Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it.

It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way. If an entry has too much information about another person that could embarrass or disrespect them, it will not be posted. 

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.
    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • I've got some major demonic bondages and strongholds in my soul that need to be broken. I have had a lot of trauma there, and its not healed, then I fell into some sexual temptation that opened up the doors to infiltration there as well. Hate, lust, fear, double mindedness etc that I need out of me. I feel like trapped sometimes and in a "pit"
    • My eight year old nephew Carmelo has an inoperable brain tumour please pray for healing for Carmelo who is in desperate need of a miracle and of healing I love Carmelo and Carmelo means everthing to me I believe in miracles and in healing and I believe in the power of miracles healing and prayers please pray for a miracle and for healing for Carmelo and please keep Carmelo in your thoughts and prayers
      Thank you beloved ♥️
      God bless you 🙏
      Carmelo aunty mazza
    • Please pray for me I don’t want to go back to the hospital again for this hard battle I keep having to fight over and over again alone I’m tired of hearing insulting aggravating voices 24/7 they won’t go away my mind never has a break from this demonic insulting deceiving spirit voice i have no peace or joy freedom I’m constantly angry and frustrated distressed and distracted everyday by these annoying voices
    • Hi pastor Sharon and all my wonderful brothers and sisterst!Please say a prayer for me i am saved yet homeless at 75 and the holidays can be so lonely just need GODS help to make it through!GOD richly bless you and Merry Christmas brother Danny 12/23/21
    • "Oh dear ABBA,
      YOU have been soooo FAITHFUL to us from the start, and will be 'til the end.

      Where I have doubts, please gift me with ASSURANCE .
      Where I have fears, please gift me with Your PEACE .
      Where I have uncertainties, please gift me with CONFIDENCE.

      Please slow me down to a pace of WONDER this Christmas. Remind me, who YOU are and help me to worship YOU with such joy and focus on YOUR GIFT to us - JESUS , Your SON.
      I submit my WILL and FAITH to YOU alone.


      BLEST CHRISTMAS everyone!!
    • PR of Amy Martinez
      Pls pray for my nephew NICKY ONA and my sister in law MAY ONA both with COVID.

      My other sister in law DIANA ONA has CRANIPHARYNGLOMA a rare case of Brain Tumor or Cancer. Hospital bill is now more than 1M.
      Pls pray for favor as I go to PCSO and my brother goes to DWSD for financial assistance.
      Thanks a lot. The Lord bless you all. Shalom!
    • PR of E.Arceo
      - for the sale of our ancestral home so I can pay condo rent where we are staying at now.
      - for restoration of my marriage. 😢🛐
      -for my son Miguel, that the Lord would call him back to HIM.
    • I suffer from debilitating pain please pray that God will heal me.
    • Pray for our marriage,, Having many issues. Pray for divine restoration, peace compassion, understanding, love, mercy
      Pray to Soften my husband's heart, mind soul towards me.
      I'm praying for a Christmas miracle. God is in control Amen
    • I just got married 3 months ago. Please pray for my husband and I and our relationship and communication. Thank you!
    • I am a single mother who raised 2 girls on my own. They are now 19 and 23 and have basically walked away from most of the christian lessons and values i raised them with. My heart breaks everyday. I do my best to love them unconditionally and keep setting a godly example but some days i want to give up!
      Thank you! ❤
    • Last weekend I was attacked by a dog and had to be taken to emergency for the leg wound. I'm praying for healing and peace.
    • Please pray for my daughter Liz that her Social Security Benefits will be Approved please pray for me I’ve been having pains in my stomach
    • Please pray for me, I'm struggling with my marriage trying to figure out what God's will is. Mostly how to carry out his will. Also my grown son is sick and has really turned from God, I imagine he feels God has abandoned him. I know his life is not what he imagined it would be and it breaks my heart. I'm so tired and everyone thinks I'm so strong. I'm not.
    • Please pray for God's Divine guidance, help with matenance of my home, finding an honest knowledgeable workman to do major repairs. So I can have home and continue employment .please in Jesus name. Amen
    • The debt of student loans!! My December 22, 2021 appearance in court. And my overwhelming credit card debt.
    • For clear guidance in the Divine Will for moving forward and rebuking and resolving divorce and financial challenges and fears. Trust in God's promises and His plans to write straight with the crooked lines of my story.
    • Everyone I care about has left me, including my children and siblings. I have coped with this for several years but now don’t see any reason for continuing to be alive, except that I’m already old. Have not let anyone else know this.
      1. Daniel

        praying for you Hannah. God is with you. He loves you!

