Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it.

It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way. If an entry has too much information about another person that could embarrass or disrespect them, it will not be posted. 

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.
    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • Please pray for my daughter, Holly. She was given a dire diagnosis two days ago and has decided to resign from her very stressful and demanding job. The entire situation is very frightening. Thank you all. God bless you!!!!
    • That Prayer that God shows us what specific school my 15 year old should be attending or if we should do home schooling. PLEASE send someone who have a son the same age as my son that have experience doing home schooling that can offer to help me step by step. Amen and Amen!!!
    • Please help me pray for my daughters who are afflicted with
      anxiety and fear. Pray that they will fully commit to Christ
      and overcome all anxiety and fear.
    • Please pray fervently for my man today. The Lord has made a deep impression to call for intercession for him, especially on today. I don't know why, but please respond to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Thanks!
    • Revelation as to why all my girlfriends seem to turn away from me with no explanation. Whatever I’m doing, praying God would cure me of it.
    • Please pray for my children, Meghan and Daniel, who have turned from the Lord and are living and accepting the lies of the world as truth. Pray that God will bring people and circumstances into their lives that will convince them of His love and grace and mercy, that they will love Him wholeheartedly and bring them into the real Truth of God, that they will turn from the lies of satan and, with courage and boldness, share the Truth of Jesus Christ so they may be a powerful influence for so many lost souls around them.
    • Please pray for my sister in Christ as well as relative, Rohma Silbanuz, who has heart problem and will be going to Hawaii for treatment. Pray for financial means and that she would get treatment and safe travel. She’s from Pohnpei Micronesia FSM. Pohnpei is a small island in the Pacific where good doctors is rare. So, people usually go on medical referrals to Philippines or Hawaii.
    • I pray for healing from addiction for some of my family members. Thank You.
    • Please pray for the salvation of my son and daughter-in-law
    • My son just announced he is now a Buddhist. Please peay he find his way back to Christ.
    • Help my unbelief. Give me peace beyond understanding, joy and contentment in all circumstances. Help me to increase my faith and trust.
    • Guiding me to make hard decisions and patience to help but not enable. Courage to make the right decision in this troubling time.
    • Please pray that John will be completely cured if Covid and that his wife, Mary, and the family will feel the surrounding peace of Christ.
    • I feel anger every day. I pray, I read devotions and listen to praise music but still find this anger inside of me! The things of this world seem to be getting the best of me even though I know in my heart that I can’t control others or what happens in our world. I can only pray. Please pray for me to find an inner peace so the things of this world stop affecting me in a negative way. Thank you !
    • Please pray God's protection over my family and myself. That no more investigations or allegations will come against me so that our family can heal.
    • Please keep my son Demetrius in prayer as he is battling Covid-19. Also, keep my friend Librada in prayer. Her Mom passed away. Thank you.
    • I am so thankful for my sister, Janet. She has been my prayer warrior for many years. Now she is caring for me while God heals body. I am so blessed. God is so good.
    • I’m struggling with life right now. God knows my wants and needs. I lost my cousin who was more of a sister three years ago. I can’t seem to find anyone to bond that closely with. I have friends but not the bff that gets you thru the bad times and celebrates the good.
      1. Prayer Sister

        I pray God bless you with a new friendship. With someone you completely connect with and have similar hobbies with. I pray he continue to comfort you as you continue to work through the loss of your cousin.

    • Please help us stand in the gap....we can't lose another one to this dreadful sickness call cancer.
      Shalom, this is a SoS prayer we the members of JNCC(Jesus New Covenant Chapel) is in need of a joint prayer in praying for one of ours Stacy Elizabeth Beckles Joseph, she's has the lineage of pastoral her parents were pastors and her sisters as well. The hospital give us wrong report, she had her womb remove and the doctors saw a growth and they said to us its not alarming. Now today they're telling us it's cancer and it's far gone. The hospital is neglecting her and sending her home without doing chemo they said she's too weak just make her comfortable.but we the family refuse to believe in man reportshes still in the land of the living and we are standing with God for a supernatural healing and for her to be cancer free and that she will live in Jesus Christ name.
      He mom passed over a decade with it, he third sister had stage 3 and they remove her womb, she's OK and her last sister passed away from ovarian cancer a few years ago. Stacy is the baby in her sister's she's in her mid 40's very young. She lost her son 10 years ago by a hit and run drunk driver while crossing the street to come home and she witness the whole thing. She has a 15years old son and her husband,
      We are standing with the only hope we know best which is Jesus Christ.
    • Thankful for my girlfriends Monica, Sherrie, Amanda, Candace and Donna.
      They always lend a listening ear.
    • My friend’s husband, Steve, has cancer and it has spread to his liver and lungs after going through treatment, he is now in the ER and the only hope left is God‘s healing hand s! They need a miracle of healing & my friend needs strength and comfort to get her through this trying time. They are desperate, they know the Lord and they are trusting in Him!
    • My prayers are grateful for friends that help in time need and strength when it is time to be there for them.
    • My son begins an 8 month police academy tomorrow. Please pray that God will give him the wisdom and physical and emotional strength to endure this challenging training and succeed. Pray that he may find favor with his instructors and superiors. Pray that he improves all his health and nutrition habits so that he remains healthy and strong. He really needs this career opportunity. May God's will be done in his life. Thank you so much.
    • Please pray for my family and me.we definitely are in need of prayer. Mental ,physical sickness and other problems . I know things are happening because of my wanting a closer relationship with the. Please pray for me that when things ( Giants ) comes at me that God will strengthen me,and may I stand on His promises. I am not praying for God to move my mountain, but to help me and my family climb over the mountain
    • I am requesting prayer for my sister, Adrienne Grant, who has a very unforgiving spirit and has separated herself from all her loved ones (children, siblings). Praying for restoration with God and with her family. In addition, I pray for peace in her mind and in her heart that she will come, not just to know of Christ, but to totally surrender unto him.
    • My family recently made a move from one state to another. I’m excited and the Lord is healing my heart from the past 2.5 years that have been the hardest! I lost my best friend (spouse, pastor) I lost my friends/family from church yet the Lord strengthened new ones! Please pray for our family and church family. Thank you!!!!
    • That truth will come to light and that I will know and my anxiety will calm..
    • My nephew, Nick, is 18 y.o. and was arrested Saturday night for marijuana possession and he opened up to his sister that he plans on being dead within 3 years. He has no intentions of getting a job because he doesn't think he will get a good one. In short, he has no hope and has stopped caring about his life. He desperately needs God. Pray for his salvation and protection from the enemy.
    • Please pray for my friend who is stepping out on faith and moving to another part of the country according to what she heard from God. But she is facing a lot of attacks from her family (parent, siblings) for doing so. Please pray that God would provide her with a job and Godly community in her new town, and that God would help her to treat her family with love amidst the attacks in the period before she moves. Thanks!
    • Pray for my youngest daughter she is going through a divorce had to come home and leave her 6 year old son b/c if she would have left with him it would have been kidnapping. They are now battling for custody. I’m a nurse been redeployed to the COVID unit and I’m just tired but trying to keep the faith
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