Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it.

It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way. If an entry has too much information about another person that could embarrass or disrespect them, it will not be posted. 

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.
    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • That I will be still and truly hear the Lord during a time of planned solitude next week. That I will recognize the lies of the enemy and replace with Truth. For my husband and I to continue emotional/spiritual healing with our counselor. For demonic strongholds to be broken off us and our marriage. For husband’s heart to be softened to receive Gods grace and forgiveness - for true repentance for his betrayal. For me to continue to love and forgive but also set boundaries and allow consequences.
    • Please pray for my sister Jessica and me. Pray for her health and both of our minds and hearts to be comforted, strengthened and able to handle the changes this new year looks like it will bring. We are still grieving for our mom that died of Covid in Sept 2021. Now our Dad is ready to date and is ringing in the new year with a lady friend.. We are struggling. My sister also had surgery yesterday so pray she heals quickly and her next surgery will be successful and uneventful. Thank you all!
    • Praying for people ALL over the world who never heard about JESUS CHRIST MIGHTY GOD or Salvation will hear about him and will get salvation!!! Also praying for COVID 19 AND the new virus will end soon and that GOD ALMIGHTY will have mercy on ALL of us!!! If we turn from our wicked ways GOD will hear our cries for HIS help!!! We need our Almighty LORD GOD so much!!! We need HIM right now!!!!!!
    • I am praying that I get closer to JESUS CHRIST MIGHTY GOD this new year. That I pray more and read my Bible everyday!
      I want a very close personal relationship with the LORD! HE has been very good to me and my family!!!
      I also pray for the young children in my family will get saved and also the adults in my family who have straded away from the LORD to come back to HIM. And for others to be saved in my family who are not saved! Thank you!
    • Please pray for healing and renewal in me and my daughters relationship. Pray that our hearts turn to God and to each other. In Jesus’ name, amen. Thank you
    • I will begin a 30 day challenge of praying for my husband tomorrow. We have been separated since July and I did not begin praying for him until the middle of October because I was so hurt and angry with him for how and why he left. Please pray for Michael that his heart will be softened but that he will begin to turn his eyes back toward his one true savior
    • Please pray for my mom Josephine, she just had a mammogram and we are praying that she is cancer free. She is a 12 year breast cancer survivor.
      Also please pray for me I go for my 6 month left breast mammogram in January. I am praying that I don't have breast cancer also. Please pray for 3 of my family members who have COVID 19. They live in Houston my male cousin his wife and their 7 year old little boy. Thank you very much for your prayers!! I pray we all get to see and live to see the new year on tomorrow!!! May OUR ALMIGHTY GOD HAVE MERCY ON US ALL AND MAY HE BLESS US ALL IN THE COMING NEW YEAR OF 2022!!
    • Please pray for continued healing for my daughter Mallory who suffered an anoxic brain injury. All Glory to God!
      Thank you
    • Strength to over come anxiety, hardships and battles . To be led by the holy spirit and distracted by the enemy. I pray for my future success, love and finances.
    • Please pray for my daughter Liz that her Social Security Benefits will be Approved please pray for my Sister Susie she’s having trouble breathing
    • My son was in the infantry division in the 101st and was sent to Iraq. He came home with Ptsd and traumatic brain injury. There are days he will call us at night crying one minute and angry the next and literally feeling as though he is going crazy. He is married with 3 children and the home life can be very unhappy on those days. His wife and children suffer as well and we don't know how to help him or them. As a parent and grandparent and mother n law it breaks my heart to see the heartbreak and damage as well as my son going through something that he can't control. He will also call his sister (our daughter ) who has a young family and feels anxiety from it but wants To help her brother and talk him down. We never know when the next episode is going to happen and walk on egg shells so we don't set him off. He is a good man and I wish this wasn't a part of our families story and His life. Please pray for him, his fa , my daughter and her family , myself and my Husband . Thank you!
