Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it.

It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way. If an entry has too much information about another person that could embarrass or disrespect them, it will not be posted. 

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.
    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • Safe travels as I go to fairhope, Al by car to visit family. Harmony, peace and fun for all of us.
    • Safe travels as I go to fairhope, Al by car to visit family. Harmony, peace and fun for all of us.
    • Please please pray for my husband’s faith. I have never seen him so discouraged where he even doubts God’s existence. Please pray for God's peace to speak to and comfort his heart over what we are going through right now. Thank you so very very much
    • Please pray with me for a project started four years ago to be finalised.
    • I had fertility preservation 5 years ago due to breast cancer. My husband and I asked, seeked, and knocked for a daughter and God answered as my frozen embryo is a girl. There have been several times through the years that I’ve restarted the process and some health challenges would arise that needed to be addressed before proceeding. Even in restarting again now, a health challenge presented itself and was just addressed. My Dr. is targeting my embryo transfer for January. I was laid off in March and will no longer have employer subsidized health insurance after December; the new health insurance rate is really astronomical in cost but my Dr. suggests that it may be best to continue coverage with this insurance provider until I have the embryo transfer since I’ve already been approved for treatment. I am asking for prayers for faith and strength to continue to persevere on this journey and prayers that Jehovah Jireh will give us financial provision.
    • Please pray for my husband who suffers with migraines everyday for the past 3 months. He just had infusions and Botox treatment. No relief. Please Lord, heal him from these debilitating headaches.
    • My husband’s salvation and renewal/restoration of our marriage. Let it be a testimony for our friends/family to see the glory of God as He works miracles. Praying for healing of my heart and his.
      Help me listen to His guidance and not listen to human advice.

      Thank you
    • I am asking for prayer as I am fighting cancer. I have had 3 surgeries, a severe reaction to chemo and some other issues. I am concerned about my children. Please pray that they will feel God's presence each day and trust that whatever happens - he loves them.
      Thank you.
    • Please pray for our great grandson who is turning 4 in a couple of weeks. We lost his Mommy when he was 22 months old. My daughter is raising him and he has many behavior issues which we are are getting help to figure out exactly what's going on. He is also a sweet, smart little boy whom we all love so very much. His father is not in the picture. This is so overwhelming and heartbreaking to all of us, please pray. Thank you!
    • I am going to be having knee replacement next week, and as I am a heart transplant, I am at a higher risk. I am prone tobloodclots and I am very fearful of having them develop. Just pray to give me the peace to know that God is near and that I will heal up with no major setbacks. Thank you for all your prayers.
    • Pray for our family with divine favor, mighty help getting a home loan, Pray we'll be blessed with the right home What's impossible with man is possible with God Amen.
    • PLEASE join us cover Dad in prayers.

      he will be admitted tomorrow nyt for 24 hours.

      his bronchoscopy will be at 4a.m. Dec 1, under gen. anesthesia.
      he's high risk for stroke during anesthesia, coz he is a stroke victim.

      join us claim wisdom for the anesthesiologist and the pneumologist who will perform the procedure.

      praying, that the removal of the polyp is victorious as well as a benign result.

      thank God, his lungs are clear. it's just the thorax.

      So grateful for your intercession and concern!
      God blezz your compassionate hearts, for praying for others you don't even know!
    • Our daughter, her family to want to relocate to Eastern Washington before it starts to snow. Her husband is very concerned for a job, affordable apartment. Pray for divine help, mighty favor, intercede Stand in Agreement Amen
    • Our son', his ex girlfriend recently broke up, They miss each other. She had a emotionally cheated on him, sent inappropriate pics to another guy. Our son, his ex girlfriend were in a long distance relationship were making plans for a future together, They were going to get eventually get married
      They both turned away from God, Pray for salvation, deliverance God's will, Grace Amen
    • I'm in my 50's have high cholesterol, thyroid issues panic attacks extreme anxiety I take medicines for them but don't want to I take low dose aspirin in the morning to prevent a heart attack, stroke. Pray for divine health, healing Amen
    • Pray for a child who's Severely Overweight , gets teased by others even some family This child wants to loose weight to stop all teasing. Pray to remove the addiction to sugary sweets processed foods, Fill this child with a renewed spirit for God, to crave healthy foods, blessed with Godly friends, supportive family members..Please keep praying Amen
      1. Yolanda Ruttledge

        I too struggle with sugar addiction. I could have been this child. May God cover this child in love and health and one good friend. Amen

      2. Melissa

        Prayer Warriors keep praying for this child to have a renewed spirit for God, to also crave healthy foods, blessed with good friends supportive family Please share with others. Stand in Agreement Amen

    • Pray for a child who's Severely Overweight , gets teased by others even some family This child wants to loose weight to stop all teasing. Pray to remove the addiction to sugary sweets processed foods, Fill this child with a renewed spirit for God, to crave healthy foods, blessed with Godly friends, supportive family members..Please keep praying Amen
    • I am 80, divorced, live alone and no family in town. Get severe depression this time of year even though it should be a joyous time.
    • Please help me pray for the salvation of my father-in-law, Michael who is dying of lung cancer. He is very old and has not lived a life for God & now I worry about his eternal soul. I ask that the Holy Spirit convict him, not allowing Satan to condemn him but convict him until Michael repents & his heart turns from Satan to God as in Acts 26:18 & receive Jesus into his heart so that he may have peace and eternal life
    • I asked that if you could pray for my American mom Patricia Venis a while back. That she would be going through chemotherapy. Well she will be going through chemotherapy this November 29, 2021. I’m asking for your prayers. She’s in her 70’s. So, please pray for her.
    • Dear God, thank you for our blessings and your mercy. I pray my 3 daughters will embrace your grace and mercy soon. I pray for forgiveness of my sins. I pray for the end of the virus that causes so much fear in the world. And lastly, I pray that my husband be blessed and kept safe from evil, especially any mandates in his career. Thank you Lord and keep me humble, Amen.
    • Tonya Davis is a young Mother who is a recent widow .she needs peace of mind and heart and also physical healing . God bless
    • Please pray for God's anointing on our prayers for : My husband's feet/legs pain and numbness. Dr's cannot diagnose or treat them. Our son, he is declared cancer free, Praise God, but the 'mandate' to be declared unviable , he has blood clots, and already had covid. Our friend battling cancer to be healed. Thank you all....
    • Pray that God would heal my anxiety. For God to help me to STOP being a ‘people pleaser’ and that I STOP the “stinkin’ thinkin’
      Son Josh and Sonya (live in girlfriend), their salvation
      Aaron and Beth ~ huge marital problems. Please pray fur 3 young and beautiful grandchildren, that they would come to know the Lord as their Savior
    • I'm in!
    • Please pray for my adult daughter who is living a alternate lifestyle. It is so heartbreaking. Please pray for her salvation and deliverance from this stronghold. Please pray for the salvation of my other adult children. Please pray for their bodily healing also. Also pray for me I am trying to push through grief after losing my spouse. It is so overwhelming at times I feel like I can’t do it. Pray for my family please,
    • Please pray for comfort for our family and friends.There has been so many losses this year.
    • I pray that God would replace my anger, selfishness and always wanting to be right, with love, compassion and forgiveness. I pray that for my family as well. It tends to be a trait.
    • My x husband Al
    • *Requested PR for Michael Moran- pneumonia and urinary tract infection and Parkinsons
      Thank you, for praying!

      *Requested PR of my cuz Jett

      "we really need your prayers. My friend's mother, Maria Fe Llera, is fighting to survive. She has covid and now it has become complicated.
      Thank you, for praying!"
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