Sharon JaynesConfidence in Christ, Expectant Living, Listening to God, Living Fully, Prayer/Spiritual Warfare, Take Hold of the Faith You Long For, Uncategorized 8 Comments

Whose Voice Will You Listen To?

Last night was the end of March Madness when the UNC Tar Heels lost to the Villanova Wildcats by two points in the NCAA men’s basketball championship game. (If I were you, I might stop reading right now, but don’t. Keep going.)

I’m not much of a sports fan, even though I attended the University of Chapel Hill.    Read more…

Sharon JaynesExpectant Living, Forgiveness, God's love, Living Free, Living Fully, Take Hold of the Faith You Long For, Uncategorized 25 Comments

Changing the Ending to Your Story

My friend Bonnie and I followed the GPS along winding back roads of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I had been speaking at an event in the area, and felt drawn to this place I’d come to know as Amish Grace.

Horse-drawn buggies with bearded drivers clippitty-clopped in front of us as if it were just another day. My stomach churned wondering what we would find.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesConfidence in Christ, Dealing with Your Past, Dreams of a Woman, Expectant Living, Listening to God, Living Fully, Renewing your mind with the Truth, Take Hold of the Faith You Long For, Trusting God 52 Comments

Rest in the Here-ness and Near-ness of God

Have you ever been in a situation when you felt God calling your name to a particular task, and at the same time you felt that He had the wrong person for the job?

That’ exactly how Moses felt when God called him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and into the Promised Land. He cried out,  Read more…

Sharon JaynesA Sudden Glory, Dealing with Your Past, Forgiveness, General Inspiration, God's love, Living Free, Living Fully, Renewing your mind with the Truth, Trusting God 175 Comments

Let It Go! God Has.

Wow, I can’t believe it’s already mid-January. I hope you’ve been refreshed and revived with the start of a New Year.

I love the word, “new”. Don’t you?

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come~ 2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV

Today,  Read more…

Sharon JaynesConfidence in Christ, Dreams of a Woman, Expectant Living, General Inspiration, Living Fully, Women in the Bible 2 Comments

What About Mary? What About You?

The story of Mary always touches me at the core of my being. What an amazing encounter for a girl so young. God’s plan of redemption was held by the thread of a teenage girl from Nazareth. Who knew it would be so strong?

We don’t know exactly how old Mary was at the time of Gabriel’s proclamation.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesExpectant Living, Living Fully 3 Comments

Are You Speaking God’s Love Language

I rarely post something on my blog that I have posted on Girlfriends in God, but I think today should be an exception. During this week of Thanksgiving here in the U.S., I’ve been thinking of gratitude…God’s love language. So let’s ponder that for a moment.

Gratitude and thanksgiving are so important for your soul. It is not just what God wants from you;  Read more…

Sharon JaynesA Sudden Glory, Expectant Living, Forgiveness, God's love, Listening to God, Living Fully, Relationships 72 Comments

When It’s Hard to Take the Bad with the Good

I sat on my screened-in porch, taken aback with the beauty of the morning surrounding me.

A layer of mist rose from the serene waters of the lake and hovered just above the surface. Rays of light slanting in from the east elongated shadows that all too soon would stand at attention in the noonday sun.

Pampas grass plumes praised their Creator with a gentle sway.  Read more…