and receive Jesus. Thank you
      Also for our children and teachers as they face world problems in their schools
      1. Kathy h Goodwin

        Praying for safe housing and for you to be emotionally strong and lean on the Lord in Jesus name

      2. Kathy h Goodwin

        Praying for safe housing and for you to be emotionally strong and lean on the Lord in Jesus name

      3. Kathy h Goodwin

        Praying for safe housing and for you to be emotionally strong and lean on the Lord in Jesus name

    • I am needing constant prayers for stable housing for myself, as I have been displaced twice. Once by an eviction that was out of my control, and the second by a domestic abuse relationship. Both have put me back into my parents home which is not ideal, but safe for now. I am just ready to have a place to call my own again.
    • Prayers for my boys. My oldest is leaving for Miami next week to play football. My youngest is still in HS school. Both finding there way in life - may God bless them and keep them safe from harm! Prayers for my Peace, i\'m doing all I can for them. thank you for your prayers!!!
      1. Tracy Coates

        Precious Jesus, we know a man’s heart makes plans, but you order their steps. We lift up the boys and thank you for making their way straight before them. We thank you for the plans you have for them, a beautiful destiny, which will not harm them, but give them hope and a future. We thank you that your Holy Spirit is hovering over them. We know their names are written on the palms of God’s hands and we trust them to you. We thank you for blessing and keeping them, in Jesus Name we pray! Amen!

    • Nephew - Barrett, 8 months old. Brain tumor - non surgical. Chemo treatments to shrink. Also Barretts daddy\'s faith is not strong. His heart has been hardened over the past years - very tough times.

      Mother in law - Barbara, breast cancer. Complications after mastectomy.
    • Please pray for my niece, Sydni Williams. She will be leaving Aug 1 for a 2 year teaching mission in Mexico. I am so proud of her for doing God\'s work. This is a big change though for her and her family.
    • Praying for all the widows and street children in Uganda. Their needs are so great! Praying Abba uses me as a voice to the voiceless.
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