Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it.

It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way. If an entry has too much information about another person that could embarrass or disrespect them, it will not be posted. 

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

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    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • Prayers for healing of my right eye. I have a blood clot. The pressure in my eye is above normal.I have lost my sight in this eye. Believing for healing
    • I am asking prayer for a sickness that I have had for a long time that the LORD would heal me completely of!
      Thank you for your prayers!!
    • Give my sister strength, her husband as well. I lift Naomi up to YOU Lord, YOU are in control and have brought them this far. Help her to continue getting stronger. I am lifting that sweet baby girl up to YOU that Sarah shared with me earlier today. Comfort that baby and her parents, YOU are the ULTIMATE Healer. Strengthen my marriage Lord, help us to grow closer. Help us teach our children about YOU,let them see YOU in us, let them know they are loved so much by us. Help me understand my parents/family do love me, that my idea of how they should love me, isn\'t necessarily the only way to show it.
    • I ask for prayer for my son who is battling cancer. He just yesterday had to have a bone marrow biopsy. Please pray that our God will heal his body.
    • Pray for 4 year old Nathan. Has had a tumor removed. He is now having Chemo. It is knocking him around.
      Pray for his parents to.
    • I am requesting prayer over my mother she just lost her husband my step father who was her everything. I think she is suffering from PTSD along with early signs of dementia. Also prayer for myself as I have been diagnosed with a reoccurance of breast cancer. My family is falling apart.
    • Please pray for my grandson, Jaxon. On April 14 he had two major brain surgeries. One to remove a tumor from his brain stem, and a second one to remove a large hematoma that formed after the surgery. The tumor was a cancer that was radiated, 33 treatments. He is doing very well. Please pray the Lord will completely heal him, and there will be no recurrence. We also ask that you pray that the hydrocephalus condition that still remains a concern will heal on its own with God\'s help so that he will not need any further surgery. I also ask that you pray for my son and his wife; this has been a huge crisis of faith. Thank you!
    • I am a married mother of 4 and a born again child of God.

      In 2018 my husband was diagnosed with depression and put on medication, he was also referred for counselling, which he flat out refused, instead he started drinking excessively, even to a point of drinking a bottle of whisky a day, every day. This resulted in him developing hypertension which forced me to drop out of Bible School in 2019. In 2020 with the pandemic and then the lockdown, this became worse, he even turned violent, he would slap me infront of the kids, we have 7 year old twins, my oldest is 16, and then 13, the twins are the youngest.

      I left home for my mom\\\'s after I could not take the violence anymore, he would even take out his guns and tell the kids that I am very silly, when family members try to intervene, he would claim he was cleaning them. After interventions by family members and him stopping his drinking we went back home, only for him to start drinking again, and starting to threaten violence again. I am now back at my mom\\\'s with the kids, I do not work since we had agreed earlier on in our marriage that I should look after the kids and the home as his business required him to travel a lot, he felt atleast one of us should be there for the kids all of the time.

      This time around however, unlike the first time we left home last year he is very vindictive, to me it seems he is even dillusional, he accuses me of saying or doing things I have no knowledge of, he would even say I had confessed to him when I ask where he gets the things that he is accusing me of. I need prayers and for people to stand with me in agreement as to me it seems my husband is under a very strong demonic attack. He refuses for anyone to go and pray at the house. My husband believes in prayer, he was not a Christian when I met him, I wasn\\\'t either, but unlike me he grew up in a Christian home, my late father in law was a pastor in a pentecostal church. He still won\\\'t say he is a Christian, but he prays, fasts and believes. He is someone who loves to always be in control, to me it seems even his relation with Christ should be on his terms, in his control.

      My kids are affected as they\\\'ve known him as a loving father all along, I am also at pains with what is happening to him and he is in denial, he claims I am possessed by demons, everything that has happened I have caused.

      Please pray with me for strength for peace through this situation and for wisdom to handle it, for God to touch the heart of my husband and for him to receive Christ and for restoration in his mind and heart, we had a happy home before all this started.
      1. Quincy

        Praying for you Ayanda. That the Lord remembers your devotion to Him; to the point of enrolling to a bible school. Your situation now will not be the last scene that will be imprinted in your memory. God\'s intervention and manifestation of His power and glory. A mighty deliverance, a miraculous turnaround and a major restoration will be the next scene you will witness in your life and the life of your husband and family. Speaking God\'s Grace upon you as you continue to lean on God.

