Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it.

It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way. If an entry has too much information about another person that could embarrass or disrespect them, it will not be posted. 

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.
    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • Please pray for me and my husband. We can never seem to discuss important things like our adult kids or our marriage problems. Everytime I try to discuss 'us', he just brushes it aside. His attitude and lack of compassion has hurt me our daughter and sons and it tears me apart seeing him do this without seeing the damage it causes. Please pray that our marriage be healed and God will stand in the center of our family. That my husband and children will fully come to Jesus and there be healing and restoration.
      1. Kalea

        Praying for you Jenny. I pray that your husband\'s heart will soften towards you and what you ask him to listen to. Praying for understanding for you both. Praying also that the Lord will passionately show His love to your family so they will find healing and restoration and seek Him first.

    • Me and my husband just got his ct scan back and the doctor is 80 percent certain he has CET he hasn't shown any signs if u dont know what it is its a head disease that in time he will start yo hear voices i know God can do all things so my pray request is to help him go through the motions hes now suffering from depression abd fear of what his future will be he doesn't wanna wake up 1 day abd hurt us thata kinda what will happens but i believe God will hear him i just wabt some women behind me to help me pray.... i was in pray on how to help him and tgen my girlfriend gave me your book so yeah
    • May you please pray that the Lord will heal my body
    • I ask for prayers for my relationship with my sister, my Dad and myself and often my husband. Like many of us, my life is in turmoil and I need help, I want help, I pray for help. I look for that help outside myself and nothing changes. When nothing changes, my heart breaks, my anger rises and I cannot continue like this. I have fallen away from church, my faith has fluctuated, my life revolves around the tumult of my Dad's dementia, resentments, juggling work, and finding quality time for my marriage. Lord, I pray for discernment, quiet in the storm, patience and love, and acceptance that this is where HE wants me. I pray that the love of Jesus Christ on the Cross will fill my heart and set me free.
    • I ask for prayers over my unequally yoked marriage. My faith has grown over the last 15-20 years, since having kids, however the hubby was never really on board with it all. He tried, by attending church a few years and helping out in church events, but since Covid he has totally pulled away from church and the kids and I. After work a lot of his time is abiding in games on his phone than us. It’s heartbreaking knowing he is missing out on making memories with kids while they are still home. I am praying for us to reconnect, for I to have patience and boldness to love him and serve him despite the lack of a loving response. May God open my husband’s heart and mind to HIS love and peace that is at his reach.

      Thank you for your prayers and support.
    • For salvation for my cousin Shane.
      He needs Jesus. He puts his faith in many things of this world and they always fail him.
    • For physical healing of my neck after having surgery over a year ago. Daily pain and that an answer will be provided at todays appt. from my MRI results. Also, for full restoration of my son and mine relationship.
    • My relationship with my married son and daughter-in-law feels like it's changing a little. We have always had a very close and loving relationship, but lately I've been feeling a subtle "shift", mainly my daughter-in-law's heart is slowly turning away from the Lord . This is causing a change in her behavior ( rudeness, standoffishness etc) and also a change in her language. Please pray that she , and my son, would stay close to the Lord and that she would find her way back fully into His presence. And that our relationship would stay close. I'm divorced as well and feeling the pangs of loneliness and loss of purpose as well. Thank you for praying and God bless.
    • My 96 year old parents have been living with my husband and I for almost 3 years. They're both in failing health. My Mother has dementia and my Father has many ailments including macular degeneration, so he's going blind. My Dad is very angry that he's unable to do the things he used to and consequently he lashes out and takes his frustration out on my Mother and I. My husband and Daddy had a major falling out about a year ago and their relationship is tense and cordial at best. This situation has driven a wedge between my husband and I because I'm always in the middle to try to keep the peace. We gave up our lives to have my parents come to live with us. We can't even have a dinner date because we can't leave them alone. I'm asking for prayer to soften Daddy's heart so that he's not so bitter. I'm asking for peace and contentment in our household and I'm asking for strength to deal with the inevitable loss of my parents in the near future.
    • Prayer for healing and for being free of pain in my body.
      Thank you
    • May you please pray that the Lord will reconcile my relationship with Mabry
    • Praying for headache pain relief and swift healing for Leland to be headache free. Praying for overall health to be restored whole.
    • My Marriage and reconciliation. That God will reveal himself to my husband and change his heart and bring him Back to him and the marriage he designed.
      My husband and I have been apart for 7 wks. He has been having an affair that he denies but I saw the proof the day he left I found him At her house . At that time, He cut off all communication for weeks then has been limited since only communicating at his convenience. He talks about the future one minute then not sure if he loves me the next. He voices now uncertainty about God or His plan or marriage. He doesn’t know his relationship with God as he has said. He now says we are different mindsets. Because I follow God daily and am not living this way. He is living a double life with the girl, social media, “new friends” drinking and hanging out the worlds ways, seeking validation in people like he did years ago, new phone number, new email, not paying any of our bills like our family doesn't exist.
      1. Cathy

