What do you tell yourself about how God feels about you as a woman? What are you telling your daughters or your granddaughters? If you’re not sure, then keep reading. If someone has ever made you feel “less than” for being a woman then keep reading. If the words “go home” from social media last week broke your heart, then keep reading. Read more…
Getting Out of God’s Way
If you’ve ever wanted to jump in and solve someone else’s problems for them, then this post if for you! Join me in the laundry room.
He ironed. I watched.
I stood in the door frame of my guestroom, watching my nephew Jonathan iron the wrinkles out of his crumpled shirt, the rumpled creases out of his crumpled heart. Read more…
When You Feel Like You’re Drowning in Bad Decisions
I’m posting over at Proverbs 31 Ministries today and thought you might enjoy this too. Leave a comment at the end and be eligible to win a free LOVED cuff bracelet!
The current swift and fierce, I could feel my body being swept away like a hollow reed.
I was a 6-year-old, 40-pound wisp of a girl with gangly arms who vowed she could do anything her 11-year-old mischievous brother, Read more…
Do We Really Expect God to Answer Our Prayers?
Have you ever prayed about something, but didn’t really expect God to answer…I mean really expect it? That happened to a bunch of Peter’s friends.
In the early years of the church, King Herod had many Christians murdered and many more put in prison. James, the brother of John, was put to death with the sword, and Peter was thrown into prison. Read more…
The Day God Showed Up
Do you expect God to speak to you today? I’ll admit, sometimes I think I miss it because I don’t expect it. Let me share something that reminded me to pay attention and look for the moments of Sudden Glory when God speaks.
Bob told me about a visit to Vietnam where he met with a leader of an underground Christian church. Read more…
God Sees Your Disappointments
Let’s face it. People let us down. They disappoint us. And so does God. Often our experiences fall short of our expectations for God to meet all our needs the way we think He should, and like a lover who has been wronged, we tend to guard our hearts against future disappointment by lowering our expectations and trustHe is not aloof. Read more…
When You Feel Like Something’s Missing
I’m writing over at Proverbs 31 Ministries today. I thought you might enjoy this too. Welcome fellow allien!
One spring, our family hosted a 10-year-old Russian foreign exchange student. He went to school with my son and got a taste of what the American Christian family is all about. Alex’s English was very limited, and we depended on hand signals and facial expressions to get by. Read more…
When You Wonder if God is Concerned About You
Have you ever felt like God has forgotten you? I know I have. When my husband and I lost our second child, I felt like God was far away, and didn’t see what I was going through. It was a wilderness time, and I felt very alone.
In Exodus 3, Moses was on the far side of the wilderness—literally and figuratively. Read more…
Enough for Today
You could smell the fried chicken as we walked out of the restaurant, but we pranced out as if nothing was unusual.
When I was in dental hygiene school, my friends and I never had enough money to go out to dinner…unless it was all you can eat night at Wilbur’s Barbeque. On those nights, we gathered our pennies and eat until we hurt. Read more…
Healing Your Heart When It’s Been Rubbed Raw
One day I received an e-mail from a woman who was still bitter over a statement her husband made to her cousin ten years ago. She and her husband were preparing to celebrate their fiftieth wedding anniversary, and she was dreading it because of his careless words a decade before. She wrote, “Please pray that God mends this title [sic] piece of my heart that has fallen to the ground.”
The word title was a typo—she meant to type little. Read more…