Sharon JaynesBalanced Living, Confidence in Christ, Listening to God, Power of Words 121 Comments


What does it really mean to take every thought captive? Put on your cowgirl boots and imagine this scenario with me…

I was at my first rodeo…yes, this WAS my first rodeo. The little calf bursts from the stall, and then the cowboy and his steed follow in close pursuit. With his lasso in hand, the cowboy swings the rope in the air and attempts to catch the little heifer before she escapes out the corral door at the opposite side of the arena.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesConfidence in Christ, Expectant Living, Living Free, Living Fully, Take Hold of the Faith You Long For 112 Comments

No Plan B

Sometimes when I’m reading the Bible, one little sentence jumps out and grabs me by the heart. That’s what happened when I read 1 Kings 19:19-21. This was the day that Elijah the prophet called Elisha the farmer to take his place. Here’s the verse…

“He burned the plowing equipment…” 1 Kings 19:21

Okay, this might be the strangest Bible verse I’ve written about,  Read more…

Sharon JaynesConfidence in Christ, Take Hold of the Faith You Long For, Trusting God 100 Comments

When You Feel Like Giving Up

Can I make a confession? Sometimes I quit too soon. I’ve quit when what I really needed to do was to press on and press through. Sometimes I’ve gotten tired of the struggle—tired of trying. And you know what? I’ve missed many blessings because I threw up my hands in the battle and said, “Just forget it.” I don’t want to do that any longer.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesConfidence in Christ, Expectant Living, Power of Words, Trusting God 44 Comments

When You Feel Empty

I don’t know about you, but the quarantine is leaving me feeling a bit empty. Being with my friends and church family is one way that I get filled back up after pouring out. Today, let me introduce you to a woman  who also felt empty. We’ll start with a sign I saw posted on a telephone pole…

A sign was posted on a telephone pole by the grocery store: “LOST DOG with three legs,  Read more…

Sharon JaynesConfidence in Christ, Trusting God 6 Comments

Can I Trust God?

Do you ever have trouble trusting God? I get it, we all do. This post is just for us occasional doubters.

I hopped up on the counter at the soda fountain and placed my five-year-old feet on the spinning stool in front of me. Dad sipped on a Coke and talked to the lady behind the counter with the red-and-white-striped apron tied around her waist.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesConfidence in Christ, God's love, How Jesus Broke The Rules to Set You Free, Identity in Christ 8 Comments

What God Really Thinks About Women

What do you tell yourself about how God feels about you as a woman? What are you telling your daughters or your granddaughters? If you’re not sure, then keep reading. If someone has ever made you feel “less than” for being a woman then keep reading. If the words “go home” from social media last week broke your heart, then keep reading.  Read more…