Sharon JaynesDealing with Your Past, God's love, God's Promises, Living Free, Living Fully, Prayer/Spiritual Warfare, When You Don't Like Your Story 128 Comments

What If Your Worst “What If” Does Happen?

Some people just seem happy and positive all the time. They appear to never worry and fret. These people act like they eat rainbows for breakfast and ride a unicorn to work. But life isn’t all lucky charms. Sometimes it is just plain hard.

We should anticipate trials. Jesus promised trouble. “In this world you will have trouble,” He warned (John 16:33).  Read more…

Sharon JaynesConfidence in Christ, Enough, Identity in Christ, Knowing God, Relationships 74 Comments

I AM is the God Who Fills in Your Gaps

Do you remember the first Rocky movie? (I just looked it up and there have been eight.) In the very first film about the Italian Stallion, Rocky Balboa falls madly in love with the very demure Adrian who works at a Tropical Fish pet store. Adrian is very intelligent, shy, and cautious. Rocky is, well, none of those things. In one scene,  Read more…

Sharon JaynesIdentity in Christ, When You Don't Like Your Story 59 Comments

Remembering Your Story

Steve and I were headed to the coast and stopped for our usual lunch break—Chick-fil-A—Just twenty minutes from our destination, it was one last time to fill up on sweet tea. While Steve purchased our nuggets, I took our Bernedoodle, Molly, for a walk in the grassy area between Chick-fil-A and Dunkin’.

Molly sniffed, stretched, and well, you know.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesChristmas Inspiration, Gratitude 12 Comments

Wrapping Up Christmas

Who in the world would wait until Christmas Eve to do their Christmas shopping? I find it hard to believe the statistics that show December 24th is one of the biggest shopping days of the year, so one season I decided to venture out to the stores and see for myself. I usually have my Christmas list complete by Thanksgiving to avoid the crowds,  Read more…

Sharon JaynesChristmas Inspiration, Enough, Gratitude, Identity in Christ, Knowing God, Relationships 119 Comments

Just What You’ve Always Wanted

Yard sales. I’ve never really liked them. But when we were preparing to move from our home of twenty years, we decided it was the best way to clean out the clutter and make a little money.

We displayed our lovely attic décor on makeshift plywood tables and waited for the bargain babes to descend. Two hours before the advertised opening time,  Read more…

Sharon JaynesGod's love, Identity in Christ, Lovestruck, Trusting God 22 Comments

Comparison Kills Contentment

I was checking out my Facebook posts and feeling a little bit left out. It seemed everyone was having a big ole time with family and friends, and well, I wasn’t. It was Christmas time and it appeared that all the family gatherings were picture perfect…and mine wasn’t.

Pinterest postings of perfect sausage pinwheels. Facebook pics of glittery table setting with Christmas China and matching napkins.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesConfidence in Christ, God's Promises, Identity in Christ, Living Fully, Power of Words, Prayer, Trusting God 29 Comments

When You Feel Empty

A sign was posted on a telephone pole by the grocery store: “LOST DOG with three legs, blind in left eye, missing right ear, tail broken, and recently castrated. Answers to the name of Lucky!”

Perhaps you feel just about as “lucky” as that lost dog. Hobbling along. Impaired vision. Broken tail. Well, you get the picture. There was a woman in the Bible who also felt like she was out of luck and had nothing to give.  Read more…