        Sharon, I totally feel what you are going through, although my husband and I are still together there has been this wedge between us for quite some time. It stems from me growing in my faith over the last 15+ years, attending church, involving the kids and participating in church events. He voiced his anger not long ago about me making that decision without him. He is sick of feeling judged because he doesn’t want to go with us. He is a good person and that should be good enough. Sadly, he never grasped the truth of the Gospel and the love that a relationship with Jesus provides. He feels we don’t have anything in common and can’t see our future together. Meanwhile, he is making some decisions that the kids and I are surprised about. (Selling our camper). I have been praying for our marriage and family for a long time and will continue. Thank God for my church family and their support. I’ll be praying for you and your situation, as well, God bless. May the men in our lives, one day be the men of God they are called to be. 🙏

    • Praying for God’s emotional healing, restoration and God’s unspeakable Joy to be upon Kelsey. Praying she is attracted to and blessed by God to meet a like minded Christian young adult male who loves the Lord and will grow a friendship, loving relationship, future marriage and children. Thank you in advance Lord for bringing the right Godly man into her life and this relationship to bring glory and honor to your name.
    • Please pray for financial favour for me, for more clients and cake orders from my bakery. Also pray for me the God will bless me with the fruit of the womb after over 13 years or marriage our daughter will be 13 years this year. Pray for me that God will grant me strength and grace to fulfil his assignment for my life
    • Hi pastor Sharon and all my wonderful brothers and sisters!I know i am wearing out my welcome but i am saved ye homeless in NYC at 75 and your prayers are all I have left to survive!GOD richly bless you brother Danny 7/7/22
    • May you please pray that the Lord will reconcile my relationship with Mabry and strengthen it and protect it from outside influences
    • O Lord Jesus please heal my hurting body of fibromyalgia
      and left arm of nerves pinched. Dawn Soukup
    • Prayer for my husband Lee and the distractions of social media and low rider car and community/world. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen
    • I am asking for prayer for my family members and for God to reveal himself in my life
    • I am asking for prayer for my family members and for God to reveal himself in my life
    • Please pray for a breakthrough for an immediate affordable low cost, safe, steady housing option to prevail with a new roommate for Leland to share expenditures. Praying for Gods Favor and Blessings to be upon him in his time of need.
    • Please pray for a friend Brenda she has to have heart surgery pray for me that my sugar will go down and please continue to pray for my daughter Liz that her Social Security Benefits will be Approved this time
    • I am asking for prayer for my mother who has dementia and early onset Alzheimer. She has been in remission for endometrial cancer and had to have a complete hysterectomy at the age of 72. She turned 74 on July 3. Her pet scan is now showing a small pocket in her ab. We go July 28 to see what this is. Please pray it is not cancer and pray for her mind and her health and for complete healing.
    • Continued prayers for God to move mightily and soften Dearin’s heart & soul with forgiveness, compassion & love for Leland, so he will reach out, communicate and reconnect with his son. Praying for reconciliation of their father son relationship and our family unit to be restored whole.
    • Please pray that God would help my mom and me not to give up on the salvation of ourselves and our family, if it be His will. I am not saved.
    • Pray for my friend coworker who usually gets fired, or quits.!! She currently has a good job with Benefits. It\\\\\\\'s close to her home. She has a JOB INTERVIEW 😤very soon with a different company. Pray for hindrances obstacles roadblocks immediately. She listens to others.
      Pray she\\\\\\\'ll be grateful, appreciate her current job. She\\\\\\\'s already gotten two promotions at her current job. Please keep praying, share this prayer request, 🙏
    • Pray for my friend coworker who usually gets fired, or quits.!! She currently has a good job with Benefits. It\\\\\\\'s close to her home. She has a JOB INTERVIEW 😤very soon with a different company. Pray for hindrances obstacles roadblocks immediately. She listens to others.
      Pray she\\\\\\\'ll be grateful, appreciate her current job. She\\\\\\\'s already gotten two promotions at her current job. Please keep praying, share this prayer request, 🙏
    • Please pray that the broken relationship between my daughter, granddaughter and myself may be healed. This has gone on for two years and is taking its toll on us and the rest of the family. W need a miracle.
    • Please pray for protection for me against witchcraft through evil demonic church and pastor wanting to curse and end me.

      Also for my finances, career, healing ,family, new friends, health, depression, stop smoking, new car, home, To find the right church and spread gods word, longer life and more years on this earth to spread jesus christ to many lost souls.

      Marriage, kids and for god to restore my relationship with my ex arie cooke from westfield NY and so i can see my god son elias.

      Exceedingly above all can ask or think.

      That god will dispatch his holy angels to fight for me, guide me , prosper me, protect me, heal me against all my enemies plotting and planing against my life.
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