Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it.

It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way. If an entry has too much information about another person that could embarrass or disrespect them, it will not be posted. 

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.
    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • Please pray for my friend, mentor, and sister in Christ, Sabine Musselwhite that USA would allow her to travel to Guam to quarantine and come to Pohnpei FSM as an essential worker and missionary for PMA Mission. She’s from Germany and is currently in Germany awaiting to come back to FSM.
      1. Paula Holloway

        I humbly ask you lord to uplift and make away for this passage,for your will! Thank you Jesus

    • Please pray for me. I work a 40 hour demanding job, helping others which is beautiful but emotionally taxing at times. I am currently in my last year of receiving my Clinical Mental Health Counseling degree, which is a very demanding program. I am a wife that needs prayer for her marriage and a mother that needs prayer for her son that is making unwise decisions as a young adult. I need prayer………
    • Pray for my daughter who is facing cancer and cancer surgery and then we don’t know what else. Just three years ago her husband suffered a severe stroke that left him brain-damaged. She has worked and cared for him. Before that she had a car accident that ended her career. Pray that God will keep her strong and heal her. May God bless you all.
    • My husband was recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease and it is really hard for him. I pray for him everyday and every night. I’m asking for all prayer warriors to please lift my husband Rick up in prayer that God would heal his body. My husband has been a faithful servant of God all his life and I just pray God will intercede through the power of prayer. Thank you and God bless you.
    • Prayers for myself, that I will not let my past mistakes continue to haunt me, that I will continue to pray every day and that I will strain forward in the grace and mercy of Jesus, to hear and live out God’s plan for me, in Jesus’s name amen.
      Thankful for Girlfriends in God and other women of ministry that are helping me for the past 7 years!
    • Please pray for me my husband ,daughter and mom in law.
      I battle with fibromyalgia , anxiety and depression. I am in pain everyday. I am always home because I don’t work. My mom in law just came to live with us and she has dementia. It is not easy dealing with my pains and caring for her. Hubby works very long hours and comes home to eat and sleep. My daughter works long hours to. I get a headache everyday . I don’t sleep well. We need prayer.
      Pray for my husband he is overwhelmed with work and my daughter. Pray for our marriage. Thank you and God bless you,
    • Praying to experience breakthroughs in my personal life this year.
    • Praying to get a job at the previous school I worked at. I need a job.
      1. J.M.

        Praise God the very next day I was informed about being able to get my job back! And in the meantime I was able to pick up some shifts at the preschool I had worked at over the summer. Thank you for your prayers!!!! I should be starting next Wednesday.

    • Please pray I will have the courage to share my story so that even one life could be changed for the better.
    • Please pray for my husband to keep his job. Meetings will be held tomorrow. Thank you!
    • Pray for Daisy and Fred that god will heal them both, but in all things let his will be done.
    • Am Beth married to Ambrose please pray for our marriage and both of our families reconciliation, unity, harmony and for us to speak the same language as a couple.
    • Please pray for my husband and our family. We are going through a really difficult time that I know only The Lord can help us through! I put my Trust in Him!!!!
      Thank you for your prayers!
    • Please pray for my boyfriend Emil that he will be able to get a US VISA in Philippines and be able to come to Pohnpei and be able to work as a Chef at Island Palms Restaurant. That it would be granted to him.
    • Good morning. I have two grown sons. Our youngest married this past weekend. Both married Christian girls. We are so thankful for that. We raised our boys in church and taught them to follow God's word. Now that they are grown and on their own, they are socially drinking. We do not drink and I fully believe alcohol is on e of the greatest evils and lies satan uses to bring down Christians and hurt their testimony. Please join me in praying that our boys will open their hearts and minds to the dangers and evils of alcohol and turn away from it. They are now supposed to be leaders in their own homes and setting the right examples. They should be actively involved in church but are not. Pray that I will learn how to handle my role as mother of grown men. Thank you so much.
    • For my daughter Kaeli’s salvation, healing for everything tormenting her, and a personal relationship with Jesus.
      1. Macy Carnes

