Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it.

It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way. If an entry has too much information about another person that could embarrass or disrespect them, it will not be posted. 

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

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    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • Please pray for Total Reconciliation and Restoration between Tom and I and that the Lord will allowTom and I to see each other soon and this time it will be different. That the Lord will allow us to be Married.
    • Please pray for me to have wisdom and a submissive heart and obedience towards God. I am in a relationship with this man. He’s from Philippines and he promised me that he would come back for me here in Micronesia. We’ve been together for 3 years 7 months and 9 days. He said he would come back and join my church and prove to my church that he loves me and loves God. At this time I am not sure if he is coming as there is the COVID-19 pandemic and my country has closed its borders but only open to it’s repatriation citizens. My stubborn heart has this hope that we would be together but I don’t know what is God’s will or plan for me is. I just pray and hope that he will come and if he does then it’s God’s will. If it’s not God’s will, then this is where I need help with. To be wise, submissive, and obedient to the Lord. I really have a hard time giving him up. He’s a good person but is he for me? Also prayers for that. That’s my prayer request. Thank you.
    • Please pray for my daughter, she\'s 21 and has very high blood pressure. Doctor running tests to try determine the cause. She also has ADD and depression, too much for one person and still so young. I pray God will bind that spirit of fear and depression and give her peace and a sound mind. Please Lord, don\'t let there be anything serious causing a significant rise in her BP. Thank you. AMEN
    • Dear Father , please listen to the prayers of your daughters on this prayer wall , and if it is Your will grant us our desires .I pray Father to keep guiding me in all I do , show me tie to be patient as I wait for my prayers to be answered .Help me not to be anxious or afraid because You are with me and Your joy is my strength .I love You Lird but I know You love me more .Help me focus on You and not on my problems and to trust that You will answer my prayers as You have ALWAYS done I only need to trust and be patient .Thankyou Father in Jesus precious. holy and beautiful name I pray Amen!
      1. Sandi


      2. Sandi


      3. Sandi


    • I work in a call center that is very busy, demanding and dealing with difficult customers call after call after call. I get up early every morning and read the word and pray to stay peaceful and patient and kind but every day it seems like it’s gone within the first 1-2 hours of taking phone calls. This is wearing me out and creating hard heart. Please pray for me to stay in the love of God no matter what or how others do to me. Thank you
      1. Benta

        Hi Jan,I too worked in two call centers, one was in financial aid in a university so you can imagine how awful people are when you’re dealing with their money. (I am sure you can relate) I struggled so hard with depression when I would get into about the middle of the day, start strong end weak…and then I had a caller who God allowed me to minister too. Even through the kindness of my voice. He started yelling and ended weeping. You are literally on the front lines of the mission field. Some people are called to Africa but you are called to these people you help. Every single caller is someone God is entrusting to you to help and minister to. When you are yelled at, think in your head “forgive them father, they know not what they do” when you answer the phone pray “Lord, help me encourage this person today” even if it’s only in your tone or helpfulness. You have got this! You are a missionary to these people! Praying for you!

    • Please pray for salvation, healing and restoration in my family. That strongholds will be broken, for Godly mentors.
    • Healing for my sister who has no appetite, coughing due to asthma and redistribution experiencing bodily pains. She is in her 70s . I\'m not sure if she already had her COVID-19 vaccine yet as the Philippines is still behind schedule.

      May she regain her appetite to speed up her recovery, and may her body respond to her medications. May she find comfort in knowing she is being prayed for. I pray God to bathe every cell in my sister\'s body with the precious, healing blood of Jesus. May God be glorified in all of this. Amen.
    • My wife Tracey has left me and our four children for another man we are devastated please pray that she repent and return to the Lord and our family restored
    • Deliverance, for my family, friends, children, grand children and myself and my partner from evil and temptation on any level. And, more importantly to learn how to honor God all throughout the days. Amen!
    • My husband of 50 yrs. passed 2weeks after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer...I need strength and grace to get through this time of grief
      1. Sharon

        Im so sorry. Praying for you,

      2. Sharon

        Im so sorry. Praying for you,

    • Please pray for my husband Jesus Iracheta Jr to please stop the divorce and stop looking for attention in other women and come back to me.
    • Please pray for me for me to get funds to go back to business and for my children to go to university. We are in great need of a source of income after losing our business. God bless you.
    • Pray for the men in my church to step up to fill the position of deacons. Some have wives who won’t allow their husbands to be in that position. And the young men won’t step up to those duties
      Please pray the Lord will touch their hearts and create a stir within them to lead as deacons, please
      1. PETER BEE

        Wanda, it\'s an awesome responsibility that I as a former deacon can attest to. As a deacon, we dealt with personalities, finances, and other things that would get you turned off to the Church. It was the nitty gritty of the church. The members of the church and their finances, etc.

