Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it.

It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way. If an entry has too much information about another person that could embarrass or disrespect them, it will not be posted. 

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.
    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • I have endometrial cancer that has spread to my lungs. I finished chemo in April and am continuing with a trial drug. Please pray for complete eradication of every cancer cell in my body. I’m starting back teaching in our Christian school. Please pray God would protect me from covid. Also my husband was sent home from work for the third time in 8 months. Please pray the situation will be quickly resolved and he will be back to work this week. We need the insurance to keep fighting this cancer. Thank you for praying!
    • My husband has Lymphoma and received word this week that his antigen levels are very low making him very vulnerable to infection. With the Delta variant of Covid-19 spreading like wildfire, I ask you to pray for his safety.

      Also, my niece has contracted Covid along with double pneumonia and is in an ICU in Louisiana. Please pray for her recovery.

      Thank you all and may you be blessed abundantly by our great God!!!
    • I want to know God’s will for my relationship. I am searching to know if we are to reconcile and stay together or permanently part ways? I am willing to do whichever God says. Please pray for his heart & mind and mine as well as I fast & pray to seek God’s answers and leading. I anticipate “Praying for Your Husband from Head to Toe’ to be an asset in guiding my petitions to God. Thank you for the guidance and prayers.
    • Daughter Michele Leonard Alex Alyssa unspoken health needs..thank you We serve a Mighty God ...Jehovah Rapha...
    • Hello Ladies, undergoing so much unanswered Prayers, getting discouraged, lonely and desperate for Godly talk in person.
    • Natalie. Grief stricken and struggling over the sudden and unexpected death of her little boy.
    • I would like to ask for prayers for my daughter (14) and son (11). I have been a single Mom for 10 years now... Their Dad is not in our lives at all. My strength is gone, I feel I fail them all the time. I am extremely anxious and nervous constantly. I make lots of mistakes. Please pray that they will grow up to be a man and woman of God despite ALL my failures. Thank you!
      1. Lori

        Dora, your children will be fine—they have a praying mother. You have turned to the ultimate Source of Power; He can never fail. All will go well. Be encouraged!

    • Please pray for my children. My oldest son is gay and is very vocal on social media about his beliefs that align with the gay community and the world. It breaks my heart. I believe he is a child of God and am concerned over what God is going to allow to happen in his life to return him to the center of God\'s will. My youngest son just does not seem to be in the center of God\'s will and has an 18 month old child that needs to see Christ lived out in the home. He and his wife are wonderful people but their belief on things seem to align more with the world than with Christ.
    • I need prayers please. Of God to rescue me from a sexual assault. Traumas, & to give me a clear strong voice. & To know & rely on God\'s love moment by moment. Freedom & healing needed.
    • I'd love prayer for me to follow God's leading in writing again and not succumbing to a fear of failure. I also appreciate prayer for my mom to be reassured of God\'s love for her and delivered from a spirit of rejection.
    • Thank you God for proverbs team to reach and teach about your words to touch me every day with me help my find my way in your hands to guide me and to keep you in my heart and give me strength to fight the lies of Satan
    • Please pray for my gambling addiction! I am a Christian woman trying to stay STRONG and Satan definitely has a way of sneaking in an taking over. I am REFUSING to give up, I know I am a sinner and God's grace is STRONGER! I am GIVING this to GOD! In Jesus precious name!!!!

      And also for my youngest son, he is gay and is moving back to his home state where we live and I PRAY everyday for his salvation. I know it's all in God's hands and in his timing. It's SO HARD to see him leading this lifestyle, but he knows that my LOVE for him doesn't change and he does know I pray for him everyday. Again, GOD'S grace is stronger!!!
    • I have failed, but didn't "bail" exactly. I don't run away or leave. I quit where I am; sort of "spinning my wheels, getting buried by others. Now I am adding worry, anger, blame.
      My husband wont admit the financial danger we are in
    • For our daughter K who has said recently "sorry I am not a Christian".
      Our other daughter E who has had both breast and brain cancer in the last two years. She has a repeat MRI today to see if the remaining 10% of brain tumor tissue is gone. Dr said a couple months ago it was likely just scar tissue or would continue to diminish over time. Breast cancer was healed. We pray a complete healing.
      Our son J who is battling Covid at home. Pray he will have wisdom and that he will be healed. Also that this trial will build up and strengthen his faith.
    • Pray for my husband D and me and our marriage. He revealed last week that for the 40+ yrs of our marriage he has been trapped by porn. There has been deception in several other major areas also in recent years. I feel we have never had the true intimacy that God desires. I need Jesus to love me through this trial. I know God works ALL things together for good. He says he is willing to get help and has a meeting tonight at the church’s ministry for men who want to break free from sexual compulsions and other forms of unfaithfulness. I pray he will have the courage to actually go and to feel safe and be able to get transparent and accountable to others. He confessed Christ and was baptized years ago. He currently believes God doesn’t hear his prayers and doesn’t care about him. He says he wants to earn my trust back. Pray I will stop trying to control the process. We both have therapists from prior issues from childhood. We are both adult children of alcoholic parents. I am standing for my sanity, my husbands freedom through Christ alone, and our marriage. I want to show love and compassion for him. My emotions take over and I feel so overwhelmed. Thank you for praying for a breakthrough. God uses broken people who come to Him in true repentance for healing. Thank you for this outlet for much needed prayer.
    • Please pray for my husband and my marriage. (He is an alcoholic) I found out after we were married. We have been married 9 yrs. We have had ups and downs. It is a real struggle at times! I\'ve tryed to help with encouraging him with getting help. He received one shot and out patient treatment and never went back. I get so discouraged. Sometime\'s I want him to leave but then I pray to God and I feel the need to be there for him. I want to follow God in the direction. he wants me to go. We have been going to a church that I felt called to. Prayfully, he will receive a touch from our God! Thank you for listening!
      1. Jessica

