Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it.

It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way. If an entry has too much information about another person that could embarrass or disrespect them, it will not be posted. 

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.
    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • For my emotional mental physical and spiritual health
      After a serious diagnosis in January I have completely fallen apart
    • Direction for nieces and nephew in life decisions. And their relationship with Jesus be strengthened during this time of change for each of them.
    • We were in a terrible car accident. We need healing emotionally, physically, and financially.
      1. PETER Bee

        Prayers that God will carry you thru this hard time in your life. Just like Job had a hard time before, he had a hard struggle but he kept the faith and he emerged more victorious than before. Keep the faith, there are lots of people praying for you.

    • Prayer for healing as recently I\'ve been feeling some massive headaches and also prayer for conceiving as I haven\'t been able to get pregnant. Also about my Christian life and finances. Please. Thanks much
    • Our 10 yr old son is having an MRI this Sat of his left knee. That God brings healing and complete restoration to his body. The right Dr\'s and treatment that is needed. The entire medical staff that is involved. We just moved to this area friends, school, church for our family. Our new trucking business. God continue to lead and guide us in making decisions. My husband and his health. My sister in law mother in law just passed. its so much that is going on. Lord we need you. I want a deeper relationship with God a better understanding of the word and how God is so important in raising our famliy.
    • Please pray for my friend, Dave Cox, who is struggling to recover from a quadruple biopsy. He has had difficulties with the surgical incision and otherwise slow recovery from the surgery. His wife, Dinah needs help with peace and patience during this trying time. My son-in-law Russ needs relief from his overwhelming anxiety.
    • Praying for peace for our country praying for people hearts that we can come together no matter of race or our political views that god made al of us and we all deserve to be treated equally
      1. Teresa

        In the name of Jesus Let it be done!!

      2. Shannon Tanner

        In Jesus name lord send your healing power. Praying for our leaders that selfish motives would be set aside and Lord may your Holy Spirit be a light in this dark world. May we learn to love as you have showed us how to love,

    • I need clarification to return to an emotional and verbal abusive husband who claims he has changed or get a place with my daughter who says my husband no longer has a daughter.
    • Salvation and healing for my neighbor. Restore our friendship.
    • Our granddaughter is being shunned by her step-mom who has done a lot of damage in our family. But, she is also convincing my son, granddaughter’s Dad, to shun her. She will be 18 this Sunday and headed to college. Her heart breaks because her Dad isn’t making any efforts. I’ve tried talking to him but he always becomes defensive. Please pray her Dad will do the right thing by his daughter.
    • For God to wrap a hedge of protection around my community and its one hospital. We are incredibly short staffed. Patients cannot get the surgeries they need and the employees are exhausted. I pray for renewed energy for the workers, respite for the patients, and open ears for the administration.
      1. V

        Carly, I too am in healthcare in a small hospital. We have been short staffed since 2020. It has been so hard and we are so tired. I pray for you and for all in health care

    • i work in a health care community and we have been through covid. Covid is hitting our community again. Please pray that it goes away. I am in remission form cancer and it makes it very hard for me to be able to help. Pray for us.
    • Pray for my sons that God would renew their minds and hearts and lead them back to him and also help for them to overcome their addictions to drugs and alcohol.
      Pray for my grandchildren that they will understand God\'s ways and be enlighten to bring Him glory.
    • I am almost 60, I have been attending Ivy Tech Community College in Richmond, Indiana for the past eight years. I have had a physical disability since birth. I was not permitted to attend public school because of this, for the ADA Act was not place yet! Finally in 2013 after my Mother had to be placed into a nursing home, I applied and was accepted into the Agriculture Program at Ivy Tech Community College. I graduated with a Associate\'s Degree in Agriculture in 2019. I went back to school that fall, for a Associate\'s Degree in Business. I haven\'t done as well in the Business Course as I would have liked. Please, pray that Almighty God by His Power will this whole situation, so that I won\'t continue to fail the classes and that I can continue on with what He has called me to do! Which is to start my own therapeutic horse ranch for disabled children and adults in the state Alabama! (which was my parents home state.) This has been a lifelong dream of mine! Please, pray that He make it a real REALITY soon! Thanks for the prayers.. God Bless! Phil 4:13.
      1. PETER BEE

        Please DO ! This wall as I understand it, the only requirement is to be a follower and believer in Jesus. Thank you for your support and please keep praying.

    • Can people from overseas use this prayer wall? Iam from New Zealand
      1. Sharon


    • For God to soothe the troubled minds of the mentally afflicted.
      Give them peace and a reprieve from loneliness!
      Hold them in you hand, dear Lord!
    • God you know that Michael needs you. I pray that you will heal everywhere that he is hurting. I ask that you draw him closer to you and fill him with yourself that He will know you in a way that he has never known you before. May he encounter your love and peace . May he see the hand of God move so powerfully in his life.
    • Please pray for my adult son Chris for spiritual restoration and healing of mental illness. He\'s been in a mental hospital over a year because he feel away from God and was using drugs.
      1. Thea

        Lord, please touch Chris with your love and heal all his wounds.

    • I have an interview on early August please believe God with me for Him to go before me and make a way in Jesus mighty Name.
      1. Sharon

        Let us know how it goes!

    • Please prayer for my brother Rodney he is trying to buy a house. My brother Imran who uses hard drugs and drink alcohol. Also my son Shane for his alcohol drinking
    • 1. For my husband to be born again.
      2. Blessings of children for my sister who has been married for nine years now.
      3. For a more intimate walk with God in my life.
    • Please pray for my adult son, Michael, who has 2 young children. He is very sick with Covid for over a week now. Thank you!
    • Salvation for my husband and siblings and their families. For unity among my siblings. My heart to be forgiving and loving unconditionally.
    • Pray for all teachers in the new school year. For myself, I ask for patience and a positive spirit with my students and admin. For the mental health of our young ones.
      In Jesus name, amen!
    • My brother-in law who is battling a rare cancer. The doctors have given up, but we have not because we know that God is the Great Physician and He is still doing miracles.
    • I have a financial need and need prayers.
      Thank you!
    • I have so much fear, it overtakes me at times with panic attacks and anxiety. God has showed me trauma from my past that I know He wants to heal in me, but I doubt and worry it will ever go away. I pray that through God\'s strength and perseverance I will be an overcomer and defeat the lies that I am battling, to live in the fullness and beauty God has for me. I pray in Jesus name, that I surrender my mind and replace the lies with the truth of God\'s Word. Thank you for your prayers. And I pray that every woman that enters this site will be blessed with Your peace Jesus. Amen.
      1. Genevieve

        The bible says we must cast all our care on God. Sister dont be anxious for nothing with prayer and supplication let your request be made known unto God. This morning I was so worried I had an MRI to do and I asked God what are you saying to and He said be still. So my sister I come aganist that lying spirit of fear and anxiety in the name of Jesus into the outer dark I cast you right

      2. Thea

        Romans 8:37. You are victorious, Sister! You are loved with unshakeable love! Rest assured that you are safe. Isaiah 26:3

    • My husband Richard, our grandchildren Liz, Trevor, Wesley and Tyler, our daughter and son-in-law April and Jim!
      Our country!
    • Guidance concerning my next career move as we can’t afford child care and I need a remote job. Also, clarity with family business ideas as I want it to be God ordained.
    • Please pray for me to keep being determined in regards to my career schooling, work and being a single mom. I know what I want to accomplish but the devil is really putting in work to get me discouraged about everything going on.
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