The Danger of Going with the Flow

Sharon JaynesConfidence in Christ, When You Don't Like Your Story 26 Comments

The Danger of Going with the Flow

I met my husband at a Bible Study in college and quickly learned that he was a very frugal, industrious, and resourceful young man. On our first date, he came to pick me up in his ten-year-old Volkswagen Beetle that he had purchased for $725. He says it was yellow. I say it was beige. Regardless of the color, this fine piece of machinery had several not-so-fine features.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesConfidence in Christ, Enough 24 Comments

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

Remember the first time you watched the movie, Jaws? I didn’t go in the water the entire summer after that. When my son was in middle school, we thought it might be fun for him to experience the reenactment!

We were in the fictional town of Amity Island, NY, where Jaws the man-eating shark, lurked below the surface of the still waters and terrorized vacationers who dared go there.  Read more…

May 24th Blog Post

Sharon JaynesPower of Words, Trusting God 84 Comments

God Sees What You’re Going Through

Let’s face it. People let us down. They disappoint us. And sometimes it seems God does too. Often our experiences fall short of our expectations for God to meet all our needs the way we think He should, and like a lover who has been wronged, we tend to guard our hearts against future disappointment by lowering our expectations and trust.  Read more…

Grumpy or Grateful

Sharon JaynesA Sudden Glory, Gratitude 99 Comments

The Contagiousness of Grumpy and Grateful

A few months ago, I was in the airport headed to New Jersey. It was a typical rush, rush, rush morning. Grab the bags, trudge through traffic, hunt for a parking space, follow the herd, wade through security, dash to the gate. Folks aren’t usually very friendly in airports. Eyes look straight ahead. Purposed feet slap the floor. Overstuffed bags roll behind.  Read more…


Sharon JaynesLiving Fully, When You Don't Like Your Story 22 Comments

How Long Am I Going to Be Mad About It?

I was really upset with her. I don’t need to tell you the details because I want you to fill in the blanks yourself. I was really mad at _______ for ________. I’m not worried about you not having anything to put in those blanks because you’re human. We’ve all been really irked at someone for hurting our feelings, hampering our plans or a whole lot worse.  Read more…