Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it. It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way.

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

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    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • Prayers today for me and my husband. We start marriage counseling today and praying that my husband will have a soften heart and ears to listen. I pray that he will have a new love and desire for me and I declare it will happen. It’s been a rough time and God knows what we need.
    • Please pray for our good friend and prayer partner...he is struggling with cancer, given no hope by dr. ...much pain, can't eat. wife is exhausted ...please lift them both up for healing and rest...thank you...
    • My prayer is for revelation and healing. I’m
      not sure if I need to continue to stay or leave a “situationship” because I know God is working.. yet, I don’t know which road to take. I’m patient, prayerful and applying faith. In the meantime, my prayer is for selfishness to be removed from the heart of the other person. My prayer is for peace that passes all understand aka an eased mind. My prayer is for a comforted and guarded heart, and overflowing joy from the Holy Spirit. I’m passionate, humble, understanding, empathetic and loving. My prayer is to know exactly what God will have me to do. I have tremendous faith and am trusting in God as I heal in many areas, especially grief. Thank you for taking the time to stand with me in prayer.
    • Pray that I may get green card, and be able to travel home for my children's functions, pray for my daughter and daughter in law to get children. Not to miscarry any more. In Jesus mighty name.
    • My health, my marriage, my family all seem to be falling apart at the exact same time. I'm 46 been married 21 years. Please pray for us. I'm alone & I'm exhausted & I don't know what to do anymore. No girl friends, no sisters, no mother figure to reach out to. Thank you & God bless.
      1. Esther

        Dear Lord,you are the beginning and end of our lives, refresh Lisa,be her support system, place the right people in her live, in ,Joshua 1:5 b and 6a God you have promised not to leave us nor forsake us, therefore you are her strength . God is the same yesterday today n tomorrow let her trust in your unchanging nature

      2. Lela

        Dear God, please let Lisa know that in your Word you said that You would never leave us nor forsake us. Help her to trust in your Word and grant her your peace.

    • I have just discovered I have several medical problems. I have been to 4 Drs. for various tests. On the 25th; I have to go talk to a psychiatrist, which I'm not excited about. Then, I went to get an eye exam, and discovered there is a "black dot" on my left eye; meaning it is a cataract, and I will need surgery. On top of that, I was out picking okra on our land; it started thundering and I dropped the shears on my right ankle and a toe. So, now I'm worried about tomaine poison. Last, my birthday is Nov. 4th; and I am driving to another city to see a great doctor and meet up with 2 great friends who will take me out to eat that night! I need prayer for calmness, trust in the Lord, peace to cover me, and remember my favorite verse: "Be still, and know that I AM GOD!" Thank you! <3
      1. Esther Njambi

        Dear Lord Gail in your able hands ,heal her,give her everything she desires according to your plans for her live give her wisdom in Jesus mighty name

    • I don’t even know where to begin asking for prayer. There’s just too much. God knows the desperate needs, adverse circumstances, and desires of my heart. My heart is heavy and I can’t do this anymore.
      1. Esther Njambi

        Dear Lord you promised to carry our burdens, please take over Kristin\'s burdens, give her direction,wisdom,peace and above everything else hope revive her. In Jesus mighty name

    • To let go of how I want my life to be and take hold of where God wants me to be. Find my companion in God and be content with that.

      Hoping God also sends husband of his choice to my daughter.
    • To let go of how I want my life to be and take hold of where God wants me to be. Find my companion in God and be content with that.

      Hoping God also sends husband of his choice to my daughter.
    • Help to let go of past hurt from marriage and finincial struggle, help me to release everything to him
    • Please pray for the salvation of my love ones-and also for my finances—Thank-you!
    • Please pray for a healthy relationship.
    • Please pray for me and my 3 children as I enter a new chapter of my life. My husband and I are divorcing after 18 yrs of marriage due to his infidelity and his desire to live a new life with me. After years of emotional abuse and feeling discarded , I don’t trust myself, feel worthy, and fear I can’t do this. I need your prayers that I will feel God’s presence, move forward, not get stuck and come out the other side!! Thank you. This means so much!
      1. Esther Njambi

        Dear Lord, am a witness to what you can do, I trust that you will see Lorraine through,lift her from the mire and clay and put her feet on a firm foundation, in the darkness be her light, hold her children dear, give them love like never before let your presence surround them. Let your purpose in her life unveil. Let your joy be full. In Jesus mighty name amen

