Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it.

It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way. If an entry has too much information about another person that could embarrass or disrespect them, it will not be posted. 

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

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    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • I\'m sitting here at home with my husband listening to the Governor & his CoVid Team talk about new restrictions because of the rise in cases among the unvaccinated. My husband has had both of his Moderna shots but I have not. I feel bad about that as the officials are blaming people like me for the present spread. But often, those decisions are not so simple & straight forward. I have a past history of a reaction to a flu shot which precipitated a seizure & trip to the ER. I was advised by my primary care provider, at the time, to never ever take another flu shot. Early on, people like me were advised to wait on getting the CoVid shot. Some recommended to get the shot in a hospital setting in case of a reaction. For me & people like me, we\'re talking about the FEAR FACTOR. Based on my past experience with a vaccine, I fear the shot more than the Coronavirus. Logically, maybe that does or doesn\'t make sense to people at large. But it makes sense to me. So please pray with me, for me, & others like me to receive some heavenly guidance. Thank you
      1. Ashleigh

        Lord, I come to You today to give Your peace and Your comfort to Kimberly. Like her, I have questioned whether or not to get the vaccine. We don\'t want to do anything outside of Your will. Lord, please speak clearly to the both of us as to what Your will is for us in regards to the vaccine. We know that we are covered by the precious blood of The Lamb, and Your word says that we are healed by Your stripes. Lord, Thank You for being the Ultimate Physician and for being our Provider. Amen!

      2. Teresa


    • Complete healing of cancer
      1. Ashleigh

        Lord, I come to You today asking that You will touch Aimee today. I pray that You will pour out Your peace, comfort and joy over her today. I pray that You will touch Aimee and heal her body completely! I pray in the name of Jesus that every cancer cell in her body will shrivel up and fall off! I pray for Your supernatural healing over Aimee. I pray that You will renew her strength and fill her with joy. Amen!

    • Please pray for my daughter Mikenna. She has been battling with health problems for about 5 years.I feel helpless. I have taken her to a few doctors to find out what is going on. She has gained weight rapidly, heart palpitations, bad acne, losing her hair, lost weight rapidly, having bad headaches and abdominal pain. It’s all making her anxious and sad. Please pray for us.
      We also recently tried a nutritionist who said her adrenal glands are working properly. But no one has run any exams for her , only blood work. Ultimately the Lord knows and I’m asking Him for comfort for her and healing and wholeness in Jesus name.
      1. Ashleigh

        Lord, I come to You today praying for Mikenna. Lord, You know what is going on and You know what needs to be done to get her well. She\'s been dealing with it for a long time and I just ask that You touch Mikenna\'s body today and I ask that in the powerful, supernatural, healing name of Jesus, that Mikenna\'s body will be healed completely! I pray that her body will be set back in alignment with Your perfect will. Please protect her and keep her safe. Renew Kristie\'s faith and strength. I pray that You will hold them both in Your hand and that Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Amen!

      2. Thea

        Dear Father God, please visit Mikenna and heal her for your glory, please!

    • Increased faith to walk out of homelessness & poverty into a path of mental, emotional, social & financial prosperity.
      Freedom from mental affliction. Breaking the generational cycle of mental illness & pain.
      Moving my mom into a home by the beach by December 2021 for her mental health.
    • For a healthy upcoming school year and for a feeling of peace with regards to whatever decision is made in our district with regards to masking.
    • Please pray for my daughter and her family. They\'re being evicted and need a new place to live.
    • To continue to be healthy & guidance from the Lord on my next step.
    • Praying for my nephew, that God will wrap his arms around him and whisper in his ear, \"Come with me and you will be Free\". Hoping that you will pray for him as well, he is in active addiction and alcoholic, 36 years old, totally lost in this life. I have been praying for him so hard, he needs a miracle.

      Thank you and God Bless you Always,
      In Jesus Name we pray,
      1. Ashleigh

