Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it.

It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way. If an entry has too much information about another person that could embarrass or disrespect them, it will not be posted. 

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.
    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • I would like prayer for help and support with my 98 year old mother with Dementia. I have four sisters, but only two of us give the majority of her 24 hour care. We are not on the same page about the next phase of her care. Some are not open to nursing home assistance and my mom's income is slightly higher than allowed to get any assistance. Try to care for her at home is exhausting. I am stressed because I am torn. I am married, but I spend the majority of my time away from my husband of 3 years. My sisters are not married, but have the unspoken expectation that I should continue being a caregiver for my mom. None of my other sisters are married, but everyone's is busy with life.
      One sister lives 3 hours away, one refuses to help because she is not a caregiver, and one is raising her two minor grandkids. That leave us last two. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. 🙏🏽
      1. Renee

        Dear Magnolia sweetheart I tell you from experience you will not have any regrets when the Lord calls your precious mother home. I was in the same exact situation. However my husband left me but our Heavenly Father has been with me and has ALWAYS PROVIDED. Sweetheart I know it is so tiring but in God\'s word He tells us to be a servant for all . So forgive your family and do not let them stand between you and God. He knows, He sees and He rewards. Please place your burdens at the feet of Jesus Christ and ask Him to help you. He is so faithful and His ways and thoughts are higher than ours.. He loves you and promises to be with us until the end of the world. Your Mother needs you. When I lost my Dad I felt the carpet had been pulled out from under me. Then I lost my mom. She had dementia. But God gave us a miracle on her birthday 14 days before she passed the Lord blessed me and her by giving her a day when she knew me and knew she was loved! I cared for both my parents 5 yrs. It was hard but I have no regrets and I forgave my siblings for their ways. I pray sweetheart that God blesses you with strength, understanding and peace. He loves you and will help you. Never loose your faith in Him. Renee

    • Andrew Brown he's in need of a job and that the lord will come in his heart and make a change please pray for a financial brake true me
    • Please pray that God will turn my life around. Three years ago, my life was in shambles. I turned to a number of different individuals individuals for help and every single of one them turned on me and did things to make my life worse. I feel hopeless and I feel like a failure. I have very little money, I'm unsure of what step to take in my career so that things can change and I am beginning to feel suicidal. My life seems to be ruined. Please pray that something will change.
      1. Utche

        Just hang in there and FOCUS on our Lord and Savior Jesus .This is the devil trying to distract you because he knows Gid loves you .Just know that the devil is a LIAR , so PLEASE do not listen to him .Continue praying God is with you and He knows what you are going through, so just trust Him, and continue praising, praying, and worshiping Him while you WAIT! God bless!!

    • Praying for The Holy Spirit's to speak to a number of family members. I pray daily for them & others to receive Christ in their lives. My sadness is overwhelming that they will not be a part of the Heavenly Family. I am old and know the power of prayer-please pray for them and this world we live in to come to Christ!
      In the name of Jesus Christ our Savior,Amen
    • Kindly pray for my Husband Jack Munthali who has been on dialysis for almost a year now. It has been a very trying moment emotionally, spiritually and financially for both of us. We have prayed and trusted God for a miracle but sometimes we feel like God is so far away. We still there is nothing impossible for God to do and we believe he will come through for us. However, sometimes faith fails us and we need God's strength and assurance. The prayer is for God to show HIMSELF POWERFUL because he is whichever way He chooses to do it. We will continue to trust HIM.

      Please pray for us!
    • I ask prayer for my teenage daughter who is struggling in school and feels bullied and prayed for her healthy development and all my children
    • I ask for strength, patience and grace. I'm a single mom of 1 girl, who I love very much but I struggle with her messiness, so I'm praying for my response to be merciful and full of grace.
      I'm also in search of a new job as my current one is ending by years' end. I know God is able. Thank you for your prayers.
    • My 99 year old mother is in the hospital and needs prayer but I am requesting prayer for my older brother who is her primary caregiver. He has been living with her for nearly 15 years and has done a wonderful job but now he is feeling the strain of it all. Please pray for his health, strength and his mind. Praying God keeps him in peace and surrounds him with His love.
    • Family restoration for my daughter to see the light
      For me to trust you more and surrender the situation that I don’t like and to know that you are in control
      More faith more trust for me .. thank you
    • I had fertility preservation 5 years ago due to breast cancer. My husband and I asked, seeked, and knocked for a daughter and God answered as my frozen embryo is a girl. There have been several times through the years that I’ve restarted the process and some health challenges would arise that needed to be addressed before proceeding. Even in restarting again now, a health challenge presented itself and was just addressed. My Dr. is targeting my embryo transfer for January. I was laid off in March and will no longer have employer subsidized health insurance after December; the new health insurance rate is really astronomical in cost but my Dr. suggests that it may be best to continue coverage with this insurance provider until I have the embryo transfer since I’ve already been approved for treatment. I am asking for prayers for faith and strength to continue to persevere on this journey and prayers that Jehovah Jireh will give us financial provision.
    • Pray for a home loan, right home for our family. Pray for divine favor decree, mighty help,,What's impossible with man is possible with God., Matthew 18 :18 7:7 Amen
    • Continual Prayers for a very lonely child, who's severely overweight gets teased by others even some family. Fill this child with a renewed spirit for God, to crave healthy foods, to be blessed with good friends, supportive family. Share this prayer request with others. Stand in Agreement Amen.
    • Continual Prayers for a very lonely child, who's severely overweight gets teased by others even some family. Fill this child with a renewed spirit for God, to crave healthy foods, to be blessed with good friends, supportive family. Share this prayer request with others. Stand in Agreement Amen.
    • A good friend who loves the Lord has stage four healing, and for God to anoint our prayers for he and his wife...
    • My relationship with my kids and our spiritual strength
      1. Diane Ferguson

