Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it.

It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way. If an entry has too much information about another person that could embarrass or disrespect them, it will not be posted. 

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.
    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • Good day
      Please pray for God\'s peace to come over South Africa.
      There is alot of racial tension following the unrest in Kwazulu Natal and parts of Gauteng.
      Please pray for God to protect and keep us from all evil.
      God bless
    • Youngest son, preparing his home to be sold and moving across country with his young family.
    • Billy battling covid, Brittney and C battling addiction
    • Oldest son, with intense challenges at work.
    • My name is Bridgette Primus and I have been serving as a Missionary for the past 6 years. I have worked in the following countries Yap, Federated States of Micronesia for 2 years serving as a 1st and 2nd grade teacher, along with a Bible worker and Sabbath school teacher. Ukraine, as a teacher in the SDA school in Dnipro and a Sabbath school teacher in the SDA Church in Dnipro, Kyiv as a teacher in the ELC schools, a Sabbath school teacher and also worked in the community as a leader of the English Talk club. I served in Belem Brazil at the North Union Conference teaching English to pastors and staff, taught at English Sabbath School, served with ADRA Brazil, and taught English to members of the Community.

      I am currently serving in MonteVerde Costa Rica at Monte Verde SDA School. I was recently called to Liberia, Costa Rica and was told that due to lack of financial resources for accommodation and to provide a stipend the position was withdrawn. New missionaries have already been hired to fill my position so I had to apply for another position and I now find myself in a delicate situation.

      I was accepted and approved to work in the MENA division as an English teacher at the Nile Union Academy in Egypt. July 20, 2021

      I have been living on a stipend of $ 100 a month and cannot afford the fee to get to my next position and this is the reason for my request for Financial help. I am a member of Kanisa Fellowship. SDA church Toronto Canada and I am looking to raise $ 1500 to help pay for the trip from Costa Rica to Egypt and other travel expenses. (ex, COVID test and visa)
    • Please pray for better, more meaningful communication with my family.
    • Prayer for peace with my neighbors
    • Please pray my husband will have a closer walk with God and understand the times we are in. Also for my adult kids that they would follow the Lord Jesus..and for salvation for their spouses. Thank you and God bless!
    • I just finished my final radiation treatment in an ovarian cancer fight. In the last month, I\'ve seen a new set of doctors, ben re-diagnosed and was subject to three intense rounds of radiation. After 20 months of constant chemo infusions, I needed a break from them and hope this radiation hits the 2 troublesome spots that keep showing up. I praise God that I have come though this all so well, only with His care was this even possible. I have learned many many lessons, through this journey, and God has been my rock and my strength, I trust His Will and His Way. I am asking that I can find a new normal and be able to live with cancer in the background for a long while. I pray for the eyes to see the lessons God has for me, and for strength to deal with all this is yet to come in my life, with grace. God is good, I pray for goodness and joy to fill our days, even when they are less than amazing!!!! God is amazing, follow Him, He will cover you!!!
    • My friend Sonia have cancer and is in a lot of pain please we need a mind blowing miracle for her she is not eating and her breating is short...

    • Hope, she is isolated with her husband that doesn\'t show her love and concern, she has lupus and other health issues, Satan is beating her down.

      Taylor. In his 30\'s stage 4 colon cancer, surgery and chemo scheduled.
    • Please pray for my mother-in-law. She has been in the hospital/rehab since Memorial Day. She had abdominal surgery and has had some complications. We are praying for complete healing.
    • For Heather and Derek to conceive their rainbow baby!!!!
    • Please prayer for Nathan and Kiara. They are struggling I. Their relationship. I believe the Lord has brought them together and the enemy wishes to destroy their love and trust.
    • My husband is having an extensive procedure to close off and fix a dural arterialvenous fistula on his brain. Please pray that he will not stroke during the procedure and that they will be 100% successful so he will not have to have a second procedure. Thank you so much!
    • Please pray fort a family in our Al-anon group. And for my niece Ari.

