Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it.

It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way. If an entry has too much information about another person that could embarrass or disrespect them, it will not be posted. 

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.
    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • Please just pray that I can work through the grief of my husband\'s homegoing. It will be a year this month and although on the outside it looks like I have moved on, NOT on the inside.
    • Please pray I grow in my personal relationship with Jesus. I struggled with assurance of my faith for years and came to know him test in Him 4 months ago. Pray I grow strong in Him and not be full of fear and doubt. That I cling to the truth of His Word.
      Thank you
    • Pray for my daughter Madison...she has a ectopic pregnancy and is in some pain. Pray that it will dissolve safely and she feels better soon.
    • Courage
    • Please pray for my daughter. She recently told me she feels like a failure. She\'s in her 20s and feels like she is \'stuck.\' I put her at the foot of the cross every day and pray for her to find her way back to God and His church. She is wandering and not in a good place.
    • I feel I am being drawn For God to cleanse me and make me a vessel of his love, a mission field... I longingly seek Him I have fallen away for many years due to some very hard trials(his blessings have always stayed but I can\'t feel the holy spirit and the joy peace that comes with) I pray I find Him
      I am struggling right now with custody issues with a man that doesn\'t even want his child may God take over and free up that area as well.
      1. Kelly

        Sending prayers to you today Jessica . The Lord hears your prayers. Keep praying , he’s always here . He will never leave or forsake you ❤️

    • Pray that our family would have the faith to step out it to what God has for us in HIS perfect timing. That I would let go of past mistakes and live the adventurous life that he has called us to in HIM. I would specifically like to lift up a remote job for my husband and a community with a church and school that would have strong Christian friends for our family to do life with.
      1. Jessica

        Leslie, you are a gem. You are walking the straight and narrow path, thank you, thank you for your heart. I cry out your prayer and believe it is being answered. For Jesus has said... Anything you ask in my name according to the Will of the Father it shall be given you. All of your prayer is what we are called to... Whatever is true, lovely,of good report... I am thankful,grateful for your family! Your prayer is a reminder of hope! That there is good left in this world. I pray for you now not only your prayer but for your marriage and family... Thank you for the opportunity:)

    • Help me to move forward from failure and to feel confident.
    • 70 years old been stuck 7 years after a bad divorce and 30 years in the marriage. Every relationship I have is broken. Latest one my 21 year old son. He\'s going to propose to a young lady he\'s know for six months. And has a 6 month old baby by another women. Baby has some medical problems. New girlfriend has a 2 year old who calls him daddy. My son got blessings and go ahead from his pastor. I haven\'t been able to wrap my head around it all. He believes it\'s ok to be physically involved with new girlfriend ect. So yesterday we had a text msg argument. I struggle with depression and yesterday\'s conversation pushed me over the edge. Failure yes my whole life is one big failure!
      1. Jessica

        Oh Regina, I am so sorry for where your at and what your going through... But know your not alone! God is ever present and here\'s you. I pray for you today a few scriptures proverbs 3:5,6 for you to not lean on your own understand but let God direct. Isaiah 41:10 that He upholds you with his righteous right hand. That you know and meditate on... For I know the plans I have for you declares the lord, not to harm you but to prosper you, to give you hope and a future. Regina I know it\'s hard but we cannot judge... So this morning I pray that for things with your son, that you let go and let God. Be still and know that He is God... I can see you are a good woman! With many struggles like myself... I believe you are going through the refiners fire and will be able to use this to minister to others when you reach the light on the other side of your circumstances... Please dear woman, be strong and of good courage, do not fear for God is with you.

    • 70 years old been stuck 7 years after a bad divorce and 30 years in the marriage. Every relationship I have is broken. Latest one my 21 year old son. He\'s going to propose to a young lady he\'s know for six months. And has a 6 month old baby by another women. Baby has some medical problems. New girlfriend has a 2 year old who calls him daddy. My son got blessings and go ahead from his pastor. I haven\'t been able to wrap my head around it all. He believes it\'s ok to be physically involved with new girlfriend ect. So yesterday we had a text msg argument. I struggle with depression and yesterday\'s conversation pushed me over the edge. Failure yes my whole life is one big failure!
    • I just resigned from my job.I pray God will grant me favour and direction as i make decision on the next thing to do.