    • I feel totally lost
      Something happened at church one day years ago while serving
      I felt rejected and it happened again n again
      This particular woman seemed bothered y my presence
      I couldn’t believe it was happening because it was before our morning prayers before serving

      So this other wonderful Godly came over and stood by me purposely including me
      I feel she noticed

      I felt out of place knowing the woman rejecting me was a person that was in a bible study group for single woman with me
      Where I told my story and was being judged by this particular woman
      This woman was also involved in church activities often and I was even in another group with her for “woman in prison” and we would visit the women and have bible study
      She was close to being a leader

      I stopped going to church regularly n eventually stopped all together
      Plz help me believe again and learn how to forgive
      Thx n God bless
    • Our 13-y-o granddaughter is a high-functioning autistic with ADHD and probably at least one more mental disorder. She has become OUT OF CONTROL. She's been in a behavioral center and even at a long-term care facility. Her parents have tried everything - except taking away her electronics. Yes, she is on meds and sees a therapist. She is good at sports and has played on many teams and usually enjoyed herself. She sings in choir at school and has GOOD friends there. We used to participate in church youth activities, but she is no longer interested. The other side of her family has suffered some deaths, which have affected her, but they've also revealed to us some long-standing dysfunction.
      She is now at the point of turning from being bullied to becoming a bully to bullies and to school staff. I worry that she's becoming a danger.
      Please pray for guidance & direction for her parents AND us grandparents. Please pray for LIGHT in her life & peace in her heart. Thank you
    • When I pregnant I found out my child had hypopkastic left heart syndrome I had choices my choice was to have my child and God willing will make her well. She had several heart surgeries growing up now that she is 18 the Doctors say she needs a new heart please pray for us and thank you God for giving me Kaylee I'm not ready to part with my beautiful Kaylee in Jesus name I pray
    • Please pray for me as I need healing, restoration and deliverance mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. I am a new widow as I lost my husband this year. I have been going through some health issues as well. I have been fighting against depression, anxiety and panic attacks. I have been struggling to just be able to function in even the smallest basic things. I have been feeling like there is a cloud making it difficult to enjoy anything. Everything seems overwhelming and scary. I feel like I have lost my joy, peace and closeness to God. I have been struggling to trust Him. I have been crying out to Him to help me with all this and rescue me. I don’t want to keep feeling and living like I’m in despair without hope. Please pray that God would fully heal, restore and deliver me in every area. Please pray that I would be able to feel His love, joy, peace and strength again so that I can function to live the way He wants me to. Thank You. Please share encouragement with me.
    • My Dear Sisters in God, please pray for my nephew to turn his life around. For God's intervention in him to become the man he intended him to be. I know God still performs miracles because he did in my daughter. I love all of you and all your devotionals! Thank you all and God bless you Sharon in Jesus Name Amen.
    • I need encouragement as I feel my life will never be “normal” again . In 2013, at age 57, my husband was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia. In 2018, we lost our home of 30+ years in a wildfire. In 2019, my husband passed away. Before he passed away, we had begun the process of rebuilding our home, but today it still isn’t completed. So many delays due to COVID-19, unavailability of materials, and workers, increase in costs, etc. I believe it will be completed in a few months. Right now I feel like I’m in limbo. What’s my purpose in life now that I’ve lost my husband of 43 years? I’m no longer his caregiver, after 6+ years of his illness, my kids are raised, I’m living in temporary housing, etc.
      I have much to be thankful for as my family, kids, grandkids and church family are always there for me. I have peace knowing God is in control of my life, but right now I’m feeling a bit discouraged and would appreciate your prayers. Thank you .
    • Praying for my entire family mainly my grandchildren, Electa, Dexter, Michael, and Elijah. Thank you all in the name of Jesus Christ
    • I am 48 years old and having to deal with the reality that my husband and I will never have a family. I did not want to do fertility 7 years ago when I should have and we have been trying since then to do state adoption since private is so expensive. I let fear and money get in the way and am having to deal with this reality now. It makes me so sad and discouraged. My husband has two adult daughters and we have a 7 year grandson. Imagine how I felt when she got pregnant. I am just so not understanding why God will give children to some and not others. She is a single mom and now disabled from a car accident this year but she still has her child. I am trying to be thankful and grateful for what i have but it is so hard sometimes. I wanted to give my parents a grandchild since I am an only child. I have lost all hope and just need prayers for God's peace and encouragement to surround me. Thank you and God bless you.
    • Prayers requested for Bernard Panlilio l.
      He's in the hospital having radioactive iodine therapy .. due to Thyroid cancer .
      Tysm and God blezz!!
    • I am in need of prayer. My husband had major rotator cuff surgery in September. I was out of work with him and got behind in my monthly bills. I have not been able to get caught up. Then this week I have been out of work all week due to back spasms and back severely inflamed. So now I will be missing a week of pay which means I will get even more behind. My husband is also facing 2 more major surgeries as soon as he is able. He needs a knee replacement and the other shoulder needs a total replacement of the shoulder. We are still in therapy from the first surgery, still healing and he is still very limited on what he can do and still have 2 more to go. We are raising our 10 year old granddaughter. Thank you very much!! God Bless each and every one of you!!
    • Dear prayer partners, Please allow me to covet your prayers for the deliverance of my only child, who has bipolar disorder. His outlets are addictions that only our Father Almighty can remove and heal. From the bottom of my heart, I THANK YOU ALL, for your passion to pray for anyone!! God bless you all, so much!!
    • Please intercede for M and our relationship. Thank you
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