Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it.

It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way. If an entry has too much information about another person that could embarrass or disrespect them, it will not be posted. 

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.
    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • My marriage to continue to be restored from my husbands affair. For us to have a new love and desire for each other. For him to know God, his eyes to open, his heart to believe, and the fear of God in him. For God to continue to show me where He wants me to go and who He wants me to be for Him. Protection around me and my husband as we continue to get through this season and never seek anyone but each other again and God. That I will focus my heart and eyes on Jesus always.
      1. Barb

        Megan, I am so sorry for what you are going through. I am going through a very similar situation. My husband had an affair as well, on and off for over 10 years. I am praying for you for God to restore you marriage and for a new love and desire for each other. I am praying for your individual walks with God as well.

    • Please pray that Phil and I will find the love that we had for each other, put each other first.
    • Please pray for my daughter Liz that her Social Security Benefits will be Approved this time pray for my friend Gloria she has cancer
    • Please pray for my marriage, that God will soften my husbands heart towards me and that he can forgive me for messing up (again)! Satan has used my screwup to start messing with my husband's heart and thoughts and is putting him back in a dark place. Please pray that God will drive him out, heal our relationship, and make us stronger in our faith! thank you!
    • Dear Prayer Partners,

      Will you join us pray, believe and claim for GOD'S victory? because HE alone will receive ALL the glory!!!

      Leslie B. Velez is now admitted for mastectomy.

      Still awaiting provisions for total hysterectomy which she also needs.

      In Christ our Saviour Jesus' faithful and powerful Name, we BELIEVE that ALL cancer cells are GONE, successful mastectomy and NO NEED for a total hysterectomy!

      Tyssssm and God blezz your compassionate hearts!!
    • I helped my aging parents until the last one passed into heaven in late 2020. I have gained 7 major medical diagnoses since 9/2020. I had just got back to work in 2021 and lost that job of 5 months because of health issues. I lost my temp job in early February after just 1 month, again because of health issues, then had a week of hospital admissions. I have been medically and physically exhausted for most of the last year and still have ongoing medical concerns. I really want to go back to work and make my own money. I get plenty of interviews but can't get hired. I know that God is in control but I am scared and not even sure how much my body can endure any further.
    • Good evening, Church. I would like for the Church to please pray that the Lord gives me a sign on where exactly my stolen Mini DV Tapes collections is at so I can go rescue them. They have too many sentimental memories on each of those Tapes for me give up on them. I believe the Lord will answer this prayer like everyone elses prayers but only on his time. Please pray that the Lord will protect these Tapes so I can recover them all. Thank you in advance.
    • For Joni Deliverance from Demonic spirit deliverance from Facebook deliverance from Desire of alcohol and cigarettes from trying too control her husband too show him love affection
    • I need the Church to please pray that I recover my sentimental memories in the Mini DV's that was stolen out of my relatives Car. I believe in the Most High way too much for me to stop praying this prayer. Please pray that I recover all of these memories that I value that can never be replaced. Thank you in advance.
    • I saw your prayer wall and would like to request your prayer support for my brother who is struggling with diabetic/colon & liver cancer. please pray for healing & that this experience will bring him closer to his savior Jesus Christ.
    • My husband is a man of faith but Satan has dangled the alcohol "carrot" and he has put Jesus in the closet to collect dust. I need direction and prayers for Satan's darts to stop.
    • Please help me praying for God´s direction in my life.
    • Hi pastor/sister Sharon and all my wonderful brothers and sisters!Please say a prayer for me i am saved yet homeless for 20 years now 75 and i just don't care right now lost hope!GOD richly bless you brother Danny 4/23/22 p.s Even you chose not to pray for this one i am eternally grateful for the e-mails you have sent saying you have prayer for me when you are homeless with no friends it makes you cry with gratitude
    • I am praying and believing that God will deliver my grandson from the deception and lies of the devil. He is running with the wrong crown, yet still claims to be a Christian. There is no evidence. Unlawful behaviors are brewing. I'm praying that God will get his attention. Last night, he was
      rear ended by a drunk driver. Praise God, only the car was damaged.
    • My son is 29 and has been married for 2 1/2 years now. He and his wife have been together for 10 years. It seemed as soon as they got married, they started leading separate lives and began to leave God and serving him out of their plans. Verbal, physical, emotional abuse developed, and my son sought comfort from another girl, he says it wasn't physical, but now he has an emotional tie with her. According to all reports, she has moved on. They are getting marriage counseling now but we don't know where this will land. Please help me pray first for spiritual healing and a return to Christ and then a healing of their relationship, if that is what Christ desires for them.
    • Please pray for my son and daughter in law that they will come to know Jesus and their marriage will stay together.
      Please pray for my mom who is hallucinating that she will have a moment of clarity so we can get her help
      Please pray for my uncle who had a stroke last night.
      Please pray for my good friend whose young daughter was just diagnosed with a malignant inoperable brain tumor.
      Please pray for my other good friend whose son is facing a huge trial right now
    • Please pray that I be delivered from my smoking addiction and that Bobby be delivered from his alcohol and smoking addiction. In Jesus name, Amen.
    • Please pray for me to find or establish a ministry that allows me to serve using the resources our Lord brings my way consoling and encouraging from my 53 years of life. I need a place that allows me to walk along side others. Pray I surrender to the Holy Spirit's courage and faith when the time comes to be strong. Bring other brothers and sisters to lovingly teach me and assist me. Pray I have found the fellowship of believers the are and will be an authentic community for our area. Forgiving one another while running this race with the strength and wisdom of the saints before us! Please pray restoration and revival for my marriage. Bless you and anyone that prays this, in Jesus precious name, AMEN and Hallelujah
    • I need urgent prayer against the enemy for my life. Many has been speaking evil against my name and witchcraft to take my life and the spirit of death. Please pray that god will set me free from generational curses and witchcraft. That god will restore my finances and every thing the devil has stolen from me exceedingly abundantly above all can ask or think and Grant every desire of my life and to add more years to my life. I need urgent prayer against my enemies and witch craft to shorten my life . i need a new car and house and for my business to take off finacially. Restoration, healing, wife, kids, and to be stable financially , mentally and spread the love of jesus christ to millions. Been dealing with snake spirits and grand reaper spirit trying to shorten my life. I need this generational curse broken off my family lineage from my fore fathers that was pass down . i believe in jesus christ and has accepted him as my lord and savior. I also need the spirit of poverty broken off m
    • Dear precious intercessors,