      Thank you!
    • Please please please pray for my friend Lisa who just recently went through divorce and her ex-husband hired a super attorney as her husband makes very good money. The divorce went to trial and my friend could not afford an attorney. She went pro se and they took everything from her. We live in Illinois and it is a judicial state. You can not really go pro se . They will make you pay for doing that. The judge took everything from her. No alimony, her husband through their home into bankruptcy. Long story short, when they bought their house they left her off the mortgage and deed. She tried to get it correct but they attorney and ex dragged it out. She is about to be homeless and lost everything because they claim she did not prove her case... (because she did not have representation for herself via an attorney) This is so wrong. My heart aches for her. It is horrible to see my friend deteriorate like this. She is still in her home about to be evicted. She sold everything in her home to try to stay afloat. She has been sleeping on a mattress waiting for the day they kick her out on the streets. I offered for her to stay with me for a while but other circumstances for her will not allow it. Long story... Please please pray for her and if you have any ideas or help for her please let me know.
    • Please please please pray for my friend Lisa who just recently went through divorce and her ex-husband hired a super attorney as her husband makes very good money. The divorce went to trial and my friend could not afford an attorney. She went pro se and they took everything from her. We live in Illinois and it is a judicial state. You can not really go pro se . They will make you pay for doing that. The judge took everything from her. No alimony, her husband through their home into bankruptcy. Long story short, when they bought their house they left her off the mortgage and deed. She tried to get it correct but they attorney and ex dragged it out. She is about to be homeless and lost everything because they claim she did not prove her case... (because she did not have representation for herself via an attorney) This is so wrong. My heart aches for her. It is horrible to see my friend deteriorate like this. She is still in her home about to be evicted. She sold everything in her home to try to stay afloat. She has been sleeping on a mattress waiting for the day they kick her out on the streets. I offered for her to stay with me for a while but other circumstances for her will not allow it. Long story... Please please pray for her and if you have any ideas or help for her please let me know.
    • Please pray for my son Matt who is drinking too much and denies it. Thanks
    • Going to doctors today to find out about my memory issues. Prayers for my medical team, hubby & family as we deal with what they find and what\'s \'next\'
    • Clarity & direction
      My children, family members & friends
    • Pray as David / Danetta Keller and three children’s as they enter the mission field again based in Italy

      Pray as we are coming up on disability hearing for grandson that has had life long health issues...2 brain surgeries...autism but we made him go to work for some responsibility...little to know how it affected his life in to cutting and suicidal it has to be proven why he can’t has been a difficult road...we are trusting in God’s will and pray with us!
    • Please pray for my husband and adult children to turn their eyes upon Jesus. Please pray for them to hunger for Gods love. Open their heats to Jesus.
    • Please pray for my husband and adult children to turn their eyes upon Jesus. Please pray for them to hunger for Gods love. Open their heats to Jesus.
    • I had eye surgery on 11/7/2020. My vision is still cloudy out of the eye. Please pray for complete recovery. I am also having right foot pain and I am in therapy for nerve pain.thank you sooo much for praying for me.
    • For the safety of my adult children and grandkids against Covid
      God loving spouses for my daughters
      Protection for USA
      All fighting Covid
      Blessed Mothers protection from evil
    • My son and his health and career
      My exhusband and his walk with the Lird
      My self and
    • My breast cancer has returned after 21 years. The hormone therapy my Oncologist recommends has many bad side affects that affect my many other health issues. Should I take the therapy (I am 75 years old) or take the option to do radiation which is much less of a problem. My Oncologist is recommending both treatments as my cancer is very aggressive. Please pray for wisdom to know what to do.
    • My 31 year old son died on Aug 9, 2019 after bravely fighting cystic fibrosis his entire life. I am still struggling with his absence in my life.

      August 2020 my 40 year marriage ended. While I know divorce was the right thing, I am seeking to know God’s plan for the rest of my life.
      1. Sharon Jaynes

        I\'m so sorry.

    • I need prayers for my daughter Shakira. She has not been eating for months. I also need prayers to fix a certain precarious situation I am in. I am physically away from where my daughter lives.
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