        May God give you all His love one for another, and equip you with spiritual strength and peace!

    • Prayer for my sister who is fighting cancer stage 3 and wisdom and strength for me as her care taker also my family to know Jesus peace on my job
    • For my dog. She has cancer and going thru chemo treatments. Pray for healing. Cancer be gone
    • Please pray for my emotional state. Sometimes I feel as though I'm going to lose it. I have anxiety.
    • ."MY '`PRAYER '`REQUEST 'BE '`KNOWN!". ~ .|>."`'MARRIAGE '`PROBLEMS:''--{{'`".<|. ~ ."BROKEN~HEART:''--{{".
    • Pray wisdom for our biblical couples counselor today at 4pm. Pray that my husband will have a curiosity/a hunger to read Gods Word/that he will stop blaming God and instead turn to Him for forgiveness. Pray that my husband continues to be willing to go and that he will believe there is hope. Praying satan’s lies will be uncovered and the strongholds demolished in my husbands life - that lies and betrayal will stop and he will be able to trust God and repent and be delivered from his addiction. That we would both have healing of childhood trauma and healing in our marriage of 40 years
      Thankful that we attend a great church together and that we both have individual counselors and 12 step recovery meetings.
    • To really believe God's words about me as a mother, wife, daughter and friend Not to listen to the enemy's lies any longer.
    • We have been separated from my son and grandchildren for almost 2years due to covid a differing opinions about the vaccine. Please pray that their faith is stronger than their fear and they would let us visit. My grandchildren must think we don’t care enough for them that we would give in to the vaccine. Our hearts are broken. Thank you.
    • Healing from acid reflux.
      1. Candy

        Frances I am on a healing journey using Alta Can-gest tea. I am finally able to be off acid reduction meds.

      2. T

        I stopped having reflux when I quit consuming dairy products!

    • The evidence of a massive spiritual attack on my preacher & his wife, our church & my family is earth shaking. I know God has a plan & is using me as a tool for His glory, but the process has shredded my heart & come close to breaking my spirit. I will NOT let the enemy win, in Jesus name! Please pray for two specific situations happening this week. Pray that His clarity of mind & Spirit would fill me & use me as He needs for HIS glory. Pray for my preacher & his wife - protection & relief from the attack. Pray for our church.
    • I need to feel the fire in my heart again. I believe but don’t it in my heart like I have in the past.
      Secondly praise God for being in my marriage please continue the work in us.
    • I am undergoing an Angioplasty operation on Dec 6th here in Nova Scotia, Canada.
      I was devastated by another operation last year, so I am now compromised and health vulnerable;
      Prayers are gratefully appreciated
    • Please pray for the builder to complete our house which we started building in 2920. He is deliberately slowing the completion. We are so frustrated about this . Please pray that God to help and remove all obstacles so we can move in our house. Thank you.
    • Please pray for my daughter Liz that her Social Security Benefits will be Approved please pray for me I’m trying to catch a cold and please pray that my sugar and cholesterol will stay down
    • First try I qlitched Opps
      Daughter Martha 51, has made some poor choices and now is suffering from liver failure. Drs. say she may have about 3 months to live. She received Jesus about 2 years ago but still hadn't changed much of her life. The hospital is talking of releasing her but she has no place to go. We live out of state. Traveled to her state to see her. Please pray that she can find housing and be settled. She has a 14 yr old son. I thank you all in advance for prayers for her. I know that Jesus died for her and can still heal her. But not my will but His be done.
      Also my husband isn't a beleaver in our Lord and he needs prayer as well
    • William Bush and my cousin Margie a prayer of healing. I also request a prayer for granddaughter Kayla for awareness of who God is in her life.
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