    • I married my husband almost 4 years ago. We wanted a family so much, we tried for 2 years and found out I had some Fallopian tube issues going on we were not aware of. I just had to have both Fallopian tubes removed due to the extent of the damage and I was really devastated. We can do IVF but it’s just so expensive and it’ll take us some time to get ready for that due to us wanting to pay off debt first. Please keep us in your prayers I know God is a mountain mover and He showed me a little girl I prayer one day when I first met my husband but now I’m just so lost and discouraged after the past year of battles I have been through emotionally and physically due to the surgery. I’m tired. The word Brave has been coming to me almost daily lately and honestly I don’t feel brave but I know that’s how God sees me, this isn’t the first time He’s told me I’m brave but right now after this storm I don’t feel brave I feel bruised to be honest maybe a little broken even. Please pray for me to stand strong and be brave through this journey.
      1. PETER BEE

        Alicia, pray about adopting a child. I\'ll be praying with you and for you. If you can\'t have a child by natural birth, then maybe adopting a child that was put up for adoption by its biological mother because they couldn\'t take care of the child as they wanted to.

    • My prayer is for my grandson Matteo Alexander Rodriguez. He needs to get evaluated and we fear the outcome of autism. We trust that God can heal him and heal his mom (my daughter) mental state as well.
    • I desperately need a job to be able to take care of my family. Please help me pray about this. Thanks.
      1. Robin Olson

        Petsmart is hiring if you live in wa

    • I’m a pastor’s wife and is requesting prayer for our church to regroup and establish a strong outreach ministry, praying for spiritual maturity among the leaders. Help us to reach out to all age groups with ministry for all. In Jesus’s name amen.
    • Please pray for my daughter Christina. She has a horrible Erlos Danlos Syndrome which is a connective tissue disorder. It leads to body parts losing their positions and chronic pain.She has had in the last 6 years 6 major surgeries. She has had multiple joint surgeries, internal organs having to be lifted and mesh put in to hold them into place. Aug.12 she has a fusion of her SI joints. After that may be knee surgeries for torn ligaments and a rotator cuff surgery. It never ends and the pain is 24/7 . She is only 47 years old and has suffered in different ways all her life and it breaks my heart to see her suffer daily and will in different ways all her life. Please pray that she will continue to be strong and not lose her faith. She has the most wonderful husband who loves and supports her through it all. She is my hero. When I have varid pains or aches I think of what she lives with daily and I am ashamed. I am praying that God will give her some length of time to be pain free. Thank you for any prayers for her and her husband Tom.
    • Plan to buy a house
    • Please pray for God’s strength & healing for my elderly parents. May He bless them with many more years of blessing and long lives.
    • I pray for God’s blessing on my 2 sons that He will protect them from harm, deepen their roots in God’s Word, use them to bring multitudes to Christ, and grant them wisdom to stay away from temptation.
    • Please pray for Jenny Agngarayngay. I AM PRAYING that God WILL give her the supernatural healing and strength I need so that my body is ready for the upcoming chemo and infusion. The chemo is necessary to suppress my immune system so that my body will not reject the bio-engineered t-cells. If it helps, below is the timeline of my hospitalization.

      Aug. 16 - COVID test, respiratory test, blood tests, etc.
      Aug. 18- Admission to the hospital: Line placement (surgery to put in the port for my infusion & chemo); Chemo Day 1
      Aug. 19- Chemo Day 2
      Aug. 20-- Chemo Day 3
      Aug. 21-22- No meds, but will remain at hospital
      Aug. 23- T-cell infusion

      She will stay at the hospital for observation, treatment / control inflammation, etc. for about 2 more weeks after the infusion. These weeks are crucial.
    • Please pray for God’s favor and wisdom to help me in my new job. Goals are challenging, but my God is bigger. There are people issues on my team, but God gives peace. Since all authority is under God‘s control, I ask for God’s favor & wisdom to help me make the right decisions, bless others, and cause my work to yield fruit.
    • Thank you for your prayers regarding healing for my wife from her chronic pain that resulted from a surgery related to a collapsed lung. She has been to numerous doctors to heal the pain and continues to seek help. I believe God can remove the pain.
    • Please pray for all those struggling with mental illness, especially Dane, Gary & Marlon. Pray for my oldest daughter Michelle who is struggling with smoking, anxiety & is not walking with God right now & all of our families & friends who is not walking with God. Thanks
    • Please pray that my mom and my sister get good jobs; they both haven\'t worked for years and the responsibility is on me at home. Thank God I have a good job but we could use more help.
    • I am believing for promotion and financial increase.
    • Tomorrow morning at 9:30 EST there will be a custody hearing for my granddaughter! Please pray for my daughter and my granddaughter Avarose. Pray for favor and that she will remain in my daughters care with majority custody!!
      1. Juanelma Palmer

        Standing in agreement with you that Avarose will remain with her mother and that your daughter will receive majority custody.

    • I left a very difficult position that included verbal abuse, and I was in that role for 8 months, and in that 8 months I was grieving the loss of my mom. It was a very rough season the last 12 months 8/2/2021 is one year in this season. I pray now I enter my new season for God to fill my cup overflowing, and the joy of the Lord be my strength I would laugh again, and smile again, and look good again. It has been the roughest season in my Christian walk of 20 years.

      Please pray for me please. I\'m nervous starting this new role on 8/2/2021. Pray for my mom\'s one year \"In Heaven\" anniversary go okay within my sole.
    • Praying for deliverence for brother with schizophrenia and refuses to take medication and drug addiction.
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