        Lord, You are a miracle worker. You take our messes and turn them into beautiful miracles. I come to You today, praying for Anna\'s nephew. He is and addict and the life he has chosen is far from You. God, I pray that in the mighty name of Jesus that You will meet her nephew wherever he is today, and speak life into his life. I pray for her nephew\'s ears to hear, eyes to see and soul to hear all that You have to say. Through Christ all things are possible. I pray in the supernatural, powerful name of Jesus Christ, that every evil scheme of the enemy that is attached to her nephew will be broken! I pray through the powerful, supernatural name of Jesus that every demon attached to her nephew; that is named: Drug addiction, alcoholism, depression, anxiety, hopelessness, doubt and fear are rebuked and bound up! I pray that an angel army will be sent to protect him and surround him from the evil of satan. God, I pray that You will move so mightily in this young mans life that everyone around will see it. I pray that any addict friends and his drug dealers will flee from him in the name of Jesus. I pray that every time he tries to buy drugs, You will block that drug deal and every drug deal in the future. I pray that all access to any type of drug is rebuked in the name of Jesus. I pray that the moment he tries to take a drink of any type of alcohol that it leaves a bad taste in his mouth and he automatically spits it out! I pray his body and senses will reject all forms of substances and drugs. I pray that through the power of the Holy Spirit he will see where he is in life and will turn to You today. I pray that he will go into rehab and get clean and stay clean, and minister to others to bring them to Jesus and off drugs. I pray that Anna\'s nephew will accept Your free gift of salvation, Anna, I pray that the Lord will renew Your strength and will give you His peace that surpasses all understanding. God loves you and has prosperous plans for you and your nephew!

    • Please pray for my family as they are dividing + becoming contentious over the health situation in America. I ask that God empower those who follow Him to speak truth in love + with compassion. Those that do not, to have faith + trust in relationship with the Savior. Thank you
    • Please pray for my husband to find work in his painting business, and for me to have clarity about my current job which is causing mental pain, fear, and people who are crushing my confidence. Thank you so much, we seem to be at a strange crossroads.
    • My son, Lee, desperately needs a job and deliverance from depression . It’s a long story, but he has become deeply depressed from his college graduation last December to now. I know the Lord can deliver him and I am claiming it. Thank you.
      1. Jessica Rosario

        Faithful God, I please ask you for the life of Lee. He is in you loving arms. Show him the way and shine your Light upon him. Nothing is impossible for You! In Jesus name, amen.

    • I am asking for prayers for direction from God. I recently retired (due to covid) after 19 years at a job I loved. I am seeking God for my next step but I do not know what that is. I want to be in His will for my life. Thanks.
    • May those in leadership positions, be it government or churches, have wisdom and Gods faithful word to guide them in their decisions. Our world is messy right now Lord, and it’s no surprise to you. But we need a revival of honest truth seeking God fearing leaders to guide us with your heavenly wisdom and word.
    • Dear Lord,
      Please pray for Sue having surgery today. May God bless the hands of the surgeon and may she have a quick and painless recovery.

      Also offer prayers for Phil as he is in the hospital fighting for his life with Covid. Please surround him with hope, healing and love.
    • Vicki colon cancer
    • My daughter, Carrie is going to rehab for drug addiction for 10 years. She was raised in church. She has a 6 yr old daughter and has struggled on and off. I am asking for prayers for God\'s complete healing as I believe she really wants to be free from this horrible addiction. Thank you all for your prayers.
      1. Jessica Rosario

        Loving Father, I pray for Carrie and her family. Give the faith, courage and strength in her rehab process. She will see the Victory because you conquered the cross for her. I pray in Jesus Name, amen.

    • Please pray for my ex, Keith. He just started a new job and has severe physical pain that is limiting his ability to work. Please pray for healing and protection for his new job. Please pray also for him to receive peace and salvation as he is trying to find the Lord. Thanks!
    • My daughter & her husband are helping to relocate their son (my grandson) and his friend this Saturday to Brooklyn, New York (From Spfld IL) as they just graduated from college. Pray that they arrive safely, and that there are no issues with the apartment, their health (their apt is on the 3rd floor.. no air conditioning and no elevator) and their safety. My daughter & grandson are BOTH heart patients... pray for cool weather and strength to get them moved up to their apt. thank you. I SO believe in prayer. Now I need to find many to pray for them. Thank you!!!
      1. Margie

        Praying. God is already answering!! I live on Long Island and the forecast for this weekend is for beautiful weather. Warm but not hot, and dry crisp air. Praying for safe travels and easy adjustment to NYC life. Blessings.

    • I humbly ask for prayer for my health that has been deteriorating the last 3 years. I am 42 but feel like I am 82. I have a young daughter and cannot be the mom she needs and deserves. I know God has a plan in all of this but some days it’s so hard to be hopeful. Please also pray for my husband who is not a believer. I worry that my illness will take me from this broken world before he has found salvation and that I won’t be present to keep my daughter’s faith growing. Pray that my faith will also endure.
      1. Jessica Rosario

        Good Father, I praise you and I believe in the miracles you will do in the life of Sandra and her family. Fill her with the joy of salvation and the hope we find in you. I humbly ask for wisdom so she and all of us be the mothers You wants us to be. In your holly name, amen.