      Thank you pastor Sharon i was blessed by this write up
    • Our church
    • 1. For me to have a good relationship with my parents.
      2. For my sister Sally salvation and restoration.
      3. For my Aunt Isipel, she has dementia.
    • Salvation for my son.
    • Prayers for my husband to be healed of addiction and any strong hold on him, he has turned his back on God may be having an affair. Prayers for our family to be restored and made new in Christ Jesus!
    • Prayers for my husband to be healed of addiction and any strong hold on him, he has turned his back on God may be having an affair. Prayers for our family to be restored and made new in Christ Jesus!
    • Heal Fibromyalgia and Cancer
    • I am starting a new chapter in my life that requires me to make a mandatory trip Florida this Sunday. However, I have not traveled much in years due to my health condition that has caused me to suffer greatly. I pray that God immediately heals my body from any pain and discomfort. I pray that I complete my flight quickly, efficiently and with ease. I pray for a pleasant and safe travels. Only Gods strength and wisdom will help me.
    • I\'m asking God for a miraculous healing for my 41 year old son who has battled cancer for almost 5 years. There is power and healing through prayer!
    • My granddaughter will be a leader and not a follower. That she will not give into peer pressure, but stand firm in her upbringing in the the Lord\'s words.
    • Better health
    • Better health
    • Can you pray that Jesus divinely heals and delivers my physical body from any pain and illness. Can you pray that God gives me direction, wisdom and strength in my heart, mind and life. Can you pray that God fills me with his Holy Spirit. For my two brothers and my cousin(Joshua, Israel and Irvin) to seek and have a personal relationship with Jesus. For God to keep my family and me safe and in good health in the state of Illinois and Arizona. For God to financially help me to pay for my education.
    • Our 19 year old son graduated from high school in May 2020. He has high functioning autism (Asperger Syndrome) and now he is at a crossroad in his life. We are seeking God’s guidance and direction for his next step and path in life. Please pray with us as we present our requests to God.
    • We have a 51 year old daughter that has been living in the homosexual lifestyle since a teenager and has totally cut herself off from her dad and I (I am a stepmom) We have been praying for years but I would ask that you would please join us.
    • Prayers for my daughter, who has been struggling with RA. She experienced remission during her pregnancy/birth of her 5 month old son. She is experiencing flare ups. She and her husband also have a 4 yr old son , who is speech delayed. Her husband lost his platinum health insurance plan from a company he co-founded.
      The stress and anxiety of these other factors is contributing to the flare ups.
      Praise God, He is greater than our worst fears! Thank you for holding our family up in prayer.
    • Lord continue to give me strength and do his will while standing for our marriage. Lord open my covenant husband\'s, Matthew, eyes so that he will return to you Lord and to his covenant family. Some days are more difficult then others and the trials are sometimes overwhelming in this journey.
    • Today I want to lift up my friends and family whom I love so much. May they be blessed and all their needs be met by the most awesome God ever. And for the friends and family members who have yet to build a relationship with Jesus....may a seed be sowed in your life that you want to come to know our Lord, Jesus Christ. I ask that the right people are put in your life so that you know you need Him. Amen. I also want to lift up my son Steve who is in jail right now due to his addiction to alcohol. Lord comfort him, keep him safe and fill his heart full of hope for a brighter future. Know Lord that I repent if I played even the smallest role in his addiction.....forgive me for being his enabler. I pray that people are put in is life to guide him to a better life with You Lord. Amen and praise Your holy name.
    • asking for prayers for my daughter. She is a believer but is experiencing extreme anxiety and has difficulty sleeping. She is concerned that it is affecting her employment, which adds more to her anxiety. Am so thankful for all prayer warriors and for the Lord\'s grace.
    • unspoken
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