    • I have been dealing with chronic pain for over 30 years. I’ve had back surgery and knee replacement surgery to help pain, but it only made things worse. I now have osteoporosis. I get injections every few months in my hips and elbows. I’m on lots of meds. If I didn’t watch my 2 grandbabies every day, I’d probably spend a lot of time in bed. I thank God every day for my wonderful marriage, my family, my home and my friends who have become family! I know where my blessings come from and I am so thankful. This pain just gets to me! I need prayer to keep going until I am healed!
      Thank you for your prayers. Love, Michelle
    • Pray for my health physically and emotionally. I too have scabs from my past that I still pick at. Also peay for my brother who was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer
    • Having a hard time letting go of my past sins of being sexual immoral at a very young age and into adulthood. Also was unable to stay faithful to my ex-husband. I tend to dwell on the past. I know I am forgiven but can't stop beating myself up for it.
    • Good morning, thank you for joining me in prayer about these situations! First off, prayers that God will brake the chains of homosexuality from my 19 years old son. Second, prayers that the testing done on my 7 year old niece to check for ADHD will come back negative. In Jesus Name!
    • Good morning, thank you for joining me in prayer about these situations! First off, prayers that God will brake the chains of homosexuality from my 19 years old son. Second, prayers that the testing done on my 7 year old niece to check for ADHD will come back negative. In Jesus Name!
    • Please pray for my family. My daughter is in a major depressive episode due to the father of her child trying to take her son 1/2 the time. Please pray for us to have strength and hope while this situation is being handled. Please pray for my grandson, that he will be protected from harm and hurt. Thank you all.
    • I went thru divorce in 2007. I still love him or so I think. I didn't want the divorce. My Son was addicted and I was addicted to think I could fix him. It was not his son. We had a Daughter together. It is a scab that I keep picking at I want change and to be healed. He doesn't want anything to do with me and won't talk with me. We have 2 Grandsons and it's hard. Help me Lord Jesus. My son has children our relationships have been estranged from them. I want to be there Grandma and the Mother's had us out of their life's. My Son has made changes in his life and has moved away he is helping with his 3 younger children. They all live with the other Grand Parents and he as well. Thank you Father for that healing. The oldest 2 grand children are not that close I long to be in there life's. As years going by how from here.?
    • I have a hard time telling people my feelings. I want to have normal relationships.
    • My marriage is falling apart. I feel hopeless snd scared
    • My marriage is falling apart. I feel hopeless snd scared
    • Dear sisters in Christ I ask for prayer to restore my relationship with my adult children, their spouses and my husband. For the sake of our grandchildren that we may leave our past hurts in the past and move forward in complete forgiveness, unity and love.
      In Jesus name
    • I feel like I’m on a hamster wheel daily and can’t seem to get off of it. I am mentally and physically burned out. I know God does not give us more than we can handle but I am at the point of giving up and throwing in the towel. I ask you to pray that this process strengthens my faith and I can get to a point that I can live life in a better place. Instead of in a place of faith instead of fear
      1. Faith

        My friend, your prayer could be my own. Thank you. Lifting you up in prayer, for peace and hope. Much love.

      2. Faith

        My friend, your prayer could be my own. Thank you. Lifting you up in prayer, for peace and hope. Much love.

    • I having a very hard time staying positive with all the changes that have taken place in our world and in our everyday life.
      It’s so hard finding joy and having a positive attitude.
      There’s so much control today
      I’m praying for joy and trusting God with a positive outcome .
      Please take the fear from my heart.
      And help me find joy in everyday life.
    • Had emergency surgery 4 months ago and am still not well. Please pray for healing, strength, and courage. I am unable to eat nor take care of myself, as I am disabled. I want and need to get my life back in order. Thank you!
    • To let go of being hurt by someone that I love, feeling of not good enough any more. To trust again and move forward with my life.
    • Help my unbelief Lord. Reconcile restore and repair relationship. Soften hearts and heal. Increase my trust and faith and help me surrender all to God.
    • PR of Carol Chua: please pray for my dear mother, Rosita, who tested positive for COVID last 20 September. She is currently confined and fighting for her life.

      God is the Great Healer and He wants what is best for his children.
      I pray and ask for nothing more than absolute and complete healing… that my mom will be our Lord’s living witness of his power and presence.
      Thank you all!
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