        Lorena, It is a hard battle to fight and endure...but God is with you always, he will never leave you or forsake you! He knows the plans he has for you, to prosper you ,to give you hope and a future. Proverbs 3:5-6 lean not on your own understanding but in ALL your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path. I join you in your prayers for your husband and pray for you as well... To keep the faith and stand... When you think you have done all you can to stand, stand firm then. Be courageous, do not fear for God is with you

    • Overwhelm, anxiety, time management.
    • On the race to finish school God has given me all the right tools. I am tired and weary from this long race. Yet, God continues to bless me and give me Grace. I have some scars from family that tried to take the good in my soul and make me think that they were right and did not start the fight. But I know that my God has his girl back in all things that I may lack. I forgave, and moved forward and worked below my means and humbled as God has seen. I am going to win this race and celebrate the dissertation that speaks on the lack of Black Women moving in higher education leadership positions that they honor God and deserved. For the perfect plan that God has for me is VICTORY! My dream of the non-traditional school that will give the special needs males that I teach, preach, and reach a great future without barriers or walls, so that they may stand tall. This is my legacy just for me
      Thanks to God be the glory i will be able to tell my story

      Nivel Conley
      1. Sharon Jaynes

        You go girl!

      2. Penny Christine

        God in His Awesomeness will uphold you. Proud of you!!

    • Prayer for confidence, courage, to learn how to drive & to get a new daylight hours M-F job.
      1. Jessica

        Judy, thank you for your strong will to keep on keeping on and your faith to endure... Praying for you sister!

    • God grant him your favor and freedom. Mistakes are redeemed and washed away today. All that was lost will be replaced being time, things, thoughts, healing the wounds of being incarcerated for 3 years. Beating the battle with Covid-19 and well in a locked down cell, going to the wall without school and getting straight A\'s all the way through all while 1,000 ANGELS were watching over you. God has the exact time and release date! New life striving to do what is right in God\'s sight
      A mothers tender love thanking God from up-above
    • God give her Grace, glory, grant access to a new career not just a job. Comfort her in her time of need to succeed with her 2 twins sons without her spouse in her new life. Let her have a vision to forgive others and do what is right in Gods eyesight
      Mom known as Mimi
    • Pray for my family, friends and enemies to be safe and healthy during theses unbelievable times.
    • Please pray for son, G. He has just moved to new city for grad school and roommate is non Christian with very non biblical beliefs. Pray that my son makes finding a church home and Godly community a priority. That he will surround himself with Godly friends. That God would draw him near and soften his heart. That God would grant him wisdom and discernment. For G to desire and work towards great spiritual growth. For his eyes to be opened to the lies of the enemy. For God to clothe him in God’s armor of protection. For G to see God’s loving hand at work in his life.
    • Please pray for my granddaughter Penelope. Her mother has allowed her to have access to things on the internet that are heartbreaking. She now says she is bisexual at 11. She is a child and yet this is what the world is offering up to our children. She has rejected belief in God and Jesus. My prayer is for God to have mercy on her and give her spiritual eyes and ears to know the truth of who she is!
    • My son and his struggle with addictions and anxiety.
    • That the Lord will help me out of this current period in my marriage and give me the steps of what to do or what not to do. My husband is acting cold towards me and giving me the silent treatment. I also ask that God will use this situation to show me anything that I need to change in myself and make me a stronger woman.
    • That I would be released from the grips of alcohol and my relationship with my children be fully restored. God, please fight for me...
    • 1. Sons less than 3 year marriage. His words hurt and his inability to follow through on jobs. He needs so much, but mostly God to pierce his heart.
      2. For protection from a threatening note to us for putting a note on a car parked on our private property. Don’t want to live in fear.
    • For my brother-in-law who is battling late stage cancer that he will stay in stable health to see his youngest son get married (in a church) alleluia for that blessing
    • Pray for me as I once again struggle with the life long war I have with my body and weight..I had lost and been maintaining and feeling ok about myself but now I have gained again and so frustrated and mad at myself!!
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