    • Please pray for my headache and knee pain to go away.
      Thank you! Blessings!
    • That other people who have posted their prayers, I pray they are answered. For me, asking for prayers for my father- that his health will get better and stronger along with his memory. Thank you!
    • My children get right with God.
    • I love my family and I ask God to watch over each one. And especially my daughter as she navigates a medical issue. I pray her tests are normal and that her jerking movements are not threatening to her future health. She is happily married with 3 teenage children. I appreciate the prayers and kindness. Thank you.
    • I’ve been praying and crying out to God to help me with a situation. Asking him to rescue me and fight for me. On Friday August 6 at 8am I will need all the prayers anyone wants to pray.
      I’m asking that God be with me and that his good and perfect will be done. I of course want things to go a certain way, but lay it down because I know in the end his way is better.. he knows what I need… but I’m so scared of the outcome still!
      1. Cathy Tardive

        Natasha, I pray that you will know God as your Defender, and your Perfect Peace on August 6th, but also every day leading up to that morning. He IS with you and will never leave you. Nothing is too hard for Him, and He is a good Father. 🙏🏻♥️

    • Please pray for my husband, David who has been diagnosed with a rare form of stage 4 lung cancer. God has worked miracles in our lives since his diagnosis in January 2020 including a double lung transplant a year ago, but the cancer is back. We are praying for another miracle so he can be around to help raise our young kids.
    • I have a list:
      1. As a family here in August, we are moving from northwest Texas to Southeast Texas. Prayers for a safe move. Finding a good school and good transition for the kids. My husband has a wonderful opportunity that he will be doing and Prayers of much enjoyment and success in this new career for marine biology. I am struggling getting a job to call me for interviews. I am praying for open doors and the right fit for my multiple years of experience and credentials. Prayers that pay isn\'t too big of a decrease, I know the Lord will take care of us no matter what on that front. It has been stressful as of late and any prayers for this area would be wonderful.

      2. Prayers for my marriage. With everything with the move and multiple other stressful things we are have a struggle right now. We both love each other, but he says he\'s unsure how he feels and says it\'s more of a best friend vs lover/wife...he says I am his 1 love, but he doesn\'t feel in love with me right now. Prayers to help heal him of what is going on within him. Prayers to heal our bond/reunion. Prayers to help me be the wife he needs. Prayers for our communication to be what it needs to be.

      Prayer warriors do your thing! Send up those prayers and Lord hear our prayers. I always need you in my life, but lately I feel I need more clarity, understanding, balance and harmony. I feel like this summer has tilted my world and I\'m holding on for dear life to you Lord. Please hear and guide me and my family.
    • Please prayer for Nathan and Kiara. They are struggling I. Their relationship. I believe the Lord has brought them together and the enemy wishes to destroy their love and trust.
    • Complete healing from Chronic pain: teeth/jaw/gums
      Thanks so much for praying!
    • Complete healing from Chronic pain: teeth/jaw/gums
      Thanks so much for praying!
    • Please pray for healing for my Son,myself and ex-husband. For God\'s peace and clarity during transition to my next season. Please pray for my Son going back to school in September.
      I pray that all prayers will be answered and all will be restored for us all in Jesus\'s precious name.
    • I pray that I will have peace and inclusiveness on my job and all things that are hidden be revealed. God knows!
    • I am a 65 year old married woman whose husband joined a 50+ dating website just found out last night. He has a problem getting old. Please pray for me and my marriage. Never thought this would happen.
    • New Beginnings.
    • Please help my church pray for a place of worship. We were asked to leave the house we rented last month and were given a month to look for replacement. We are moving into a public school classroom but it\'s very small. The landowners of the land where we were worshiping at before asked us to stay but since the place is in dispute, our pastor and elders feel it\'s best to move out. Please help us pray for Christian Mission Fellowship International church in Majuro Marshall Islands. We are in the Northern Pacific, south of Hawaii. Thank you and God bless you.
    • Please pray for my son Chris who is dealing with anxiety and depression and a recent breakup. Most of all he needs to turn to Jesus
    • I am a younger widow and I struggle greatly with loneliness and a fear of the future. This was never an issue until becoming a widow, and it has been strengthened all the more through Covid. I ask for prayer that God would continue to mold me to be more usable for His kingdom and His purpose, and that this difficult time in the world would not dim God\'s light in me. Thank you so much for the prayers!!
    • My husband, Robert, has inoperable cancer. We are on immunotherapy now. Please pray it will put him into remission and that his pain will subside.
      1. PK

        Lisa, I have walked through cancer with my husband. I will be praying for him and you as well. PS 3:3 - But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high.

    • i am having a scope done tomorow at 7:45 am ....praying it comes back clear....Thanks team ....irene
    • For healing and strength for me and my kids from my recent divorce. It wasn’t what I wanted but I know God has a plan. Prayer for my ex’s repentance and salvation.
    • My 42 year old sister in law passed away Tuesday after the medical community made a mistake. Pray for my brother and his 2 teenage daughters. We are broken hearted.... yet she is healed and with Jesus. We need to ask \"what Lord\" not why..... please pray.
      1. Melissa

        Twani, I lost my Mom do to a medical mistake as well. Losing a family member like that is so tough. I was so angry. But I was also at peace because she wasn\'t suffering anymore. I will be praying for your family. God bless.

      2. PK

        I am so very very sorry for your loss. Praying now for you and your family!

      3. PK

        I am so very very sorry for your loss. Praying now for you and your family!

    • Prayer for healing between my brother Bucky and his ex wife and kids.

      I need a good part time job and God\'s direction.
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