    • I was recently diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma. Please pray for healing, strength to endure, and God to be glorified. Also please pray for my husband and 3 daughters.
    • Please pray for healing and renewal in me and my daughters relationship. Pray that our hearts turn to God and to each other. In Jesus’ name, amen. Thank you
    • Please pray for my arm to heal 100% and that this year to work out for me. I don’t see a way, but I know God has a way! Thank you
    • That I will be still and truly hear the Lord during a time of planned solitude next week. That I will recognize the lies of the enemy and replace with Truth. For my husband and I to continue emotional/spiritual healing with our counselor. For demonic strongholds to be broken off us and our marriage. For husband’s heart to be softened to receive Gods grace and forgiveness - for true repentance for his betrayal. For me to continue to love and forgive but also set boundaries and allow consequences.
    • Strength to be encouragement and help for my husband of 57 years. He has Prostate cancer and vision loss due to diabetes. I am trusting God.
    • A few members of our small church has tested positive for covid. Please pray for healing and restoration to good health.
      Thank you.
    • My house is old and in desperate need of repair. I don't have the money it takes to get it done. I pray that God will make a way.
    • Please pray for continued healing for my daughter Mallory who suffered an anoxic brain injury. All Glory to God!
      Thank you
    • Long story short. I have a teenage daughter who would run away from home , has been doing some unhealthy things, . Was place in foster home. She then ran away from there and has been missing since . She was a happy, loving, caring kind soul. Something changed in her.
    • Need prayers for clear direction, answers from God on how to move into relationship .I am a widow and need My God's hand on it,it be his will for me.
    • Please pray for healing of my relationship with my friend Eric and that we reconcile. Thank you.
    • I have lived with fear all my young and now old life. I went through most of my young life abused and verbal abuse. The Lord is the only one who was their for me . But I still struggle with fear. I would love to live the rest of my life free of fear and not held back any more. That is what my prayer request is free from fear. Thank you for your prayers
    • Trusting God this New Year for His unspeakable Joy upon Kelsey’s heart and soul. Praying she is attracted to and blessed by God to meet a like minded Christian young adult male who loves the Lord and will grow a friendship, loving relationship, future marriage and children. Thank you in advance Lord for bringing the right Godly man into her life and this relationship to bring glory and honor to your name.
    • Urgent Prayer ➕ for our family, others to get EXTENDED RENTAL, Electricity HELP!!We are currently getting help GLORY to God,, My husband has terminal cancer 😭 We need all the help we can get. Pray for divine help, mighty healing
      discernment, God's Grace, mercy intercede, decree Amen
    • For my wife Joni too break ungodly ties Facebook addiction too put our marriage first too show me itmacey love affection faithfulness she shows me no love bye holding hands touching compliments. I also need prayer 🙏 Ashley her husband yes I'm a male
    • Please pray for my boyfriend to become closer to god. For god to take away Jim's hurt from past relationships and to open his heart to love and healing. Praying god will tear down the walls around Jims heart let him let go off of the anger , resentment and hurt that he is holding on to so that our relationship can grow.
    • Please pray for my fiance James. He has a setback and now he is truly suffering in agony. He came from Canada to work in Singapore but his Canada bank account was frozen since July. Because of his contract, he cannot go back to Canada. Now he has no money to hire workers to complete his job. Please pray that James can get help. We are feeling that God is not responding to our cries for help. Please pray for him and me to keep trusting.
    • Dear intercessors,

      My only child and his family may lose their small business and home. Will you join me ask God Almighty, for a miracle? As a mother, it pains me coz there\'s nothing else I can do since I am a jobless senior. \"Oh Abba, please touch them to humbly kneel, repent and call out to YOU, as our Father, life-giver, miracle worker, provider and the GIVER of wisdom.\" Tysm, compassionate prayer intercessors! God bless you
    • Trusting God in the New Year for His protection, mercy, divine intervention & favor for Leland’s court matter. Praying all charges, fines& fees are dropped, and he receives mental health care rehab and resources needed for his wellness and well being moving forward. God is Able!
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