      Please join us intercede for Leslie B.Velez, who has been diagnosed with cancer of the breast as well as God's provisions for all the medical fees. Their small business is debt-laden and bankrupt.

      I thank ABBA, for your prayerful hearts!!

    • My daughter is starting college & the financial part of it all has all of feeling a bit overwhelmed. I know God will provide in the end.
    • Hi pastor Sharon and all my wonderful brothers and sisters!Please say a prayer for me from now until Easter i am homeless at 75 and truth be told it is not a happy time for so many homeless people they are hurting bad so i want to comfort them but i will need prayer because i am doing that great myself!GOD richly bless you brother Danny 4/9/22
    • Please Pray God's Peace and Healthy healing and protection and guidance{Mark 10:9} {1 Corinthians 13:4-8 ~ Love is patient, love is kind.~} for me and my husband our marriage and our parenting our children. To have Healthy Respectful Communication Loving Relationships with each other always and forever. Please Pray that we as a family and my daughter and my son will seek and obey put 1st in hearts and lifes the Lord Jesus Christ in all we say and do.
    • Please Pray God's Peace and Healthy healing and protection and guidance{Mark 10:9} {1 Corinthians 13:4-8 ~ Love is patient, love is kind.~} for me and my husband our marriage and our parenting our children. To have Healthy Respectful Communication Loving Relationships with each other always and forever. Please Pray that we as a family and my daughter and my son will seek and obey put 1st in hearts and lifes the Lord Jesus Christ in all we say and do.
    • Please Pray God's Peace and Healthy healing and protection and guidance{Mark 10:9} {1 Corinthians 13:4-8 ~ Love is patient, love is kind.~} for me and my husband our marriage and our parenting our children. To have Healthy Respectful Communication Loving Relationships with each other always and forever. Please Pray that we as a family and my daughter and my son will seek and obey put 1st in hearts and lifes the Lord Jesus Christ in all we say and do.
    • My husband left and moved out on October 21, 2021. I was completely blindsided. He is being deceived by the enemy; the enemy is using people to interfere and deceive him. My husband feels betrayed, thus only sees me through the eyes of betrayal, and has been lashing out and acting completely out of character, and this is all based on deception, NOT reality, NOT truth!!! We have not spoke in approximately 42 days because he blocked me from contacting him. Then, approximately 18 days ago, I was served with divorce papers, without any warning. I am standing on Exodus 14:13-14 - this is the Word that God gave me. Be still. Stand Firm. It took me many months to really discern what \"be still\" REALLY meant, and to see that I was not doing a very good job at that. It has been a process, but I finally get it. I have surrendered my husband and our marriage to God. I finally realize that ONLY He can fix this. I cannot do a thing, except to walk with God, and trust Him.
      1. Marsha

        I have been thru this also. God became so real to me during this time. I began to work on myself and align myself with God. God changed my husband\'s heart. Praise His Name. He had a plan and it wasn\'t pleasant but both of us grew thru it. May God draw you to Him. Rest in Him and see what happens.

    • Urgent financial breathrough. I cant pay my rent where I stay and the people at the casl housing is giving me a hard time. I found a rent assistance program but they dont want to approve the request( jenna Alvarez manager and my case manager sulay . They are not answering my phone calls or text and I can be put out and homless. Also I need $5 million for my business urgent matter please pray that god release this fast. I need a car for work More clothes and shoes Would like to also find a godly women and start a family and kids aswell and be financially stable and grow in jesus christ and spread his word . And last for god to bring new friends in my life.
    • God to move in my daughter to treat her children all the same, not show favoritism. To reconnect. To not be bitter and frustrated with me. To heal our mother daughter relationship. For me not to worry about them, but have peace that Jesus sees, knows and has it all figured out for His good.
    • I messed things up really badly with my ex. I still love him and id give anything in a heartbeat to be able to be with him again. Pls pray for him to forgive me and desire a relationship with me again. All I want is a second chance to be a better girlfriend to him, and hopefully his wife someday. He was so good to and for me and id give anything to be with him again. Praying he reaches out to me so our relationship may be restored.
    • I am a chronically ill 36 going on 37 year old single women- I suffer from Endometriosis, ibs,migraines, elevated estrogen levels,back/hip/sciatica/psaos pains which has put a lot of stress on my physical&mental health. My 9.5 year old pet bird cockatiel hen is suffering through loose urates&is having a difficult time with her Spring Feather molt. Please pray for our healing-Lord protect&deliver us from our pains,abnormal growths(tumors,cysts,fibroids,adhesions,scar tissue,possible cancer)&inflammations be gone from my body&my bird's body. AMEN.
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