Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it.

It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way. If an entry has too much information about another person that could embarrass or disrespect them, it will not be posted. 

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

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    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • Please pray that I have a successful, stress free closing on my home on 7.28
      1. Sharon Jaynes

        How did it go?

    • My husband died 11 months ago and although He is holding my tightly as I walk this grief journey, this has divided my family - along with covid. Two of my (all adult) children are hateful and manipulative. All four of my children had a salvation experience as children. Now only two of them even acknowledge His existence. This is killing my already broken heart. Please pray for them and their unsaved husbands. Dawn, Lynn & Chris, Charis &Logan, Edward & Ben. Yes a lot of folks needing Jesus in my immediate family. Thank you
    • Please pray for me and my family, that God will touch hearts and lives help me and my family financially. That broken homes will mend and come back together for the good.
    • first off i want to thank god for getting me thru a tough couple years. losing dad and husband 3 weeks apart was more than i thought i could stand but with gods help i am still standing and doing well. i pray for good health and happiness for family and friends and my self. god is good if we only ask him. thank you
    • Pray with me for my cousin Maria who has bravely been fighting cancer. She’s undergoing a big procedure soon and I pray that our Heavenly Father will make her body healthy and well Amen
    • Please pray for Marian Martin…she is fighting a blood disorder and is currently in rehab to regain strength…she has a reception on Sunday Aug 1st praying she has the strength to enjoy this time.
    • Prayers for my boss as he makes hard decisions regarding his parents.
    • Please pray for me and my daughters to find a home. Since my separation/ Divorce we\'ve been living with family for 4 years. I\'ve finally paid off my debt in May . Praise God for that!
    • My husband and I are care takers of His 91 year old father who has dementia very bad. He needs to be placed in a nursing home, We are unable to do a thing.
    • Please for my son to receive salvation and for my husband to return to Jesus
    • Please pray for my dear friend Alexia, who is 35 weeks pregnant at age 48. She has developed gestational diabetes. We are trying to keep this baby inside of her for as long as possible so that he can grow as strong as possible. Please pray for Alexia\'s health, strength and safety, and for her baby to be born safely into this world. Thank you to everyone who will pray for these two.
    • Please pray for Janice Anderson…my sister, she is dealing with healing from a brain bleed…she is having a lot of anxiety and tremors so please pray for healing and peace. Also for her husband to be more helpful, kind and understanding.
    • My loss family, The evil that’s in this world and to help me not be anxious and afraid
    • Im asking for healing and wholeness for my daughters 23yo, 17yo, and 15yo.

      My two younger daughters especially are self-harming themselves. They have been cutting for over a year. My 17yo has been caught smoking marijuana and my 15yo is unsure about her sexuality (bi-curious?). My 23yo is living at home, working full time, and soon to be off the graduate school. However she does not live out her faith nor seem to be at all interested in growing it. She is still struggling from abandonment and rejection from her birth father and abuse from her past dating relationship.

      None of the girls are receptive about talking about any of the issues or want to hear any advice. They also get annoyed when I spiritualize anything.

      May our Father meet them where they are and open their eyes and hearts to a live that is full and abundant.
      1. Katharine Knight

        I Claim them for the kingdom ! Just keep praying for them but your words are probably falling on deaf ears xoxo sending love and healing

    • For my prodigal daughter turn away from her secular lifestyle and return to the Lord and her family.
    • Pray for me step-daughter as she moves to college. She has social anxiety. Please pray she meets Christian friends. My step-son is looking for job.
      Pray God gets the right job surrounding him with good mentors and Christians.
    • My adult daughter, Melody, is fighting the effects of Covid. Prayers for breathing issues. Thank you for this place to pray one for another.
    • Construction projects for Terry, financial independence for myself, and that all remnants of depression to be removed from my Dad and that he may have a sense of purpose in his life. May God look favorably upon my prayers and those of others who are praying with and for me.
    • I am earnestly praying that my son will the vaccine.
    • Please pray for peace in my hone and in the relationship with my son’s father. Pray that my son’s father heart return to God jut as it was when he knew God as a child
      Please pray for peace in my sisters home and in her marriage and with her children .
      Pray for my mother and her home and marriage.
      Pray for peace for Erin and healing for her boyfriend.
      Pray for healing for Tracy
      Pray for a stable home for Travis
      Pray for all of nieces and nephews and their children.
      Thank you!!!!
    • I pray that the pandemic ends quickly so that we may reconnect with our loved ones who we miss so much
    • I have always struggled with fear. Right now there are several serious situations in my life that are making me especially fearful with my husband and also a son. Pray that I will learn to trust that God has a good plan and that I don’t need to fear. My desire is to let God do His work in these situations and no matter how hard they are, I can know I can trust Him to work good and that He will be glorified.
    • Please pray for my friends - K and T, they are separating with a plan to divorce at present. I ask God to draw them back to Him and His Holy guidance for their marriage and blended families. We love them dearly and they both love the Lord.
      Thank you and God Bless all.xx
    • Please pray for myself , my husband,daughter, granddaughter, son in law my brother and his friend and her family. Pray for Janet. I pray r government officials who need are prayers. They are so tempted by Satan. I pray for peace in r world. Amen
    • To find fulfillment, fellowship, encouragement. I’m a single active senior and desire and hunger to be used of God. It’s discouraging to see where the church is in this season. Once church was family but it doesn’t appear to be that anymore. I need wisdom and direction to be where God desires to use me. I know in serving there is fulfillment. I don’t want to just sit around growing old. I pray He sends hungry hearts I can reach and minister to. I don’t want people who just want to throw up on me all their problems them choose not to do anything about. I want to be fruitful. Thank you for what you do. Hopefully I’ll meet you in October at Sandy Cove
    • Please pray for my family. My cousin and my aunt (mother, daughter) are in the hospital with Covid 19 and they both had to be put on a ventilator Monday, July 26 after being in the hospital for a week. They have husbands that are home sick as well, but they\'re ok and my cousin has 4 kids, 2 of which are young enough to still be at home. Please pray for healing and that through this more people will come to know God! I believe that God will see us through one way or another if we only hang onto our faith and know that he has our best interest at heart! It\'s so hard not letting the enemy get the best of us sometimes, which is exactly what he wants, so I pray that we keep pushing him away and know that our faith in God will see us through!
    • I am in Counseling for mental health healing I want to make sure my daughter is not raised like I was yes I recently found out I was molested I could use prayer and healing
    • I am in Counseling for mental health healing I want to make sure my daughter is not raised like I was yes I recently found out I was molested I could use prayer and healing
    • My teenage son, Thomas, have a successful senior year.
    • I want to stop over drinking. It’s effecting my behavior & my life. The casual drink turns into 4-5 drinks more often then I would like. I need strength.
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