Sharon JaynesTrusting God 158 Comments

Are You Emotionally Crippled?

I was riding down the crowded streets of Mexico City in a cab when I saw her. She measured about four feet high, back curved, bent at the waist at a ninety-degree angle, and fingers gnarled and twisted shut. Like an upside-down chair, her face was parallel to the dirty sidewalk.  Feet. Dirt. Trash. That was her view of the world.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesMarriage, Relationships 7 Comments

Reigniting Passion in Your Marriage

What do you do when you’ve lost that lovin’ feelin’ in your marriage? Maybe you truly adored your husband in the beginning, but now you can’t remember why. Maybe you honestly admired his finer qualities, but now you can’t remember what they were. Maybe you appreciated his wonderful attributes, but now you take them for granted.

Between taking out the garbage,  Read more…

Sharon JaynesMarriage, Prayer 90 Comments

One Verse I Really Didn’t Like

I’m posting over at Proverbs 31 Ministries today. I thought you might enjoy this devotion as well! But you might not! It’s about a verse that made me stop in my tracks.

With such nagging she prodded him day after day until he was sick to death of it.” Judges 16:16 (NIV)

The verse stopped me in my tracks.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesEnough 13 Comments

When the Devil Whispers “You’re Not Good Enough”

Have you ever felt that you were way over your head? I have–many times.

My first large speaking engagement was back in the ‘90s. Why I said yes was beyond me. I had never stood up in front of more than a handful of women at my Bible study or our church’s women’s retreat. Even then, I didn’t have to use a microphone.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesForgiveness, God's love, Uncategorized 12 Comments

When you Need A Little G-R-A-C-E

There it was.
Carved in wood.
The evidence could not be denied.

Anna dropped her kids off at school and then went home to clean up a bit. She removed a hairbrush, school papers and yesterday’s jewelry from her dresser. And there it was. She couldn’t believe her eyes.

A nail. And a name. L-i-l-l-i-a-n … carved into the top of her dresser’s walnut surface.

Seven-year-old L-i-l-l-i-a-n hadn’t even bothered to hide the weapon used to commit the crime. The nail lay just where she had left it. Right on the dresser by her name.

Sharon JaynesForgiveness, Living Free 432 Comments

The Danger of Keeping Score

Happy New Year! I don’t know about you, but after two weeks of holiday out-of-sync-schedule, I’m ready for routine. I love Christmas, but I love when everything gets back to normal. I’ve missed you! So I’m going to give away 5 free books. I’ll tell you how at the end of the blog.

Now, let’s reconnect with something that I’m committed not to do in 2019…keep score.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesA Sudden Glory 15 Comments

God Sees What You’re Going Through

I’m posting over at Proverbs 31 Ministries’ Encouragement for Today. I thought this might be an encouragement for you too. God sees what you’re going through!

One day I was sitting on the patio with my new stepfather, Pete, waiting for the grill to heat up before placing steaks on to cook. My mom opened the door and gave Pete his orders — telling him what to do and how to do it.  Read more…