Sharon JaynesDreams of a Woman, Expectant Living, General Inspiration, God's love, Living Fully, Renewing your mind with the Truth, Trusting God 26 Comments

A Higher Place


Mom punched in the numbers and waited for the ambulance to arrive. She was having intense abdominal pains and the vomiting wouldn’t stop.

I got the call, and for the next six weeks sat by her bed and watched her slip away. We talked about everything from the distribution of her material possessions to the best shampoo for shiny hair.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesA Sudden Glory, Expectant Living, General Inspiration, Living Fully 249 Comments

The Most Fun I’ve Ever Had in a Restroom

A few weeks ago, I was in the airport, headed to New Jersey. It was a typical rush, rush, rush morning.

Grab the bags, trudge through traffic, hunt for a parking space, follow the herd, wade through security, dash to the gate.

Folks aren’t usually very friendly in airports.

Eyes look straight ahead. Purposed feet slap the floor.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesGeneral Inspiration, Listening to God, Living Free, Renewing your mind with the Truth 22 Comments

Have You Left the Wrong Path Wide Open?

Last Sunday my pastor had to do some housekeepin’ fussin’ at our congregation before he started his sermon. It was a “Visitors, close your ears” moment as Jimmy interrupted the service for an important message from our neighbors.

See, right beside our church property is a City Park. On Sundays, when our parking lot is full, we tend to use the City Park lot for our overflow parking.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesA Sudden Glory, Expectant Living, General Inspiration 5 Comments

Seeing God in the Bread-and-Butter Plain Days

You know what? I liked my last post. I liked the beauty in my yard all white with snow. I loved how you love it!

But I never want you to think better of me than I really am. The snow melted. The mud remained. And the ordinary bread-and-butter plain days were back.

There were a few days between then and now when I wasn’t exactly sleuthing for God’s fingerprints throughout my day.  Read more…