Have you ever felt like you just wanted to quit this thing called the “great race” of life? That’s your spiritual legs ache and you would much rather sit on the side of the road and have a good pity party than take one more step. I certainly have. And then I think of my nephew Stu and his mom, Read more…
Don’t Miss the Joy of Dirty Socks
Have you ever had something happen in your life that was a wake-up call. I mean it really got you thinking about what in the world you are doing in life? I still remember the day I God stopped me in my tracks and reminded me to not take one more day for granted.
I could hear the wailing from the driveway. Read more…
Second Chances
Aren’t you glad that God gives us second chances…and third…and fourth…and…
Perhaps one of the most memorable and heart-touching stories of grace and forgiveness is recorded in Luke 15. It’s what we’ve come to know as the Story of the Prodigal Son. This young man demanded his inheritance while his father was still alive, spent it all on riotous living, Read more…
Divine Interruptions
Ever had a day when nothing turned out like you thought it would? Interruptions. Wrong turns. Traffic jams. Mercy!
Just the other day, I got a bit lost going to pick up takeout at a restaurant I had never been before. Once I arrived and got in line, I watched the woman in front of me with a baby in a stroller. Read more…
Can I Trust God?
Have you ever wondered if you could trust God with your story? With your circumstances? With your struggles? With your dreams? Let me share why I had trouble trusting God as a new Christians…
I hopped up on the counter at the soda fountain and placed my five-year-old feet on the spinning stool in front of me. Dad sipped on a Coke and talked to the lady behind the counter with the red-and-white-striped apron tied around her waist. Read more…
Whatever You Need, God Is
I was exhausted. I was drenched in sweat. I was filled with inexplicable joy–a joy I had never known. It was the day Steven Hugh Jaynes, Jr. emerged from the pocket of my womb and made his grand debut into the world. And it was through that miracle that I understood an important name for God: El Shaddai.
When my son was born, Read more…
It’s Going to Be Ok
I’m sharing over at Proverbs 31 Ministries today about how a friend helped me through one of the most difficult days of my life. I thought it might encourage you too. So grab a cup of coffee and prepare your heart.
It was one of the worst days of my life. Tragedy struck our family in the worst way, Read more…
How Long Am I Going To Stay Mad About It?
Today, let’s talk about getting mad. If you’ve never been mad at anybody, you can stop reading now.
Since you’re still here, I’m thinking you’ve been mad a time or two yourself. So let’s keep reading…
I was really upset with her. I don’t need to tell you the details because I want you to fill in the blanks yourself. Read more…
God Puts to Use What He’s Put Us Through (and What We’ve Put Ourselves Through)
Chris, one of my friends, was in a seminary class when someone raised his hand and asked the professor: What is your best advice on how to be a good pastor?”
“Empathy,” the professor replied. “Have empathy.”
Then Chris raised his hand. “How do you get empathy?
With a trace of sad knowing in his eyes, Read more…
When You Want to Feel Closer to God
Have you ever felt that your love for Jesus has just grown cold? Maybe you feel that way right now. If so, keep reading…
Most of us come to Christ with a certain “inloveness”—a stirring of emotion mixed with an inexplicable knowing that we’ve discovered our reason for being. But some years into our spiritual journey, the wonder that swelled during the early years ebbs into routine religion laced with busyness. Read more…