Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it.

It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way. If an entry has too much information about another person that could embarrass or disrespect them, it will not be posted. 

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

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    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • Father God my prayer is for my family, sons Darrio, Antonio, and Malcolm, and my grands Mani, Dream, and Reign and my neices and nephews and siblings, Father God please bless my family in all the areas that you know they need please make sure my grands are loved and nurtured let no hurt harm or danger touch them, free my sons from any additions, and strong hold that may be on them free them now Amen. my sibling bring them peace and joy and your unwavering love as only you can. Thank you for my home and job and health some days are hard but i know you are with me i am not perfect please continue to lead me and guide me as you see fit for me. I love you with all my heart.
      1. Lydia

        in Jesus name!

    • My prayer request is to find a job in a school. A job were I can build good relationship with students and parents.
    • I humbly request prayers for guidance and protection for my family as we take care of my mother with Alzheimer\'s. Through the adversity we have to be very creative to be able to keep her home. God has laid it on my heart to start a residential care home to care for others and help families like us have a support system. This would also allow us to keep our mother home longer, or hopefully forever. I have bought and renovated the house but I\'m frozen in fear for the next steps. I\'m still pushing through knowing that God did not bring us this far for me not to follow through. Specific prayers for the right residents, for the right employees, and for me to be a good steward of the business side. For strength to keep pushing through if this is the direction God wants me to go. And if not, guidance to know what to do next. Prayers for me and my sisters to hold it together until then. The enemy would love to divide us but I\'m putting up quite a fight..... I\'m just really tired. Thank you God for this opportunity to request prayer. And sincere thanks to all that pray with me. God bless always.
    • Prayer for my marriage, adult children\'s salvation and walk with God, a precious woman (Kelly) for physical healing, my sister and especially for our country\'s healing!
      Thank you so much!
    • For physical healing for my body.
    • Good Morning
      My prayer requests are:
      1. My Marriage to get stronger with more communication between both myself and Dwight, letting go of all outside interference. No more lying or fits of rage!!!
      2. Being able to find a house under Our housing voucher.
      3. Always keeping God 1st in Our lives and Marriage.
      4. God\'s Revelation to be seen in and through Our lives (Restoration, among Family).
      5. A Safe School year for Our children and grandchildren.
      6. For God to Heal and Save each and everyone of us.
    • My daughter Roeisha Michelle is having Surgery on Wednesday 7/28 at MD Anderson for a removal of a large growth on her hip. I claim complete Healing under Isaiah 53:5 and 58:8 and Psalms 107:20. Amen.
    • I pray for your guidance and wisdom Lord. I’m blessed with 2 beautiful children, a home and a job. Help me to step in the right direction and to lay foundation of your love in my grown children. Amen
    • I pray for your guidance and wisdom Lord. I’m blessed with 2 beautiful children, a home and a job. Help me to step in the right direction and to lay foundation of your love in my grown children. Amen
    • For deliverance of the lies my husband is being told about who God is. That he will be set free from the religion that binds him in chains. That God will remove his hard heart, his anger and hardness. God will remove the blindness from his life. That He will give him ears to hear Gods truth and a soul that is eager to respond. I pray that Gods children will come into his life, surround him speaking truth and Gods love into his life. That he will be a new creation made in Gods image walking in the freedom of Jesus Christ who covers all of our sins and rose from the grave defeating death - giving us life abundantly in Him. Let my husband know Jesus (the true Son of God, not the Jesus he has been taught that is our earthy bother and Satans brother) is the way, the truth and life! May God heal all that has come against our marriage and heal all the hurts. May my husband make God his first love and love me as Jesus loves the church. I pray to God for the rescue of my husband, our marriage and our family! The devil is defeated in the most powerful name of Jesus! I claim VICTORY in Jesus Christ name.
    • To have healing in my back so I can be a more helpful mother, daughter, sister, friend.
    • I struggle with having faith . I know God can and does answer prayers . But, when obstacles come up , I fall back into worry and fear and dread of what if scenarios .
      Makes me so weary
    • Prayers for my friend,Shirley, battling medical problems associated with ovarian cancer. Prayers for strength with complicated medical problems.
    • Praying that I can find a place for me and my daughter to live before my lease is up. Praying that I can find a rental in my budget and stay in the same school district.
    • 18 year old son lost in drug addiction - prayers that he will seek the Lord and come back to the faith he had as a child and find sobriety
    • Please pray for my disabled mother’s physical health and strength, as well as my dear friend’s mental health recovery from PTSD.

      Thank you, dear sisters in Christ.
    • Praise for my son\'s new job he started today. Prayers that his heart will be softened toward God again and God\'s will will be done in his life. Prayers also for my husband and daughter. The Lord knows all the details of our lives....I trust in Him fully and thankful for prayers. I\'m also praying for all of you.
    • My 1 yr old granddaughter has been tested for COVID 19. No results yet. She has symptoms but it could be a different virus. Please pray for healing and a quick recovery.
    • I need a financial miracle, a job, home and to fix my truck In Jesus Name My Father in Heaven AMEN
    • I would like to put a family member in prayer. Her name is Cheryl Strothers, and she had two strokes which was caused by Covid that left her paralyzed. Her first stroke from the complication from the diabetes ( she had for years ) was that send her to the nursing home for 24 hours care. But, as the Corvid crises began, she was one of the first cases of patients to get Covid in the nursing home facility. Unfortunately, it caused the second stroke that left her paralyzed and wheelchair bound. Please pray for a miracle for her body to be supernatural healed in Jesus\' name. Amen!
    • I need a financial miracle, a job, home and to fix my truck In Jesus Name My Father in Heaven AMEN
    • God would soften our adult daughters heart so that she is willing to reconcile with her parents
    • We have just retired and our car has stopped. Looking for God\'s direction in this dilemma.
    • Please pray for Katie. She is 37 with one year old twin girls. This beautiful and vivacious young woman has been diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer.
      1. Sandy Pinnell

        Oh dear God please heal Katie. Let her see a miracle in her life. Amen

    • Going through a 3 year divorce process from a verbally and emotionally abusive marriage. Now dating a man who is amazing but not a full believer. I don’t want to be unequally yoked so I asked that God shows me the path I need to take with this relationship. I have 2 kids and he has one. We live 2 different lifestyles as well. If it’s not right please pray I can see that and know how to end it. I don’t want to hurt anyone or be hurt. Just want to do what is right in the eyes of the Lord.
    • My 16 year old daughter seems lost and is questioning a lot about God. I believe this may be because of continued disappointments from her dad and our family unit not being what it was. Please lift her up in prayer with me, so that God will minister to her heart and draw her to Him again.
    • My request that God bless me with husband and my own children.
    • I have three things that I am asking for God to shed light on the path. First, our home sold and we close on Monday. We have not found our future hime. I am asking God to move in a mighty way to identify where He would like us to live for His glory. Not our will - God’s will. Second, I am applying for a job that I’ve been working towards for six years. I am asking God for divine guidance in my thoughts, words and knowledge to perform in an excellent way when applying and interviewing for the job. Again, God’s will, not mine. Lastly, guiding me in the decision to be vaccinated. I am planning on getting vaccinated on Friday and ask that God intervene if this is not His will for me. I thank you all so much for a place to pray with other God seeking women.
    • Please pray for My daughter Mallory. She was in an accident and we would like prayers for her full recovery. Prayers to see, walk, talk and use her arms/hands. Thank you so much
    • Unspoken request please.
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