    • Hello Sharon. Can you please pray for me to be able to get a job. It is really difficult for me and my family. I am a married mother of 2 and I am the bread winner because my husband has renal failure. I have been struggling to find a job since January this year. I have been praying for a breakthrough but nothing has come up yet but I am hopeful that something will come up. Thank you very much and may God bless you.
    • For my cousin who was diagnosed 5 yrs ago with breast cancer that had metastasized to her spine. She was 30 years old. She now has it again in her liver. Her numbers are not good and may have to get Hospice to come in of the numbers continue to worsen. Please pray for healing, strength and for God\'s comfort. Thank you and God bless all of you!
    • My husband hears God direction for new employment that will glorify God & give Him a sense of purpose. I also want prayer for God’s direction as to retaking the Bar exam; and open doors for financial increase. I am uncertain if God would have me to go back to work (what field?).
    • I have Parkinson’s (for 4 years) and need prayer for daily strength
      to do my exercises. I know God is good all the time and all the time, God is good, but there is nothing good about PD! Trying to find the positive and the joy in my situation. Praying for wisdom
      about which meds and supplements to take. I want God to be glorified in my circumstances!
    • Please pray for my lost adult children. They have no relationship with the Lord. Also, please pray for a new job opportunity for me. Thank you!
    • Healing for severe anxiety and depression and that God will use my suffering for His glory.
    • Father God, we lift our voices to you for understanding, strength and boldness at this difficult time in history. So many hurting and so many lost. Please give us wisdom to preach to the lost world. We pray for all of our families with lost loved ones, help us to be strong at this time and not be held back by words. Help to remember to always continually go to you for help. Everything is falling into place according to your word and we have little time left, please help us fully understand this and exactly what you want us to do. We pray for \"all believers\" in you to become courageous ambassadors at this time. Help us help those that need your blessed hope. We love and trust in you alone our rock and Savior. In Jesus name, amen!
    • I am a pastor\'s wife of 38 1/2 years - married 40 years come November. We\'ve been under counseling for years! The church has been \"the other woman.\" His source of great affirmation. Counseling has taught me much about myself, childhood trauma influences my thoughts, responses, etc. Desires to discuss on-going challenges in Christ-like conversations he abhors. His counselor says he suffers from a \"mother\'s womb\' due to extensive emotional abuse as a child. He sees me as his mother. Responses to questions I\'ve asked regarding unwise even sinful decisions resulted in manipulations, abusive language, and isolation. I\'m asking for prayer for my mental health and deeper understanding, compassion, and more empathy towards him knowing he is damaged. Of course I desire God the Holy Spirit minister to his deep-seated feelings of rejection. I pray with and for him. I\'ll admit, at this point, it hurts for it seems God doesn\'t care but I know better! I too am in counseling. Currently, I am watching videos by Leslie Vernick and listening to Debra Fileta to assist my decisions. I suffer from negative thoughts about who I am in my eyes, God\'s eyes, and most assuredly, the congregation. They adore their pastor because his attention to them has shaped their genuine feelings while I live in a home that does not demonstrate such. We have no authentic private life and haven\'t had so except when our children were younger. Thank you for praying.
      1. Ann Logan

        Dear Connie, I pray to God for you and your hurting soul. God loves you and cares about every tear that falls. I don’t mean to push any of Sharon’s products but her book ENOUGH brought me out of some of the same feelings and thoughts your are struggling with. It changed EVERYTHING about the way I see myself. Even when the devil tries to steal my thoughts, I can go back to the truths I learned in her book that come straight from scripture. It changed my life and I pray it will change yours too! Your sister in Christ! Ann

      2. Ann Logan

        Dear Connie, I pray to God for you and your hurting soul. God loves you and cares about every tear that falls. I don’t mean to push any of Sharon’s products but her book ENOUGH brought me out of some of the same feelings and thoughts your are struggling with. It changed EVERYTHING about the way I see myself. Even when the devil tries to steal my thoughts, I can go back to the truths I learned in her book that come straight from scripture. It changed my life and I pray it will change yours too! Your sister in Christ! Ann

    • Asking for prayers for my husband David who had emergency surgery on Saturday. He is now in surgery again. Praying God will show his miracle working power and David will be fully healed and restored. All organs will function in its intended manner in which God gave them.
    • Please pray for my family. Our son got his girlfriend pregnant. They are thinking about giving up the baby for adoption, we\'re praying it doesn\'t come to this but if it does my husband & I are willing to take the baby.
    • I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis a couple of years ago, it’s so limiting of what I am capable of doing physically. My husband takes care of me and does everything. I trusted in Jesus at seven years old, I know that he is in control and I believe that he took our afflictions on the cross. I appreciate your prayers. God bless you
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