        Amen. 🙏🙏🙏

    • Please pray for family and financial freedom.
    • I am praying for a job, the health of my family and friends, and peace of mind.
    • Healing from anxiety. God to be glorified throughout the wedding/week/ life of my son & new daughter in law - & for them to continue to walk with Jesus.
      His will be done in the life of other son.
      Extended family- peace, at wedding & onward. For them to get addiction help. Ty
    • Pray for my daughter Brittany to accept Jesus and find direction in life. Shacking up with different guys that have no job.
    • Wisdom and peace as I make career and life decisions. I have always been terrible with Finances and as I near retirement I am very frightened and alone. I am recently widowed. Please I know God can give me this gift but it has been a slow painful process and I am growing tired. I need some to hold my arms up as Arron did Moses arms. Thank you
    • Please pray for healing in my family & that God will help & allow me to start afresh with a new job & location.
    • Please pray for my husband and our family. We are going through a really difficult time that I know only The Lord can help us through! I put my Trust in Him!!!!
      Thank you for your prayers!
    • Marriage restoration. God said, on the other side of this our marriage will be a light to the world. This in between until we are on the other side, is painful and I grow weary. Wisdom, guidance, God’s power to draw us to Him.
    • My dad has cancer that has metastasized. He’s 87. Please pray that he won’t suffer through this journey. I’m also looking at starting an in home preschool. Please pray for God’s wisdom and guidance if this is what He wants in my life. Thank you!
    • I'm so embarrassed by my past that I have lied about it.
      So on top of being a theif I'm a liar.
      I do try to live a better life today however when I think about the people I have injured and the lies I have told I wonder if I can be forgiven.
      I know the LOVE and Forgiveness of my Lord but wonder what I will face when I come before Our LORD.
      I pray to be forgiven and move forward honest and with truth.
      In JESUS name I pray. AMEN.
      1. Lillia Clarke

        Dear Tami, If you close your hand into a fist and someone gives you a pencil, you cannot take hold of it. You need to first open your hand to receive it and then close it to hold it. Forgiveness and freedom from the shackles of guilt and shame is the same. You need to open your heart and accept the gift, it came at great price, but is given to you freely. Let the Holy Spirit be the seal around you so you can keep your heart open. Renew your mind daily, first thing you do each day, read aloud and personalise the scriptures that say you are a child of God, a new creation, born of the Spirit and free from condemnation, justified by the blood of Christ. Your Transformation is your Testimony. Boast in Christ and his saving works that has redeemed you from your past. Abundant Blessings in our Risen Christ Jesus, Lillia.

    • Please help my son find a friend 🙂
      Bless my other sons wife and my daughter whom are having a baby:)
      Thank you for your generosity 🙂
    • That our friend's Joe & Belinda continue to make a swift recovery. Also, Thank you for each day that my husband, David gains strength in his back and legs.

      May God always give us strong faith, strong health and always, always Love and closeness between our families and friends.

      In your name I pray
    • Please pray for my son Steve. He is an alcoholic and presently he is in jail and has been for months. He was blessed with a Christian cell mate, amen. He goes to court Monday and I would like prayers for the judge, attorney and my son that all goes well and positive, Steve is not a criminal but has disruptive behavior that ended in jail time. I want to ask God to show him the way through Him, give him the need to be sober, put the right people in his life that will make this journey to sobriety easier and successful. I love my son and I enable him. I want prayers to help me to help him without being an enabler, it is destructive. Thank you. Know I love my son very very much and I repent for anything that I may have done that caused him to drink. Be blessed, be safe amen.
    • I pray for God’s supernatural blessing & miracle at work. I have been charged with unrealistic goals to drive extremely high new lead & sales volumes. While it may seem impossible, I believe that God is still bigger than these goals. He fed the Israelites & Elijah where there was no food in the wilderness. Jesus fed 5,000 from a small amount of bread and fish. And I believe that God can create demand from nothing when all the odds are stacked against me, my team & company. I ask for your prayers for God to use this opportunity to help me tell others of His amazing grace and miracles. Thank you!
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