Sharon JaynesA Sudden Glory, Expectant Living, General Inspiration 22 Comments

When You Feel There’s Just Not Enough Time

Anybody besides me having a busy fall? My goodness, it’s all a blur. I feel like we’re supposed to eat turkey under the Christmas tree while dressed in a Halloween costume! So how do we make time to spend with Jesus in the hustle and bustle. Keep reading and let’s take a look.

“I just never have enough time to spend with the Lord,” Amanda cried.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesA Sudden Glory, Expectant Living, Living Free, Living Fully 109 Comments

Do We Really Expect God to Answer Our Prayers?

Have you ever prayed about something, but didn’t really expect God to answer…I mean really expect it? That happened to a bunch of Peter’s friends.

In the early years of the church, King Herod had many Christians murdered and many more put in prison. James, the brother of John, was put to death with the sword, and Peter was thrown into prison.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesA Sudden Glory, Expectant Living, Living Fully 13 Comments

The Day God Showed Up

Do you expect God to speak to  you today? I’ll admit, sometimes I think I miss it because I don’t expect it. Let me share something that reminded me to pay attention and look for the moments of Sudden Glory when God speaks.

Bob told me about a visit to Vietnam where he met with a leader of an underground Christian church.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesA Sudden Glory, Confidence in Christ, Identity in Christ, Knowing God, Living Fully 55 Comments

When You Feel Like Something’s Missing

I’m writing over at Proverbs 31 Ministries today. I thought you might enjoy this too. Welcome fellow allien!

One spring, our family hosted a 10-year-old Russian foreign exchange student. He went to school with my son and got a taste of what the American Christian family is all about. Alex’s English was very limited, and we depended on hand signals and facial expressions to get by.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesA Sudden Glory 25 Comments

Slow Down and Listen

Summer is the perfect time to slow down and listen. I pray that you will have some time to relax, recharge, and allow God to restore your soul in the next few weeks. Today’s blog is what God showed me one day about what I miss when I’m in a constant state of hectivity.  (That’s my new made up word for today!)

One summer I went to a famous art museum.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesA Sudden Glory 36 Comments

Competing is for Athletes…not Friends

One thing I love about summer is hummingbirds…except when they fight.

I just don’t get it.

The feeder is full. The nectar is fresh. The four yellow perches are available and waiting.

And two hummingbirds are fighting over it.

Every morning I get up and have a cup of coffee with God on my screened-in back porch.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesA Sudden Glory 10 Comments

Ten Trash Bags

I set out to tackle a task I had put off for many years. I didn’t really want to do it at all. It was the job of cleaning out my ministry storage closet. A closet filled with boxes of memories collected over twenty years.